CH 32

217 17 11

Author POV:

Jin walked in their room angrily and which angered him more was that, even jungkook is not here

He took off his coat and checked the time and it was 11:26 pm already

"Why is he not home yet?" Jin Mumbled and dialed his number only to find it unavailable, he raised his brows

He sighed and went to take a quick shower, when he went out he took a look at his phone again to find 2 calls from jk and it was 12 am now

He took his car's key and placed his phone on the bed side and Went out to pick jungkook

After 10 mins, he is outside yeonjun's home waiting for Jk to come out who's busy still talking with yeonjun standing at the door

"I don't understand what more is left to talk about they are literally together for more than 6 hours" Jin mumbled annoydly

"Bye, bye yeonjunnie!" Saying this jungkook finally came in sat On the passengers seat and let out a sigh of relief

"Finally! I thought I was going to wait here forever for you today" Jin said and jk pouted cutely but his face turned into a worried one the next moment

"Something happened? You seem like you're in a bad mood..." Jk asked softly and shook his head while smiling

"I am totally fine, you're imagining things" jin said

"Um...okay if you say the way, I enjoyed a lot today" jk said as Jin started the car and hummed in response

After some secs, jk spoke again hoping a proper reply from jin "I had a lot of fun, how was the meeting?"

Just hearing that Jin remembered jimin because of jk's sudden Question, jk Noticed how Jin tensed up hearing what he said so he placed his hand on jin's right thigh shocking Jin and himself as well so he moved his hand back

"Was the meeting went okay?" Jk asked hesitantly and jin Nodded but this time wth a smile on his angelic face

Jk looked outside the window and without knowing how and when he call asleep while resting his head on the window looking cute as ever!

Jin took a glance at him and smiled seeing him asleep, he speed up the car cause jungkook must be in a uncomfortable position

After 7 mins, they were home and jin laid jungkook on the bed carefully and tugged him in the covers and sat next to him while caressing his hairs, he let out a sigh

"I don't understand anything jk... what am I supposed to do now? I don't want jimin to ruin the best moment of my life which we just started to spend" Jin mumbled still looking at his peaceful face

He shrugged of bad thougts and went to other side of the bed to lay

The next morning, jk opened his eyes slowly and the sunlight hits direct in his eyes and he tries to adjust with the sunlight and opened his eyes fully finally and let out a groan in annoyance

"Who the hell moved away the curtains..." he mumbled and saw Taehyung standing there with his hands on his hip right in front of their bed, he turned to look at his other side to see Jin still sleeping and smiled

"Get up, lazy ass! You can stare at your husband all life you want but right now get up for god sake, I didn't knew it is this hard to wake you up" Taehyung burst out

"What the hell do you want?" Jk said with a threatening voice

Taehyung gulped "I mean, get up its something important"

Jk rolled his eyes and sat up straight on the bed and glared at Taehyung before getting up and went to Washroom, v breath out the breath, he himself didn't know he was holding in

He looked at jin who was still sleeping peacefully and decided to close the curtains again and he did as he decided, he closed the curtains so his Hyung won't be disturbed. After all, his mission is complete. He only wanted to wake jungkook up from his sleep


"So now will you bother telling me for what you ruined my precious sleep?" Jk asked while eating his breakfast on the dining table and taehyung sitting on his right side just looking at him blankly but nervously

"Actually...the thing is know the new project? Um...I mean the meeting yesterday went quite good but...I was thinking no...actually it would be better if someone else assist me?" V said making jk to furrow his brows

"And why is that?" Jk asked

"Um...actually you seem a little tired these days so I thought that---" Taehyung stopped when jk glared at him

"There's no way and I am not tired at all but I sure an angry now because you woke me up for only this?" Jk said annoyedly

V cleared his throat " if you don't want to then it's on you..."

'atleast I tried to make him back off so jin Hyung won't say anything to me' v thought

"I'll get ready, then come down! Don't you dare go without me" jk said and placed the dishes in the sink and went upstairs

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he already understood jk want him to wash it, annoyedly but not so much annoyedly v got up to do the dishes our professional dish washer, any knows it here?


"Well, Taehyung...I was thinking you aren't like that, tell me the real reason...why did you wanted me to back off? Was it just go show to Jin?" Jk ask

"You'll know soon, I guess" v said

Jk shrugged and waited patiently to know the reason


When they reached, to thier surprise someone came and said something to them

"Sir, they have arrived and they are in your office"

V nodded and looked over at jk who was clinging on his arm and rolled his eyes


On the other hand, jimin was looking outside from his office's window and saw Taehyung and jungkook coming and raised his brow at how close they looked

Jungkook was clinging on his arm like he's his boyfriend or something

"Nah, I told you it wasn't supposed to be like that" voice of jungkook came from outside the door and jimin Noticed that they were gone from his view already

The door opened and both sehun and jimin got up

Jk's eyes widened when he saw jimin infront of his eyes, he looked at Taehyung them at Jimin and let out a unbelievable chuckle

"Ji...min?" Jk said

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