CH 7

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Author POV:

Jin went to jk

"Did you knew everything?" Jin asked

"What do you mean?" Jk said

"I said if you fucking knew what Jimin planned! Ofcourse you knew he would tell everything to you" Jin shouted

"I fucking didn't knew anything! If I had knew I am not this stupid to come to the wedding!" Jk shouted back

"You--" Jin said

"Don't create a scene here Jin" jhope said

"Come with me" Jin held JK's wrist and dragged him outside

"What the fuck--" jk said

"Did you told him everything?" Jin said, his voice was so cold, it can make anyone scare

"I didn't!" Jk said

"How can I believe you?" Jin said forrowing his eyebrows

"If you wouldn't believe me then why bother asking!?" Jk shouted

"Don't cross your limits, jk" Jin said

"I am crossing my limits?" Jk said he laughed a little in disbelief "are you fucking kidding with me!? First you said that I helped Jimin in running away, then you dragged me here, then you said I told everything to him and now you are saying I am crossing my limits, when I didn't do any of it!" Jk shouted

"You are really getting on my nerves" Jin said

"Really? What will you do,huh?" Jk said

"Sir! It's hard, we can't find where exactly Jimin is" one of his men came running to him

"Fuck!" Jin yelled

"I am glad he ran away instead of marrying him" jk mumbled

Jin just left angry from there

He went to his dad

"What am I  gonna do now?" Jin asked

"Don't worry...I will find a solution" his dad said

"How can I not worry?" Jin said

"Everyone know it's your wedding today..." Said

"It will fucking hurt my pride" Jin said

"There's only one way" his dad said

"What?" Jin said

His told him


"Hey, you! Come here" Jin said to jk

"What now?" Jk said, Jin stared at him, head to toe

"What?" Jk asked again

"You are not bad either" Jin said

"What?" Jk said

"I will get to the point..." Jin said



"What!?" Jk shouted

"You heard me right" Jin said

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