CH 37

227 14 24

Author POV:

Jk walked in the room and found jin walking back and forth in the big room but he didn't bother to say anything to him and placed his jacket on the sofa and Jin noticed his presence then

He walked to jk with a worried face and asked: "Where were you?"

Jk took a deep breath as he replied: "Do I need to give you details about wherever I go?"

Jin was a bit confused by JK's reaction but still spoke "I have been trying to reach you but you didn't picked up any of my calls nor did you replied to my texts and I even called Namjoon and Yeonjun to ask if you were with them but you were not...I was worried sick for you Jungkook-ah"

Jungkook replied in a manner of fact manner: "I am not a kid Jin, I can take care of myself. You didn't had to worry so much for me, it seems like you are overreacting"

Jin stared at him in disbelief as he spoke: "I am overeating? Are you sure about that jungkook? I have been waiting for you since morning, for you to come back but the least you can do is to say that I am overreacting?"

Jk closed his eyes and reopen it and Said: "Are you now suspecting me?"

"When did I say that, What's wrong with you?" He asked jk

Jungkook let out a heavy sigh and spoke: "There's nothing wrong with me, let's talk later" saying this he walk past Jin

Leaving him alone there to wonder and mumbled to himself "what actually is wrong? Did something happened I don't know about?"

He then thought it's better to just talk wth Jungkook later like he requested more like said. So he just went to the left side of the bed and sat there

After 10 mins, He was still sitting there looking through his phone when the door of the washroom opened revealing Jk with wet hairs

He looked at him and again looked back in his phone, he felt jk's presence next to him and looked at him as Jk's spoke: "I think we should just talk- actually there's nothing to talk about...I don't think it's necessary for me to tell you where I we--"

Jin spoke as he cut off "You're right, let's sleep" saying this he placed his phone on the side table and laid on the bed ignoring jk who was still looking at him

Jk sighed and said: "Well, sorry I shouldn't have behaved like that before" saying this he also got up and turned off the lights

"I am sure you're hiding something from me jungkook..." Jin mumbled to himself as he close his eyes to get rid of any bad thoughts

The morning came as always, the sun shining outside the window proudly. People outside must be enjoying this lovely day, he could see kids running outside, laugher could be hear, people chatting, enjoying their time. Everyone would be loving this day with full of joy but for some it was nothing

Jk was growing impatient as he stared outside the window, waiting for a particular person for who he have been waiting for half an hour but there's no sign of him

The bell of the cafe rang altering him that someone came in, he drifted his attention to the door and sighed in relief as the person walked to him

"Sorry for being a bit later"

Jk faced him, a bit furious and said: "Not a bit but whole 33 Mims later you are"

He chuckled and sat opposite of jk "Were you this desperate to meet me, huh?" He smirked

Jk rolled his eyes as he replied to his stupid imagination: "Keep thinking that for the hell I care, tell me what you want so that I can leave. I am not as free as you are"

Jimin pouted but let out "What I want is simple...I want to meet jiwon"

Jk chuckled dryly "No you can't do that"

Jimin furrowed as he questioned:" and may I ask why is that?"

Jk thought for a moment of whether to tell him or not and after making a decision by himself he replied: "Because she's in Italy with mom and Dad, I send her there after you left cause there was no way I could take care of her and she is totally happy there and I don't want her to come back here"

"You made a good decision but...I need to meet her, I want to and for that she must come back" Jimin said being stubborn and jk just wanted to kill him right here so there won't be more problems that Jimin wants to create "And I'll keep her with myself"

Jk spoke furiously: "There's no way that I am gonna leave her to you!"

"Then we both can take care of him?" Jimin said

Jk didn't said anything instead he looked away, outside the window

Meanwhile, Jin was getting bored listening to Taehyung's useless but cute whining so he decided to speak: "Taehyung please, keep quite for some time! Will you?"

V pouted but didn't said anything else but Ofcourse he just cant keep his mouth shut "I just want yoongi to be back soon!"

Jin let out annoydly: "Oh my mom, help be back! It's just 4 days and you have come crazy without him! I am already doing crazy here"

Taehyung suddenly got curious so he asked: "And why is that?"

"Jungkook was acting very strange last night...I don't understand what has gotten into him" Jin said as look at Taehyung wth a worried face

A expression that Taehyung didn't saw for a long time "I think you should give him some time and will tell you later on his own If there's something" it must be because of Jimin, taehyung thought to himself

Jin didn't said anything instead he just nodded with a sigh

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