CH 36

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Jk looked at Jimin confused as he brought him to a corner with a big smile "is there something wrong Jimin-ah?"

Jimin shook his head as a 'no' as he look at left and right to see if someone was there and looked Back at jk "There's no problem- oops sorry, there is"

Jk got worried after hearing his words "why, what happened? It's nothing to much worry about, right?"

Jimin burst out laughing after seeing the expressions on Jk's face "sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you but you need to be very much worry about it"

Jk got even more worried as he looked at Jimin with the cutest face ever "don't joke around with me know I am a very sensitive person...what is it?"

Jimin teasingly smiled as he moved closer to him "the problem we have here is that I can't control myself whenever you are with me you are just so much Handsome so I am worried people might get suspicious of us"

Jk sighed in relief and hit Jimin's Arm gently and smiled as the compliment "I thought something bad happened for real, you can say whatever you want even when we are in public cause No one will understand you but you may  control your actions"

Jimin pouted "you're saying as I no body knows about our relationship"

Jk smiled teasingly "You're the one who said it first though so I just played along"

Jimin pouted even more "That's Unfair..."

Jk furrowed "what is?"

"You know what I want, right jungkookie~"

Jk rolled his eyes cutely "Don't be so stupid Jimin-ah, everyone must be waiting for us outside. Let's go"

Jimin nodded and they both again walk towards the crowded area and Jimin kept his gaze most of the time on jungkook which made jk a little comfortable but tried not to make it obvious at all

They were at a birthday party of their friend currently, even here they have a lot of friends and everyone knows about their relationship, they don't have to hide it at all

"You should leave him for some time, we won't eat him. We promise" one of the spoke in Italian and the other laughed while jk blushed

"Aw~ sorry that I made you guys think that but he's just so much Handsome to be left alone, don't you think so too?" Hearing Jimin everyone laughed while nodding and jk just loved it when Jimin spoke Italian, he look cute

"Ok,ok so should we just chill for tonight?" The birthday boy spoke

"Yeah, let's not care about college for today!" The other said and they all cheered

The night went quite chilling and Jimin was hella drunk and jk was driving, he looked at Jimin who was on the back seat with a smile but annoyed one

He have to take care of him now but he just loves the other so much to leave him, he can hear his annoyed ass

A thing that I never said anything about before that when jk was 18 years old, he lived wth his parents in Italy

He first met Jimin In Italy when he was a high school student and their colleges just started as they Graduated some months ago

JK's parents do know about their relationship, it's not hidden from them

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