CH 39

211 17 9

Only for if you're confuse about their current ages

Seokjin: 26
Jungkook: 25
Jimin: 25
Yoongi: 26
Taehyung: 25
Jhope: 26

Double update✨

Author POV:

Jimin was just staring at jungkook who was laying unconscious for the past half an hour,he don't know when he'll wake up but one thing that he knows is that he'll throw tantrums after he'll wake up

A sigh left his lips and he close his eyes but it opened wide when he heard a small voice, he looked at jungkook who was slowly opening his eyes

"Why am I here?" Jk asked, eyes still half closed

"You suddenly fainted outside the cafe so I brought you to the hospital" Jimin said

Jk sat up properly with the help of Jimin but didn't forgot to glare at him "What time is it?"

"Five o'clock" Jimin said making JK's eyes go wide, he took of his IV and got up immediately "Hey, calm down! You're still not we--"

"I can never get rid of this and that's just because of you so you better don't pretend that you worry, care about me! You're the one an only reason why I am her in the first place so you better don't!" Jk shouted making Jimin to take a step back as he blinked multiple times

"Because of me...?" Jimin ask, pretending like he knows nothing- That's what Jungkook thinks

"Don't act like you know nothing, you can never still likes to pretend, play stupid, huh? When you came to Seoul, I fall in your trap but that not gonna happen again, just fuck off" jungkook said and pushed Jimin harshly making him to lose his balance and he fall/sat on the couch near

The sound of door closing was heard but Jimin didn't moved at all, lost in his thoughts

"What did I do that made you hate me so much jungkook? what did I do..." Jimin mumbled to himself as he held his head between his hands and leaned it on his knees "Why do I not know anything? Why..."

Meanwhile, Suga was happy a little bit that after so many days of staying with the Hobi that he thinks is annoying. He's finally going back to where he used to live but one thing bothers him

One thing, that Taehyung told him. That Jimin Is time, he thinks Something else and the second, Jhope's words repeat in his head

He literally don't know what to do, he have been keeping his eyes on Jimin's every move and what makes him even more confuse is that the one and only person Jimin meets the most is non other than jeon Jungkook, but why?

He have been trying to find it out but now he made a decision of that he'll ask jungkook himself and he's sure at least 60% sure that jungkook will tell him

Cause from the past more than one year, whenever jungkook is in any trouble or something he always come to yoongi and tells him his problem despite the fact  Yoongi sometimes improvise him

He treated jungkook as a brother and that's how he treats e everyone close to him

"Don't forget what I told you okay!" Jhope said more like ordered and yoongi rolled his eyes

He would just try to ignore what jhope has been saying to him for the past days until jk tells him everything, if jhope is right than he'll keep Jhope's words in his mind or else he prefer to act like it never happened

After all, they both have been fighting like kids almost everything. Yoongi is sure he spoke way to much in these days Enough for the whole year

This describes that jhope is ruining his peace and personality

"Ok, ok whatever so don't do much drama" yoongi said

"Bye, yoongi-ah! I'll miss you" jhope said

"As if, write it whenever you want! You'll be there by tomorrow" yoongi said

He sure acts like he finds jhope annoying and he sure do but he likes being annoyed and he want jhope to annoy him more and more but still at the same time he hates it


Jungkook was standing in front of the mirror blankly until their was a knock on the door, he turned back to see yoongi peeking in after seeing jungkook, he took steps in and closed the door behind

"Oh yoongi! When did you came back?" Jungkook said sounding happy "How are you now?"

"Woah! I am shocked that you remember me, I thought you would have even forgotten my name. You didn't even bothered to give me a single call after leaving me alone with that annoying Person" yoongi said

Jungkook stared laughing "I didn't knew that you care about such things. By the way, Jin is in his office right now"

"I Know" yoongi said simply and sat on the sofa, jungkook looked like a cute lost puppy

"Then...? Did you came to say something to me...?" Jk asked and Yoongi Nodded. Okay so, jungkook knows it's not a good call

He sat next to yoongi wth a raised brow "look jungkook...I'll be have thought of me as a brother, right? You always told me your problems?"

"Why are you asking Such questions? You're scaring me..." Jk said with a pout

Yoongi sighed as he continued "promise me, you'll not lie to me and will just answer to whatever I'll ask?"

Jk Nodded "Promise"

"I don't know what's going on but...I would like to ask have been meeting Jimin behind Jin's back, aren't you?" Yoongi said and Jungkook's face turned into fear one immediately and yoongi got the answer "You can tell me everything jungkook, I promise to help you with all I can"

Jk looked at him hopeful "You will?" Yoongi Nodded, jungkook Took deep breath "Promise me, you won't say anything until i tell you everything?"

"I promise" yoongi said and waited for jungkook to Say Something

"Actually...7 years ago...when I was 18 years old, I lived with my parents in Italy...that's where I met Jimin, we studied in the same high school. We were good friends until one day Jimin confessed his love to me...I...I just said yes, we become Boyfriends... soon after when I graduated, after 2 and Jimin married, my parents were aware of everything but not Jimin's...he was alone in Italy...we were happy in our life until one night..."

Yoongi was in shock but still managed to ask "What happened that night?"

"He..." The door opened revealing Jin, jk and Yoongi's eyes widened and they both got up immediately looking at Jin in shock

" it true Jungkook?" Jin said

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