Part 39

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It's been 5 days since I came to Australia. I had the best 5 days of my life. It's so pleasure to hear the chit chats of Pearl. This girl has absolutely no idea the shits she talks. She is cute but sometimes noisy. And wears a particular colour everyday from her top to bottom. She is talkative but really friendly and annoying too.

Ted has been hanging out with me a lot. He is the reason I haven’t felt bored. Lauriya too gives time but she is more interested in her research. But Lauriya tries to maintain when we go out for shopping or dinner. And Dad is too ill to roam around. But, I spend hours and hours talking to him. He is currently planning to make the brothel girls to do something social as he closed the brothels. But it seems most of the girls are fond of prostitution.

I haven’t talked to Riley or Stacy since I came. It's my duty to ask Emmy's whereabouts but that would mean to confront Riley and Stacy. And I don't wanna that.

I didn’t even knew Riley had a brother. He didn’t even told me. Neither about Stacy being his sister-in-law. He is so pathetic!

I am looking at the bare ceiling of my house, lying lazily. It's too hot here. Am I really being jerk to Riley? He really saved me from all the possible dangers. He saved me from Marshall. Should I really talk to him?

Hundred of thoughts are roaming in my mind. And I am fucking confused.

Ted almost burst into my room in a way and said while panting
"Alaska get up" he looked concerned. I twisted my forehead and asked
"What happened?"
"That girl- came-" he is trying to say but he is just too tired to carry on.

I got up from bed and went to the drawing room. Who that girl might be? Ted followed me silently. Dad screamed from the dinning table
"Alis see who's here?"
I went into the dinning room and I wished I wouldn’t came here.

It's Stacy. How could she come here? She doesn't know my address. Must have Ana told her or it's just Mafia things.

She is dressed in a tight blue jeans with a black t-shirt. She gave me the most attractive smile and all my complains jumped in. She got up from table and hugged me. I hugged her back as a sign of decency.
"Aw Alis. I missed you"
"Consider it as your house. Be comfortable" the glow in her face reduced but didn’t vanished completely. She might have expected 'I missed you too'.

We all sat down. Dad told me
"Alis, you didn’t told me that Stacy is coming here"
"Well, It's a surprise" Stacy smiled and tried to appear as normal as possible. Dad believed her but Ted is eying her suspiciously.
"Wait, I am coming" Dad left saying this.

I looked at her with every bit of attention. She looks more pale than usual. The glows are gone and her shiny eyes are converged into a black hole.

She asked
"Ted, Can you please give us some time alone?" she asked
"Sure" Ted went outside. I knew he didn't wanted that.

"Reason for your unexpected arrival?" I asked rudely.
"Alis, you have been ignoring our calls. We gave you several texts even voice mails-"
"I just wanted to be alone" I knocked her out in the middle.
"It's been 5 days" she muttered
"I know that"
"We were about to tell you about Stem but we wanted more time"
"Why do you need time? He is your child"
"Emmy. He don't want that child. He wants me to marry someone and make him his stepdad. He thinks he is not capable to be a father"
"Don't feed me bullshits. I have seen him hugging Stem. And I have seen him hopeful too"
"It was only for this operation. But he was really mean to my child before. He never even carried him in his arms before and used to bark if I took Stem at the hospital"

I remained silent for a moment. I have nothing to say. Just because Emmy denied to accept him doesn’t mean that they would hide him from me. But at the same time, I felt pity for Stem. He is such a cutie pie. How can someone as wise as Emmy be cruel to him?

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