CH 18

293 17 4

Why can't you understand?

Author POV:

"So why did you wanted to meet me, Mr park jimin?" The man asked

"I want to make a deal with you" jimin said

"Deal? What kind of deal?" He asked

"About...Kim Seokjin" jimin said

"Kim SeokJin? Who's he?" The man asked

"Oops I forgot you don't know it" jimin said chuckling

"If I don't even know him why would I make a deal about him? You're wasting your time being here mr.park" the man said

"You're trying to act innocent, oh see ho?" Jimin said

"You even know my name?" He asked

"Ofcourse I do! That was a lame one" jimin said, sehun roll his eyes

"Get to the point or I am not a free person to joke around with you" sehun said

"C'mon! Well, I'll tell you who Kim Seokjin is but in exchange you need to make a deal with me" jimin said

"What if Seokjin is not someone I even give a shit about...?" Sehun asked

"Then you break the deal?" Jimin said

" continue, what kind of deal?" Sehun said

"You'll get Seokjin and you'll help me get jungkook" jimin said

"Why would I want Seokjin?" Sehun asked furrowing

"Don't be stubborn! Once you figure out who he is you'll need him more than anything he's your enemy after all and you'll help me get jungkook we need to separate them but the biggest thing...Jungkook shouldn't be hurt" jimin said

"Who's he now?" Sehun asked

"Seokjin's forced husband" Jimin said annoyed

"Do you like him---" sehun said

"Ooh no! He's my friend and I want to free him from Seokjin" jimin said

"Ok! Deal fixed! Now tell me who's Seokjin?" Sehun said, jimin sign him to come closer which sehun did

"He is the boss of black Ross" jimin said, which made sehun wide his eyes as he look at Jimin, confused yet in disbelief

"How can you say that?" Sehun asked

"Its simple! I'll tell you everything, every single detail about him now tell me you are going to help me?" Jimin said for which Sehun nod confusingly

"But how do you know about me? I do you know he's my enemy?" Sehun asked

"I have my ways, Sehun-- Oops sorry I dropped the honorific---" Jimin said

"Cut it, I don't care about that" Sehun said

"Ok, then I know everything about you like I know about Seokjin" Jimin said, Sehun rolled his eyes

"I hope you can be useful" Sehun said

"I will be more than you can imagine" Jimin said as he bring his hand up in the hair, Sehun stared at his hand for some minutes before finally shaking hands with him/Sharing a handshake

"I will be more than you can imagine" Jimin said as he bring his hand up in the hair, Sehun stared at his hand for some minutes before finally shaking hands with him/Sharing a handshake

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Oh sehun

The one and only heir of oh's Family, he is the son of a mafia yet a politician. He is the boss of 'white blood' that's the name of thier gang. He is not so cold or nor he is rude. He loves acompmay and lovable people's

"You're such a baby jk!" Minho said laughing

"Don't baby me" jk said Pouting, Minho pinch his cheeks cutely which made jk burst into a smile

"Will you to please go somewhere else if you just want to flirt?" Jin said, Minho and jk looked at Jin confused the way he spoke his voice had anger in it, yet it was so deep which make shiver run down on both of thier spines

"Hyung don't be so jinlous" v said, minseok started laughing along with Taehyung, Jin shot them a death glare which made them trying to control thier laugh

"Try not to laugh if you don't want to die today" minseok wispered in Taehyung's ear from which he nodded, Jin again eyed the other two males who were still confused

"Taehyung?" Jin said, v quickly look at him confused

"Yes Hyung...?" He asked

"Don't you have any work to do? You're a CEO not a house wife! Go and do something and take your assistant with you! What did you do about Mr.Han's request project? Go!" Jin said, v nod

"Why is he getting angry at me..." V mumbled with a pout and went towards his office signalling jk to follow him who was still confused at hell

"I'll come back minho..." Jk said, Minho nod

Jk follow v to his office and Minho went and sat with his brother

"What's wrong with him?" Minho wispered in minseok's ear like a baby, which made minseok chuckle

"Can't you guess our Handsome CEO is jealous" minseok said loudly, which made Minho chuckle

While Jin ignored both of them

"Why is he so angry?" Jk asked as he enter Taehyung's office

"You should know, you're his husband! Stupid..." V said and mumble 'stupid'

"But you are his brother" jk said with puppy eyes

"Okay, okay whatever. Where did you put that file?" v said

"It's in the company" jk said, v shot him a light glare "Jin said it himself, he said to let it pass for some time" he pout, v smile and Pat his head

"Okay, okay so we'll see that tomorrow then at the company don't mind his behaviour" v said smiling and jk nod finally smiling too looking at v

"When will you understand jungkook..." V mumble

"Did you said something?" Jk asked, v shook his head

"No...nothing" v said

"Okay" jk said

'i hope you understand soon...why can't you see it while everyone else can?' v thought looking at jk who was just looking around the office

'Why can't you understand...that... he loves you, he have fallen in love with you' taehyung thought


What kind of plan do you think Jimin will make? Share your thoughts ❤️
I hope you'll like it 💜💜

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