Part 87

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Alaska's POV
I walked into the frosty night. The cold are gradually going down but still there is an ambience. It's the last of the January.

It's past midnight. I bade all of them bye and got down on roads leaving Fin with Riley who is sleeping on my room. I tried to forbade him but he wasn’t listening much.

I'm walking because I feel good. I feel light. I bet I can fly. It's sheering cold but I feel so better.

I saw a bench covered in snow. I tried to remove some and sat at it. Above my head, there is a headlight. I'm sitting beside a main road. It's a bus counter if I'm not wrong!

I can hear silence and sometimes the rush of cars which is very rare. No one is here. I looked above the starry sky.

The sky is so huge that it might even make your heart tremble when you actually start to think abouts its measure. Still, it contains everything. Like, the heart of a human. Whatever happens in his life, he us ready to hold everything and re-start.

Not everybody gets to fight everyday and not every fights are meant to win. Sometimes, satisfaction lies in defeat too.

Riley wanted my forgiveness. I did but I can't settle with him everything. Even though he was the target of the situation, truth don't change. I asked him time for my decision. I'm not so quick into making decisions but I'm also afraid that the time will gradually melt my heart and make me return to the past things.

That's why I came here. I want to make decisions. I knew since the 9 days, a day will come, where I have to make decisions. I have legal relation with him. Moreover, now I have a special part of his heart.

I wanna imagine everything and make the right decision. I don't want to settle all things but I also wanna be with him. It's true that whatever he has done for me is equal to the amount of damage that he printed on me.

It's not about my life anymore. Now, it's about Fin too. And I know that something will lead me on my way. Even if things don't go on my way, things will still have a way.

I, Alaska Reed, currently on my 20, is now in a state where no longer I feel the colourful sculpture painted on the sky and tuning recitals of the nature. A girl in my age probably would be in college or working, living the life they deemed for!

Whereas, I'm stucked with a baby, a marriage that has been targeted, completely broken and desperate.

Without love too.

There's only one person who can help me now. I dialed his number. A voice came out from the other side
"Alis, my dear" weak yet bold
"Hey Dad" I said
"I miss you" he said after a silence and a smile appeared on my face.
"I wanted to ask a simple question" I said while looking at the disappearing flash light of a car.
"Sure, honey" Dad said in an assuring tone
"Are promises meant to break?" I asked with a deep sigh

There's no reply from the other side. He is hesitating.
"Dad?" I spoke out
"Maybe, promises are meant to break. It's how you realize the true meaning of life" he said in his weak voice

I let a deep sigh out and my eyes swelled with tears. While trying to suppress the growing lump in my throat, I said
"I miss you and mum too"

With winds running on the surface of this deep dark night and the transparent silence of this universe, I looked at the sky again.

I saw my old fragile dad smiling with my mom who has stopped aging 5 years ago.

Riley's POV
I squeezed my eyes hard. I don't remember the last time I had this peaceful sleep. My eyes opened to Fin who is still asleep. My sleeping beauty!

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