Part 13

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I grabbed a yellow slip dress from my wardrobe. Its cute for a date. And its obviously my type. Its up to to my knee.

After 4 years, I will be in a date for the first time. Before 4 years, I dated a boy of my high school named Axis. It was only two dates. I backed off because the boy was too decent to even look at my eyes and a true environmental friend. He lectured for hours about polythene, climate change, global warming, fire outburst. That's very gross topic to discuss in a date!

I tied a side braid and applied my favourite black eye liner and black mascara. After applying light pink lipstick, I took out my yellow platform and wore quickly. I opened my door and Ana screamed
"Alaska, Is there any party tonight?"
"No party"
"Then why are you dressed like this?"
"I am going on a date"
She stood up from the couch and looked at me in big eyes and said
" With whom?"
Her eyes came back to normal position and asked
"Who's Elliot? You didn't informed me"
"Well, he is my colleague. We work together"
"You are looking great. And I must meet him. Lemme see who's that unicorn"

After tying the seatbelt, I am driving to my near cafe. I am excited because I am finally thinking to see someone. Elliot is a nice guy. I have no plans for marriage right now but after some years I will.

I parked my car in front of a lighting cafe. I can see it from my car. Its small. And it has no gate or window. It's just a small cafe. Wooden chairs and tables are there. It's not crowded. Some couple of men are sitting and having their foods. I gazed Elliot sitting in a table. He wore a white suit and he is looking very handsome today.

I came out of my car and walked in his direction. He noticed me and stood up. I gave him a warm hug. He returned it too. He said
"Good evening, Alaska"
"Good evening, Elliot"
"You are looking pretty today" he complimented
"You are looking handsome too"
I sat at his opposite direction
He said
"I hope you didn't faced any problem while coming here"
"No. I didn't. Let's order something"

He passed me the menu card. We both ordered chicken steaks and cappuccino.
He said
"I tried the recipe of Unicorn Bubble Tea"
"You did?" I asked excitedly
"It was amazing"
"See I told you it is"
"Did you tried Gnocchi?" he excitedly asked
I said hesitantly
"Well no"
He assured me
"Its okay. You can try later"
He is humble. This type of security is what I want in my husband. He will never belittle me.

The food came after a while and we started eating it. He exclaimed
"The food is tasty"
I ate a piece of steak and said
"The steak is overly cooked and that's why the mixture is so good"

We both finished our meal. I took a sip of cappuccino and asked
"Elliot, from where did you studied from?"
"Italian cooking school"
"So you are an Italian"
"No, I am an Irish one. But I grew up in Italy. I know you are from Australia"
"Yep, I am"
"I really wanna go to Australia someday"
I took a heavy sigh and said
"I heard Australian foods are-"
He stopped in the midway and looked at my back direction. Following his gaze. I looked back. Stacy is standing behind me with soft eyes. She is wearing a black skirt with white t-shirt. Looking like a typically high schooler. But why is she here? And even if she is here why she is standing behind us and staring us?

I broke the silence
"Hi Stacy"
She smiled and sat beside me. And said
"Hi Elliot and Alaska"
She is behaving strangely. She likes to keep her rude arrogant attitude but she is doing nothing like this.
Me and Elliot is looking at her and confused by her sudden behavior. Why is she sitting with us?
She started to say
"Alaska, I am sorry to interrupt your date but you have to come with me right now"
I asked
"I have an important work"

Elliot asked
"What is it?"
I am well guessing that Riley must have sent Stacy here.
"I will discuss it with her"
I protested
"You can't really come in middle of a date and take me. Who the fuck told you that where am I?"
"I followed you"
My jaw dropped to the floor. I asked
"You are following me? Why?"
"Come with me. Otherwise you will discover yourself in that room again"
"Room? What room?" Elliot asked
He is completely unaware of the incident.
I said
"No, I won't come"

Stacy came near me and whispered into my ears
"Alaska, every persons you are seeing here sitting and eating their meal, they are not strangers. They are our people. We hired them. And your every talk with Elliot has been recorded. It won't take long for us to vanish Elliot if you don't come with us. I am giving you 10 minutes. Make your mind. It will be good if you come otherwise Elliot will be in trouble"
She walked straight away saying this. I am constantly sweating hearing her. Why they are doing this to me? Why?
I said slowly
"What did she whispered?"
"I have to go now. I am sorry"
"But our date isn't fulfilled yet"
"I will fulfill some other say. Please don't mind"
I walked away saying this. I am regretting with every steps coming in this company.

I gazed Stacy and Oli standing in front of a white bmw. She directed me to sit at the back seat. I quickly entered. She sat with me. Oli started driving the car. After a long silence, I said
"Now tell me"
She looked at me and asked
"You wanted to discuss an important matter"
"No important matter"
Really? Is she kidding me?
"Then why did you called me here. I left my date"
"You are not allowed to date"
"Why? Am I even your hand's puppet?"
"Riley is not allowing u"
"He is none to me"
Hearing no reply from her,
I asked again
"Where are we going?"
"Riley's home"
"What? Why?"
"Why do you question so much?" She asked in a rude tone
"I am not allowed to live in my own way. You are trying to control me. And why shouldn't I question so much? I am involved here"
"It takes years to find answers here"
"Years? Why?"
She twisted her eyebrows reminding me not to ask question but she said in an annoying tone
"You are questioning again and prioritizing your answer, that's because it is a mafia world"

The car entered into the mansion crossing the gate. Oli came and opened the door. Stacy started walking and I followed her. After pressing the bell, that women who was seeing me confusedly that day opened the door.

I followed Stacy to the couch. She sat and directed me to sit. Riley wearing a ash sweat pant and blue t-shirt came. I saw this face after 1 month. He is same just his hairs grew in length and there's dark circles beneath his eyes. Stacy said
"Alaska is here"
He looked at me with rude eyes. I said
"What kind of act is this Riley? You can't really force me to come any moment you call"
"You are looking gorgeous"
Really? I mean what type of combination is this! Rude eyes and compliment
"Answer my question"
"You can't date Elliot"
"He is not good for you"
"Who are you to judge him and me? Do you interfere in your all stuffs personal things?"
"Alaska do what I say"
"But why? Who are you?"
Stacy replied
"Riley, I am taking Alaska to her home"
Saying this, she caught my shoulders and took me away. I screamed
"I want answer Riley"

She pushed me inside a small SUV. I said
"Stacy, why Riley said me this?"
"He is crazy. Never mind"
I won't lie but I am a bit astonished. She is saying against him. She stopped the car by picking a phone call. After hanging, she said
"Riley wants to meet you tomorrow at the same restaurant. He is asking you for a date"
Fucking shit! Holy grail! Holy blood! Date? Did I just heard date? She must have heard wrong.

"Date?" I murmured slowly
"He hates me"
She looked at me and said
"We all do"
If I could just smash her face hardly!
"I don't even knew you before and you all hates me!"
"Yep. Tomorrow noon at the same cafe with Riley"
"I am not coming"
"Don't mess with a mafia. They have the bad respect for being the reason of people's sorrow"
I remained quite during the whole ride and went to home in silence.

Ana opened the door and asked
"How was your date?"
I chose to hide
"It was good"
"Are you sure with him?"
"It's first date only"
"Okay fine now go and freshen up"
I went straight to washroom. Opened the shower and stood below it till my yellow dress got wet and my make up smudged into my face.

(Hey guys! Are you excited for their first date? #RileyAlaska)

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