CH 48

198 16 14

Author POV:

It was the evening of Tuesday, there are only 3 days left until jiwon will again left for Italy

Jungkook carried all of his courage together and called Jimin to meet him, it wasn't jungkook but Jimin.

The other had called him yesterday and said that he wants to meet jungkook.

Jk was sitting on the bench with jiwon, many cars were coming and many was going, People was walking here and there, couples were witness holding hands and walking down the street

Jk sighs and wait for Jimin to arrive, he taps his foot on the road impatiently suddenly jiwon stands up and ran ahead, jungkook calls for her and saw where she was going

Jimin was standing at the other side of the road with smile on his face, jk's eyes widened when he saw a car coming Jiwon's way, he immediately ran to get her but... it was too late

He shouted in shock when he saw her laying on the floor covered with blood, he quickly ran to her while the owner of the car ran off

"Jiwon-ah" he kneeled next to her "Yah! What do you think you're doing!? Call the ambulance"

Jimin came to reality and immediately called for the ambulance and ran to them while people had also gathered at the scene

Jimin tried to touch her but jungkook pushed his hand away and shouted "Go away!!"

"Jungkook, please calm down..." Jimin said as he tried to touch her again, he checked her nerves and looked at jungkook with hopeful eyes "Don't worry, she's going to be alright"


Both of them was in hospital, jimin looked at his left when he heard footsteps, someone was running towards their direction

Jimin's face palmed when he understood who it is, Ofcourse none other than min Yoongi

Suga went straight to jungkook "what happened?"

"Yoongi..." Jungkook sobbed and hugged the other who looked confused

"Hey, calm down first...tell me what's wrong? Why did you called me here?" Yoongi asked as he tapped his back

"Jiwon...she...she got hit by a car...I...I don't know what to do... what if she won't survive?" Jungkook said with his sad voice

"No, Nothing will happen to her... don't worry about that...she- she'll be alright..." Yoongi said

So he really told yoongi everything? What a joke, jimin Thought

"I don't think you should be here right now" Jimin said and yoongi finally looked at Jimin with a cold expression

"It isn't your matter, if I should be here or not" yoongi himself is shocked how did he say this maybe cause jungkook matters more right now

Suddenly something came in Jungkook's mind, he gulped and wispered "Will you do me a favor?"

Yoongi looked at him confused but nodded otherwise "Sure"

And just like jungkook told yoongi everything that came in his mind at the time, he just wants to make a good decision for himself, for jiwon and for Jin


"Where is he?" Jhope mumbled as he dialled Yoongi's number once again but there was on response other than the robot

The number you have currently dialled Is not answering please try again later--

He placed his phone on the table with sigh "This Man is so hard to understand"

"Who is so hard to understand?"

Suddenly a cute voice disturbed him from his thoughts, he didn't even had to look back to know who it is

Jisoo was standing with a piece of cake in hand while in the other was coffee, she sat on the sofa while jhope was still standing

"Is there any problem you got? You can solve it by siting as well you don't have to try to act cool by standing and acting furious" jisoo said and chuckled afterwards

Jhope rolled his eyes and sat next to her "Why are you always like this?"

"Why? Do you have a problem with me being so cheerful? You know this Is how I am" jisoo said with a smile

"Yeah, yeah I know it and I don't have any problem with it as well" jhope said smiling as well

"So now tell me what's bothering you so much?" Jisoo asked

"It's nothing..." Jhope said

Jisoo pouted "So indirectly you are saying that you don't want to share anything with me, right? Okay, If that's what you want"

Jhope shook his head "It's not like that, it's just's nothing serious"

"It's about Yoongi, isn't it? You can't hide if from me I know it very like him don't you?" Jisoo said making jhope's eyes go wide as he shook his both hands in front of jisoo "Why do you keep lying to me?"

"I am really not lying to you...I really don't like him at all" jhope defended himself

"Liar, does he know that you like him?" Jisoo asked still not convinced

Jhope sighed and relaxed on the sofa he was sitting on "um...yes he do knows it"

"Omo! Does this mean that you guys are dating?" Jisoo asked being all excited but the smile on her face fell when she noticed jhope's expression who sighed "Why, are you guys not...? Does this mean that he don't...l-"

"I am not sure about that but if he had then things wouldn't be like this..." Jhope said and looked at jisoo hoping to changes the subject "Do you want to go and grab some coffee?"

Jisoo nodded "Sure"

Just when he was about to go, his phone suddenly vibrated under the pocket of his jeans, when he saw the ID he raised his brows in Confusion cause he knows Seokjin me never calls him at times like this until there's something important


Accept                                    Decline

He picked up the call and brought it to his left ear and spoke hello?

Hobi, I want you to get some information about a guy name Oh sehun

Jhope's expression changed totally hearing the name "Oh... sehun...?"

Yes and also I want you to...get me some information about jimin like where he was all this time and whatever he's planning now...

"W-why? Is jimin back?"

Yeah...he is and please as soon as possible, I'll wait how much will it take at the most?

"Just give me...2 hours"

Are you sure? You might need more ti--

"No, I wouldn't Don't worry. Bye"

"I am sorry Yoongi but I can't hide everything anymore...not when Seokjin asked me himself..." Jhope Thought

"Was it Jin?" Jisoo asked and jhope looked at her, nodded

"How about some time later?" Jhope asked hesitantly but jisoo smiled and nodded

"It's okay, I'll go now" jisoo said

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