CH 22

256 18 16

Love me?

Author POV:

"Aw~ you're so sweet jinnie, I am already in love with you" Eun byeol, Jungkook's aunt said

Jin laughed a little "That's too much"

"I knew from the start that you're a nice guy its just that Jungkook-hyung said bad things about you some time ago that made me thing that you're aren't like I thought you would be...but now that I have met you, I can say you're a perfect husband type" Soobin said

"He said bad things about me?" Jin said

"Yeah...the way you got married... it doesn't force him to say bad things about you...It was a forced marriage for him after all..." Soobin said a little sadly but then smiled as he continued "but I am happy that you guys are doing very well together"

"Soobin is right...but it wasn't your fault in the marriage too... It was guys were always meant to be together" Eun byeol said

"Yeah...I guess..." Jin said

"What are you guys talking about?" Jk ask as he walk down the stairs

"Nothing much..." Soobin reply

"I the way...which is our room aunt?" Jk ask

"Soobin, go" she said

"Be quick, you turtle" jk said

"Shut up, brat hyung" soobin said

"Woah what a way to insult and give respect to someone at a same time! I am impressed, be quick,  bastard soobin-ssi" jk said

"SURE, Bitch jungkook-ssi" soobin said

"Hey! How dare you curse--" jk said pointing his index finger at soobin, Jin Chuckled but shrugged the expressions off his face when jk glared at him "Now are you coming or not?!"

"Aish, you're really annoying... you know it well, right Hyung? I guess Jin Hyung knows it well too...he's well mannered and a gentle man unlike you" soobin said

"Gentlemen? As if" jk said

'He's calling a mafia, a gentle man...what a joke' jk Thought

*Beep beep, beep beep*

Jin stand up "Um...I need to take this call"

"Sure, take your time son" she said and jin smiled

"Who is it?" Jk ask, Jin look over his shoulder and mouth 'Taehyung' "What! Why is he calling you now?"

"How can I know when I haven't even pick up? You didn't told him , did you?" Jin said, jk look away "I knew it...that must be the reason he's calling and if he talk about you I am gonna give you the phone to talk to him on your own"

"I need to take a shower, be quick soobin!" Jk said and Rushed up
Jin shake his head

"Who's Taehyung?" She ask and soobin goes up whining

"My Younger brother" Jin said, she nod and Jin pick the call

"Thank god hyung, you finally pick up! I have been calling jungkook but he isn't picking up for god knows why"

"When I told him it's your call, he rushed up"


Jin could hear the Taehyung's whines "Can't you tell why? He forgot to tell you"

"Is he scared of me? Woah! Really? It's hard to believe...I mean he's not even scared of you Hyung but me? Wow!!"

Jin roll his eyes hearing Taehyung's happy voice "It's not like you won a lottery or something and he shouldn't be scared of me, it's not like I am a ghost"

"But you're a mafia hyung...I guess that mafia is more scary than ghosts"

"I would recommend you to keep your tongue in control or it will be the first thing I'll break once I am back"

"'re so scary I wonder how he's not scared of you--"

"Do you have nothing else to say, just wasting my time?"

"C'mon hyung...I am your brother not your Friend-- well, I am also your friend---"

"If you kept spouting nonsense than I am gonna hang up"

"Whatever...just tell jungkook to call me, I need to talk with him about some work..."

"Ok, bye"

He said and hung up without hearing his reply, he look at his aunt "My brother is just a little whiny..." She smiled

"I would love to talk with him" she said

"No, wouldn't want to...he's a pain in the ass" Jin said

"You shouldn't say such things about your brother... but I guess you're just joking..." She said and look at soobin who was coming down "i guess you should also go and fresh up, you must be tired..." Jin smiled

"Hey little, will you tell me the way?" Jin says, looking at soobin

"Firstly, I am not little and second, I am sorry but I am not going up again so do you see that door over there?" Soobin said

"Yup, I do...I'll go on my own, I don't need a babysitter" Jin said

"Hey! What was that?!" Soobin said but Jin walked away

Jin opened the door to see jungkook standing there with only a towel on his waist in front of the mirror styling his hair Jin made his way closer to him and jungkook almost jumped in surprise when Jin's cold hand touched his body as Jin back hug him

"W-what are you doing?" Jk ask

"Nothing...just hugging you...?" Jin said as he rest his head on his neck, jk could feel his hot breath on his neck that was disturbing him so much

"I...need to get dress up...will... b-back away?" Jk said

"Sure..." Jin said and broke the hug to only turn jk to face him and to both of there surprise

Without Jin himself knowing, he kissed jungkook

JK's eyes wide open in surprise, he didn't expect this all of a sudden, Jin backed away a little

"Um...I...I am sorry" Jin said

Jk didn't said anything and went in the washroom locking the door, he lean against the door a unexpected smile formed on his face as he touch the spot where those plump lips touched

'maybe...he couldn't resist...does... Does he really love me?' jk thought smiling


Sorry for the late update
I hope you liked this chapter 💜

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