Part 77

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"Jeez" I screamed and startled for a moment just as I saw all box and loads of stuffs kept in the drawing room of Layken's house. I nearly pushed Finnie out of my hands.

Layken gave me a victorious smile. So proud! I gave a look at the stuffs she brought but most of them are covered. I sent her to Spencer mansion to hand over Stem safely. Whole day went in wait. She returned in midnight with a portion of treasure. Where did she get it from?

I panicked for some moments when I saw Mr Hyde entering. I couldn’t run with sleeping Finnie and stitches. If he gets to know my location, there's higher possibility of Riley knowing it. But he entered with a box and kept it in the floor gently. He gave me a pathetic and sympathy look even a horror one when he saw the dry bloodied nightie. As I didn’t had my own clothes, I wore it whole day. It didn’t occur to me that I might take some of Layken's. I'm not sure right now! Layken assured me
"It's okay. He knows that you were here"
My consciousness directed towards Layken
"Did you told them?"
If she did! I'm gonna kill her.

"Why would I? Mafias knows everything. You can't help" she gave me an obvious look as if everything is normal.
Yeah! She is right! Mafias knows everything. I let out a deep sigh.
"Mr Hyde, thanks for the cooperation. You can go now"
Mr Hyde bowed and went back towards the door. I asked
"Layken, what's all of that?"
"Your stuffs" she said
"I went to your home. So, I bought all the things that belonged to you and Finnie. Your clothes, nighties, Finnie's jumpers, her baby set, your credit and debit card, your phone. Everything"

I can't help but wondering what the hell is happening! She looked at me and said
"Of course, you are staying here. It took me a bone and a waist to sum up all of this"
"No, I'm not" I blurted out.
Her eyes turned a lil curve
"Yes you are. You have nowhere to go"
She is right!
"Is that why you are telling me to stay?" I looked at her in silence.
"Don't be stupid, Alis. You are my best friend. I can't let you and Finnie sleep on the roads. Now go to your room and take the clothes whatever you wanna wear. I've ordered foods for us"

I looked at her gratefully. I would have hugged her if I wouldn’t have Finnie in her hands. I spent whole day without even drinking or eating. It didn’t feel like to do anything. I'm happy that she cares.

It's been past midnight when I'm lying on the bed uncomfortably. I should sleep right now. Layken is fast asleep in other room but night is the time of devils. Whenever you try to sleep, you gotta remember everytime the heart was broken!

I tried to know about the Spencers indirectly to Layken while having dinner. She mentioned Stacy and Emmy is miserable but enough to held strong. Marshall is finally dead and Riley is trying whole heartedly to show the case as a means of self defense rather on murder. Layken said Riley is more miserable than she ever saw in her life.

I guess it's another act played by him!

A tear dropped from my eyes thinking how unbelievably I don't wanna believe Riley anymore.

The most abnormal thing is nobody knows where Ana is! Not even the mafia Riley who has the eye of an eagle! She must be planning again about how to finish the incomplete work of Marshall.

I haven’t done anything since the guards kept the boxes on the floor. It was Layken, Katie and Kylie who did half of the work. I remembered in Riley's birthday party, Katie mentioned Layken being her neighbour. I'm happy that they came to meet me when Layken told them about me, but I don't wanna meet them too.

Both of them are on fire when they heard what Riley did to me! I don't want anyone’s sympathy or help, I just want to be alone. Time for myself! Why the world can't leave me alone? My news is all over the media. Everybody got to know that something happened with me.

My phone beamed with notifications across emails and messages when I opened it. Also missed calls from Ted and Lauriya. I ignored all of them. I'm in no state to talk to everyone.

If it wasn’t Finnie, I would have committed suicide long ago.

Riley's POV-

I looked into the pale mirror that is covered into its most usual spherical reflector. I took the flower vase beside and hit directly to the mirror. It got to pieces. I looked into the tiny pieces of the mirror and murmured
"I can see my heart right now"
I mean it!

Neither being an extremists but still lost all the prospects of life. Rather being a failure than to lose her. It was a jiff that lost me all the things that I crumbled from past 5 years. I sighed.

I can feel kiddie. She won't ever forgive me. It was a nice life going ahead with all the past expectations that had cut ties with me. It returned. From the black hue to the aglow dye, all turned to a ash themed fucking conclusions.

I looked towards the door as someone kept knocking it. I must have guessed him. Who could be it rather than Em?
"Fucking dog" I said within the inner me.

Being invincible and respectful is a socially acceptable manner taught to every children. But when you are the one to offence, none cares.

It feels like desperate people don't need permission. Em barged in. I saw with my red scary eyes and he stammered
"Feel free to bark" I scowled
"I came to check by the sounds of-" he stopped and his eyes directly went towards the floor. He said
"Holy hell, you are hurt"
Here he goes again!

Blood is flowing through my legs. It's nothing compared to the blood that I saw on the night from my Kiddie's womb.
"I don't need your sympathy or help" I said rudely
"That's why you always mess up. You didn’t even felt the necessity to ask about signing the contract"
"I informed you" I barked
"After complete procedure. Did you think we would let your kid go away in turn of our kid?"
"I saved your son. Go and lead a happy life. Mine are gone"
I turned to my back.

A strange yet familiar needle pricked into my heart which made my bloods flow. Fin and my kiddie. I know they are safely on Layken's house but how they are! I can't help feel for Fin. She is just a day older. I know my kiddie. She won't let me have my Fin. I agree with her. I don't deserve them. Maybe I should have been more conscious. But I wanted to protect them from Marshall's filthy intentions. I will grow older with this regrets in my life. I wish I would ever had a normal life.

"Cry for some time. You will feel better" Em patted my back and went outside.
Cry! That's the fucking thing I have done whole day. I locked up myself like a teenager.

I sat at the long bed that once belonged to me and kiddie. I muttered to my wedding ring which kiddie made me wear
"Nothing's going to remain same now"

(Hey guys, how are you? We got finally Riley's POV. Your most awaited thing. Do read it. Due to having a tight schedule, I'm having troubles in editing. Hope to post timely #RileyAlaska)

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