CH 54

235 16 11

Author POV:

Jungkook got out off the car. He stared At the place That was before his eyes and Considered whether He should go in or not.
But there was one thought that Gave him courage Jin did so much for me, I need to protect him too.

He ran In that Old Place but one thing that made him rethink his decision what if I mess up everything? But still he brought all of his courage together and ran in.

Now that he was in, he looked left and right. The Voices of gunshots Were Not as Continuous as before but he didn't knew which way to go.

After thinking for some time, he went to the right side and tried his best not to get caught or something. After all he's not professional in these things.

After living with Seokjin for almost 2 years, he should have learnt some Of this To at least so he could protect Himself but He never did. He never Thought that this time would come

He was afraid that he might only cause more trouble But something Inside him was telling him that he Needs to.

His brain is telling him that he's stupid to come back here but his heart is telling him the opposite.

It wants him to forget about himself and just go in and 99% of the people listens to their heart and so did jungkook.

But heart is always selfish, isn't it? Your brain tells you to do things which are right for yourself but heart tells you to do things for the people you gave your heart to.

In the way, he spotted Yoongi. He was just yet thinking that he should go to or not but till then, Yoongi noticed him instead.

Suga's eyes widened when he saw jungkook standing a little far from him, he first thought that it's his vision but when Jungkook called his name he understood that it isn't.

He walked to jungkook in shock and asked: "What are you doing here jungkook? I thought you successfully got out of here?"

"I did Yoongi...but I don't know I am back..."

He raised his brows, "What about that what was her--"


"Yes, Sooyoung! What about her?"

"She is at hospital and jisoo is there with her ..."

Yoongi looked at jungkook with tightened eyes "Shit! I should have told Taehyung to go back behind you so you wouldn't be here right now! You should go back, you should not be here"

"No, I can't...I am not going back"

"It's dangerous here, we're looking for that old man, he's hiding somewhere here. I promise you that we'll be back safely but can you please go back? Don't put your life in danger please"

Jungkook shook his head as he was not going to do what Suga said "I can't leave Jin alone..."

"What do you mean by alone? We're all here, we can protect him!"

"That's the biggest problem. You all are always there to protect him but I was never. He always protected me but I could never do anything for him..."

Suga didn't know what to say at the moment, he knows how stubborn Jungkook is. "You need to under--"

"Do you have an extra gun?"

Suga raised his brows "What?"

"I asked if you have an extra gun..."

"Yes, I have one...I picked it up incase if it's needed" he then hesitantly asked "Are you sure you can do it?"

Jungkook nodded "Yes, atleast for now..."

Impossible - Jinminkook Where stories live. Discover now