Part 25

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"Are you sure about wearing this?" Stacy asked
"Of course I am"
"But isn't it too showing?" She asked pointing to the dress.

I am wearing a wine sequin shift dress, which is barely to my thigh, lower back and shows my boobs.
"I know it is. But it's a party"

We are going at Ana's farewell party in a bar, which is hosted by Riley. And I am wearing this dress intentionally. I really love how Riley's eyes gaze through my whole body.

"Riley will kill me if I let you out in like this into the bar"
"I will pacify him hard not to kill you" I winked.

I am ready wearing my sexy dress with curls in my hair. And I chose to wore a red heel. Ana is looking gorgeous in her blue gown. And Stacy is looking like a diva in her pink shoulder dress. I wonder how she hasn't got any man. I mean she is like aphrodite. Every boy would just lock his eyes in his first sight.

We entered into the bar. Loud noise and smell of liquor. Still we found a huge couch with a table in front of it. The whole environment is covered in zig-zag lights and people are dancing.

We can see the whole place from the couch. We sat and found Emmy, Jorice, Fred, Layken and Mebble already sitting there. Riley is nowhere to be seen.

Everyone hugged and greeted us. I really didn't expected Emmy here in his wheelchair. He is really looking good in his red shirt. Fred and Layken almost killed me while hugging. It's a huge time we met. Apparently Mark couldn't come as he is in other state for studying.

Layken and Mebble both are stunning in there royal blue matching suits. Jorice and Fred are also looking good.
I sat beside Layken.
"Where's Riley?" I asked
"He went to bring the champagne" replied Emmy.
"Seems like our Alaska can't wait anymore" Jorice mocked. I gave him a rude look and everyone giggled.

Riley came with a huge bottle of champagne in his both hands and sat beside Jorice, who is sitting exactly opposite to me. I actually hoped he would sit with me.

I felt I am gasping for air. How hot he is looking in that white shirt and black pants. His chest line and broad shoulder is perfectly curved and his hair is well combed. He is looking so sexy.

Riley looked straight and our eyes met. His jaw remained opened and he gazed me from tip to toe. He is so lost that he isn't giving any answer to anyone's question. Shit! I am feeling so shy. Riley, please keep ur gaze down.

Everyone is looking at him and me. They are all enjoying I can say.

Jorice finally gave him a little push
"Buddy, stop staring"
He finally broke gaze and poured champagne in all glasses. He took his glass, raised a toss
"To Ana Vera Ball, Thanks for taking care of my beautiful gf and congratulations for your better future"

We all took our glasses. Besides Riley, Jorice raised his one and said
"To Ana bella doll, my perfect best friend. I am going to miss you"
Beside Jorice, Stacy took her one and said
"To Ana, Thank you a lot. You know why I am thanking you"

Everybody looked at Ana and me. Why is Stacy thanking her?

It's Emmy's turn
"To Ana, I will miss you. It was so fun always"
"But you never met Ana" I protested.
Stacy replied
"He did. I took Ana to him"
Wow. Surprise! I never knew.

Besides Emmy, Ana is in tears and smile in her mouth. Beside Ana, Fred took his glass
"To Ana, first of all, perhaps I wouldn’t know you if it isn’t for Alaska. Stay happy in life. That's all"

Mebble continued
"To Ana, Good luck. You are a talented designer. Never ever let anyone destroy your choice. That's all"
Layken took her one
"To Ana, you are the perfect designer I have ever seen. Good wishes"

Finally its my turn. I took my glass. I felt a lump growing in my throat. My eyes are going teary. I can't think I can say much. My throat is aching. I told in a broken tone
"To Ana, thanks for being my perfect roommate. I will miss you always. And yeah your cooking skill is amazing " she tried to laugh a little
"But overall, stay happy and thanks for protecting me. I love you"

She got up from her portion and hugged me. We both started crying out loud. Some weirdos are looking at us but we don’t care. I will love her always. She has always protected me. A flashback recalled in my mind. The day when I met Ana for the first time.

I was wandering with a luggage the whole day. Today, I came from Australia breaking all the ties with my family. I don’t know where to go, I don’t even have money to eat. It's raining heavily and I am taking shelter a bus counter. It's empty. I have never felt so lost.

Suddenly, a white car stopped and a girl with a white party dress with no shoes came from the car.

She covered her forehead while coming from the car to the counter. She stood in front of me and said
"Are you alone?"
I shouldn’t trust her. What if she is a kidnapper.
"Do you have anywhere to go?"
"Yes" I lied again.
"Well, where are you from?"
"Who are you? Do you know me?"
"I am looking for a roommate"
I somehow wanted to go with her but I don't even know her
"Great then. I have a place to go"
"Well, It's past midnight. And no one has came to take you. It's okay you can trust me. I am not going to harm you. I will give you shelter"
I quickly realized the girl is so cunning
"What if you do something bad to me?"

She leaned closer and whispered
"It doesn’t matter. Relax. I won't harm you. By the way, I am Ana vera ball. A party junkie by fashion and a designer by passion"
"I am Alaska Reed"
"Come with me. You will get a room too. I won't bother you"

I am still confused whether to trust her or not. But finally, I went into her car. Its doesn’t matter to my family if I even die. I don't have anywhere to go.

She stopped her car near a complex. It's nice. And she went in her home. The home is spacious, nicely decorated and yeah its clean. She directed me to my room and she gave me some foods too.

She never forced me to pay rent. She knew I don't have a job. She was the one who told me about the college, from where I graduated. And she always protected me and adored me. How can't I miss her?

We finally broke the hug. She is looking at me with same teary eyes. I consoled her by blinking.

Jorice stood up and said
"Okay enough of being emotional. We sure don't wanna turn this celebration look like a funeral. So buddies and babes, let's start the party"

We all went to the floor to dance except Emmy and Stacy. Stacy is giving company. She is talking to Emmy smilingly whereas Emmy is ignoring her.

I leaned closer Riley who is dancing with me. He whispered
"You are looking so hot today"
"Thank you. You are looking handsome too"

I moved my hip first and my thighs with the song. He grabbed my waist and gave me a rude look.
"What?" I asked
"You are not allowed to make this sexy moves unless you are in my bed"
I blushed hearing this. My cheeks turned red and he enjoyed it.
"What if I do this in your bed?"
"You will see the explanation of wrong" he smirked
"Riley" we both chuckled.

The music was going loud and we all danced happily. It was so fun dancing with Riley. Everytime he would stop me if I wanted to make any sexy move. I was dancing in his arms and he was enjoying it. But whenever I tried to get freed and dance with other guy, he would drag me and keep me enclosed in his arms again. The jealous Riley is more cute.

(Hey guys, how are you? Finally, its time to bade Ana bye.....but it isn’t. Ana has something to do in the future chapters and she will come again. Am I giving you the spoilers? Okay I am zipping my mouth. Vote, comment, share #RileyAlaska)

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