CH 31

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Author POV:

"I sincerely want to kill you Hobi" yoongi said with closed eyes, jhope had a happy grin on his face

"Oh C'mon Yoongi ah~ I am the sweetest person ever, if you kill me then you'll lessen the percentage of good people's in the world and I am sure I hold the 100 Percentage, so indirectly you'll kill all nice people's In the world" Hobi said confidently

"Do you think it makes even a little percent of sense?" Yoongi said

"Whatever and don't you dare put anything on me cause it was you who throw himself at me" jhope said Smirking

"I didn't throw myself at you! It was an accident and it wouldn't have happened if you had not snatched my phone!" Yoongi said a little embarrassed now

"As if! It was your fault that you started using your phone when I clearly was talking to you!" Jhope said, Yoongi rolled his eyes

"I just don't understand how much more time I have to spend with you here" yoongi Said

"Just one more week, don't worry. I'll take care of you" jhope said sarcastically

"Still one more week? That's not gonna happen, I can't bear you for 7 more days when it was hard already for 2 days" Yoongi said

"We'll see if you'll stay here or not" jhope said smirking


"Oh! Yeonjunnie, namjoonie!!"

Jungkook waved his both hands in the air like a small kid while jumping

"Woah! You're changed a lot..." Namjoon said as he hug jungkook

"Nope I didn't I am still that same" jungkook said

Yeonjun came from behind and hugged the both and the three of them laughed

After some mins, the three of them is in a cafe

"I have a lot~ to tell you" Yeonjun said excitedly

"Yeah, yeah we can tell him that later but first tell me how's your life going?" Namjoon said

"My life is veryyyy good" jk said

"You Happy with that Seokjin?" Yeonjun asked suspicious

"Yes, I am!" Jk said smiling

"That's a relief then" namjoon said and yeonjun nodded


"Are you ready sehun?" Jimin asked as he opened the door and came in

Sehun nodded "I hope everything happens as we planned"

"Yeah..." Jimin said and took a seat on the chair still looking at sehun "I don't have much work to do anyways, I just need to pretend like I am your secretary"

"You also need to talk with jin, don't forget that and you're sure that jungkook is not home?" Sehun ask, jimin nod

"I am totally sure, he's out with his friends" jimin said

"Are you sure thy Jin will be present there?" Sehun asked, jimin nodded "Okay, then! I am ready...let's go" sehun said and came to Jimin and brought his hand in front of him to take

Jimin stared at him for a sec before taking it and standing up


"Did I really had to be present it this stupid meeting?" Jin asked Annoyedly

"Ofcourse! Jungkook is not even here and he left just telling me and not even hearing what my answer was" Taehyung said even more annoyed

"Ofcourse, he came to tell you not to ask you" Jin said smirking, Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Only if Yoongi was alright that you wouldn't had to be here cause he's more responsible than you Hyung" Taehyung said smirking

"Yeah, sure and if you don't want to me burry you alive then keep your mouth shut" Jin said with a fake smile that made Taehyung to roll his eyes but still kept his mouth shut

A knock of door of his office was heard "come in"

"Sir, they have arrived. Currently in the meeting room waiting for you" she said

"It us who have been waiting for them" Jin said

"C'mon hyung, get up! You lazy head" Taehyung said

"As if!" Jin said and finally got up


"It's nice to meet you," sehun said as he shake hands with Seokjin

"Sure" Seokjin said and pulled back his hand

"And...he's my secretary" sehun said and moved a little to left so jimin will be seen

Both, Taehyung and jin's eyes widened seeing him standing there "It been so long, isn't it"

Jin clenched his fist, Taehyung held his arm to keep him in place "Hyung, don't do anything stupid" he whispered

"I 'bout we postpone the meeting actually my brother isn't feeling so well..." Taehyung said

"Um but...we came from a far I don't think it would be okay---" sehun said

"No there's no need to do that, I am okay so let's start. Please take a seat" Jin said

Jimin internally smirked and took seat next to sehun and opposite of Taehyung

'lets not bring personal feelings, get a grip on yourself, jin' Seokjin thought and took a deep breath
To his surprise, the meeting went quite Smoothly

'jungkook wasn't wrong when he said that jimin had called him' Jin thought as he looked at Jimin who was taking with sehun 'i won't let you come in my life again...'

He turn back to leave but a voice stopped him "!" He turned back to see jimin and sehun wasn't there anymore

"Is there something you need, secretary park?" Jin raised his brows

"Um...not really but I wanted to ask you, how's Jung--" he couldn't complete his sentence when Jin Hurriedly came to him

"Don't even let his name come out of your mouth" Jin said with clenched fists, his face was serious even for Jimin to understand it's a threat

"Why?" Jimin ask

"Let me make one thing clear with you...stay away from jungkook, don't even try to show yourself in front of him. He have already erased you from his life" Jin said

"We'll see that later" jimin said as he moved closer to him enough close for their knees to touch "If jungkook wants me in his life or not, I don't think it's you to decide that. Let me take my leave now...bye, it was nice meeting you again"

Saying this Jimin moved back and started walking away

"If you touch him, I'll kill you jimin!" Jin said, Jimin ignored his warning and kept walking freely

"I won't let you ruin my life again...not again..." Jin mumble

Impossible - Jinminkook Where stories live. Discover now