Part 93

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I spent the whole day roaming around some centred places. Firstly I went to see a thriller movie with Marshall. It was total scrap! A serial killer literally did some psychopathy tricks. Even though it was make up and the blood was a combination of jam and jelly but I felt nausea. I don't get the fact that why Marshall said that the movie is very satisfying?

After the movie, we went to the tent and brought Mack and Jorice for lunch. This time, we went into a restaurant. After that, we walked into the streets of Australia till it was dinner time. Australia is way much different than Texas.

We returned to the tent after midnight. And except Marshall we all laid down. No one knows how much days will we have to lead this! My father even sealed the border for me. Today would be the last night in this tent. Cause the carnival ends today. Why life is so uncertain?

In the morning, as always, I went into the lil girl's shop. She was looking for something in the cabinet when I said
"Hey Kiddo"
She gave me a sweet smile and said
"You didn't came yesterday after the morning"
Was it my duty to visit her?
"I was busy"
"Fine" she again looked into the cabinet
"What are you searching?" I asked
"I'm packing" she said
"But the carnival will continue till today night" I said in a confused tone
"I told you no one visits us. You too won't come today. So I might be ready" she said.

It feels like she is narrating a very funny story. No grace of sad in those faces. Bold like fire.
"I may come today night" I said as I'm free.
"Really?" she sounded excited. Her face expression reminded me of Fairy.
I smiled under my mask and gently nodded the head. She closed the cabinet and pulled a chair beside me.

I may not see her again. If I do, I will term it as fate. I just know her from 3 days but I feel an invisible connection towards this Kiddo.

"What I would feed you tonight?" she asked in a demanding tone
"Cupcakes" I said
It isn’t crowded much but a rush of business is prevailing in the air. Today is the last day. God knows where we might live today night
"What's your tent number?" she asked me
"42 B" I said
She nodded her head and I asked
"What's yours?"
"We come from house" she said in a miserable tone. It means they couldn’t afford any tent.

"I may go" I said as I stood up
"So early?" she asked
"Wanna take a nap" I lied
"Take this" she passed me a bag. I took a peek inside. Fruits, spaghettis, pancakes are packed.
I gave her a confused look. She explained
"We are giving it for free"
"I don't take anything for free" I passed money and walked out. I want to roam alone for some time. I feel frustrated. Why are hormonal teenagers treated as a mood swing machine?

I walked near the tent to keep the foods. Marshall, Jack and Jorice are in deep sleep. They might wanna eat this. I gently put the bag in a distance. I took a pancake and closed the tent.

I roamed for the whole day in the streets. Day by day, I'm getting frustrated. Nothing is going on smoothly. I want to be a Pilot. I want to study aviation. But so called Boss Spencer don't want me to do something what normal people does! I can't even think my own Dad isn’t letting me fulfill my dreams.

I also miss Eve. She must be downhearted at my decision. I owe her a lot. She might have guessed I would consult to her before fleeing from the house. I will make it to her when I would return.

I walked into the crowded carnival after midnight. Everybody is busy packing their own goods after a rush of 3 days. I was missing since the morning so my buddies would be more angry. I walked through the small steps towards the tent. I opened it and entered. There was no one except Jorice. He smiled at me
"You are alive?"
"Unfortunately yes" I opened my mask and tossed it in the floor.
"This thing sucks" Jorice pointed out the mask.
"Where are everybody?" I asked
"Happen to arrange our night out stay. By the way, check this" he pointed at the green bag which was lying against the tent.

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