CH 15

295 20 6

He do!

Author POV:

Jin went to his room and throw himself on the bed, he stared at the picture in front of him which was on the wall...the only picture they both took together, he was very lazy to do anything...he jut kept looking at the picture, suddenly his phone rang, he ignored it because he don't feel like talking to anyone

It rang again but he still didn't answer... finally the Third time...he got annoyed and picked the call without even looking at the ID

"What the hell you want!?" He shouted not caring whoever is on the phone

"Just why the hell are you so angry?" Jhope asked, he looked at the ID and sigh

"Get to the point" Jin said

"You are so rude..." Jhope said

"I said get to the point" Jin's speak in a deep voice

"Ok, ok....jk is awake" jhope said

"Huh? I...I am coming" Jin said and quickly hang up not letting jhope say anything else, he don't know if he was happy or not...he picked his coat and phone and went out as soon as possible

When he reached the hospital, he quickly ran to his room, rm, yeonjun, jhope and jisoo were inside, he went in slowly, everyone's attention went to him... JK's expressions Showed he is surprise to see Jin while yeonjun just rolled his eyes

"I still don't like him...." YeonJun mumbled

"Um... guys I think we should let them both...?" Jhope said, rm and Yeonjun glared at him but still they went out, only jk and jin was in the room now

"Why did you came back? You said you still Need to stay there for 3 days..." Jk said

"Did you expected me to stay there when you were in the hospital?" Jin said

"Maybe...?" Jk said, Jin rolled his eyes

"How are you feeling now?" Jin asked

"It's hurt if I move" jk said Pouting

"Who told you to come down?" Jin said as he slapped his head playfully

"It's hurts" jk said Pouting, Jin smiled

"Should I say thank you to you?" Jin said

"For what?" Jk asked confusingly

"Ofcourse for saving jisoo's life...but you should care about yourself too" Jin said

"Were you worried for me?" Jk asked

"Ofcourse dummy! What a lame question are you asking" Jin said slapping his head again, jk pout "cute"

"That's wrong with you Mr? You are Being so polite today" jk said

"Wasn't I always polite?" Jin said

"You weren't before we got married" jk said

"But I was always kind" Jin said, jk rolled his eyes


Rm, yeonjun who are avesdropping them...

"Is he acting?" Rm said

"If he is then he is such a good actor..." Yeonjun said

"Will you two please stop doubting him?" Jisoo said

"We can't!" They both said at the same time

"He really loves jk, believe or not" jhope said

"Loves jk? Or is he just treating him as a Friend?" YeonJun asked with furrowed brows

"He.really.loves.him!" Jisoo said, they both rolled their eyes

"He treat you the same, does it mean he loves you too?" rm said

"We are brothers!" Jhope said

"Then he must be thinking of jk as a brother too--" rm said

"What If I say I don't?" Jin asked as he went out of the room while closing the door

"You're not playing with his feelings, are you?" YeonJun Said, they both were throwing eachother hate glares until someone else interepted them

"Wil you stop?" Jisoo said, Jin finally backed off

"Believe or's your choice" Jin said and then looked at jhope "he is asleep, take good care of him and if something bad happens, call me immediately"
Jhope nod "I'll go first and jisoo you should head home too"

"But--" jisoo stopped when jhope tapped her shoulder giving her a sign to left, she sigh "okay..."
She went with Jin while yeonjun and rm were still standing there annoyed

Jin dropped jisoo to her home and went back to the Mansion

"Did Suga or v came?" He asked the guard

"Sir V is in and sir Suga too" the guard replied, Jin nod and went in

He went back to his office after some minutes, there was nock on the door

"Come in..." He spoke lightly

Suga came in

"Maybe I can say it's too some but...I am sure that's it one of them" Suga said handing Jin two papers

"You indeed are a professional" Jin said as he picked the papers and read it

"Mr.lee and Mr.Byun? Isn't they working for more than 7 years already? They are are most trustworthy mens..." Jin said

"I know but...I am sure it's one of them" Suga said

"How are you so sure?" Jin said

"7 years ago...thy tried to work with the danes company but they was unable to...I am also sure that, it's not a simple company because they both always wanted to work for guess is that they are betraying us by working with them" Suga explained

"Isn't it the second largest company?" Jin asked, Suga nod
"Isn't it interesting?" He smirked "Send someone to stalk them both...but make sure that person is trustworthy and I want to know everything they do..."

"Yes" Suga said "and I think Danes was the one behind all of this and you also have meeting with him tomorrow" 

"How you know?" Jin asked

"I asked jhope, he got a call the on the day when you went to Japan, when jhope told them you are not in the korea than men said 'i know' jhope said you can meet him in 9 days but he said in 5 days because he knew you were going to come back after 4 days...and you did and you have a meeting with him tomorrow, he got a call from the company today too...about the meeting" Suga said

"We'll see tomorrow, so now you just need to take care of mr.lee and mr.byun I'll take care of them by myself" Jin said, Suga nod "the real games begin now" he smirk

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