Part 16

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"I am happy for Lake" Riley said smiling like a little boy, gazing through the window, seeing them laughing together while entering into her apartment.
I agreed
"Me too. Mebble is perfect for her"
"Yes, he is! After all, the man who supports his girl in ups and downs is the real one. Let's go office. It's late to go home"

He started driving saying that. I asked
"From when do you know Layken?"
"We were childhood friends. Her dad was my dad's childhood friend. Later, she lived with us in her high school and then my dad got her admitted into cooking class understanding the value of her talents"
"Why she lived with you if she had parents?" I asked curiously.
"Well, her parents died. Actually killed. As you know mafias are surrounded by red signals. They died before they knew anything. She survived because she was in summer camp. She was 13 years old. And she came to live with us. My mom accepted her and raised her as her own daughter. And as she got interested in cooking, so dad got her into your cooking school"

Layken had a very bad past. She is so sweet and open minded. But losing your parents at the age of 13 is a very big loss. I remember, when I lost my mom, I was clueless. I didn't knew what to do other than screaming, crying, sobbing and repeating the cycle. I said
"She suffered a lot"
"Yep she did! Later in high school, she found Mebble. They started dating"
"Yeah Mebble seems to like Layken a lot"
"Mebble is so obsessed of Lake"
"Can I ask you a question?"
I hesitantly asked
"Ask" he said while focusing in the road
"Why are you dating me?"
He instantly stopped the car. I got a little nervous. He is so short tempered. What if I made him angry? He won't spare me if it is so.

He proved me wrong by leaning a little closer. He came so near that I can feel his hot breathe. Maintaining eye contact he whispered
"Cause you, Alaska Reed, is the good girl that every bad boy imagines of"
He whispered in such a sexy way. Am I a good girl that every bad boy imagines of? I am not buying this. I am definitely not good. There's always something good in evil. Maybe he saw that good and thought to take it as a whole.

This guy is beyond my imagination. One time, he is good and lovely, and the next time, he is ready to shiver my spine any moment. He sometimes gives an aura of bad boy and sometimes a good boy.

I ignored him and said
"We will be late for office"
"We are at office"
I broke his contact and looked through the window. We are at the ground. He didn't stopped the car hearing my question.
"Thanks for the ride"

I untied my belt and opened the door. I gazed Elliot and Latent in front of the door. They are walking towards the entrance. I fastened my walking speed leaving Riley behind. I called them
"Elliot, Latent"
They both looked behind and gave me a cute smile.
"Hey" they both waved
"What's up?"
"Sky's up" Latent replied
"Latent, the trend is gone" Elliot said
"Let's go" I offered
We all walked and as always that black suit bodyguards or I can say who is ready any moment to rip your body let alone guard it, stopped us for checking that waiting card. Latent, Elliot showed theirs.

I started going through the purse. But it wasn't there. Holy shit! Riley called me so I forgot to bring that card. Now I have to drive back and get the card. It will be too late and Ellie will give me an earful. I said
"Guys, I forgot to bring the card. I'm gonna go home. You guys carry on. Inform Kylie to take my position for a while"

I was about to turn but Riley came in front of me. He was in his old self. Rude eyes and mystery in his face. He said
"Let her enter"
He looked at me and said
"Now you can enter Alaska" he entered ignoring me. He is so innocent and good when he is with me. But in public, he behaves like a lousy as if I am from his rivalry group.

I entered without any interval. Elliot whispered when we were in elevator
"Alaska, I will drop you today"
I was about to deny. But I realized that I didn't bring my car. After Riley's behavior today, I am not going to go with him. But why am I bothering myself with the thought of Riley? He isn't nothing to me. His today's behavior holds nothing to me.
"Okay Elliot"

And as always it's a busy day. Making dishes, annoying Katie saying Latent's gotta crush on her, gossiping with Ellie.

Finally, its over. And we all went outside of the office. Before anyone of Riley's body ripper can see, I hurriedly went inside of Elliot's car. He has a decent one. Not poor like my one and not rich like Riley's one.

I tied my seatbelt and he started driving. We talked about our favorite books, some dishes, and some cooking shows as like our personal interest.

I am happy talking with him. But somehow, an unfamiliar scare is haunting me. I don't know why I am getting afraid for going with Elliot today? Is it because of Riley? I corrected myself

'Alaska, you are an adult okay. You have the right to choose what's good for you. And you are the queen of your life. Don't let any body snatch it'

Finally we were in front of my apartment. I looked at him and said
"Thanks for the ride Elliot"
"My pleasure Alaska"
"Come with me to my home"
"Nope Alaska, it's late. Go and take rest"
"I will cook dinner for you. I owe it to you for a ride"
"Okay" he finally gave up. I am going to cook his favorite Manhattan.

After a couple of minutes, we came in front of my apartment's door. Ana opened and looked at confused way. She must be thinking who the hell is he?

Elliot sweetly greeted
Ana said in a normal face
"Hello" and stepped out. We entered into the home and I said Elliot to get on the couch of drawing room. Ana is still looking at me in confused eye. I introduced themselves
"Elliot, this is my roommate Ana and Ana, he is my friend and colleague Elliot"

Elliot said
"Elliot Murphy. Nice to mee you"
Ana said in annoyance
"Ana vera Ball. Nice to meet you too"
"Did I heard Anabella Doll?"
I nearly fell into the floor laughing, hardly controlled myself. Ana gets very angry when someone teases her saying Anabella Doll. Ana said in a rude tone
"No, I said Ana Vera Ball"
Elliot said
"Sorry, I must have heard wrong"
"Yep. You did" she said boldly.

I know Ana won't like Elliot that much. But I hope she never misbehaves with him. I said
"You guys talk. Lemme change"
It's a bad choice to leave them alone but I will change quickly. I came into my room, took out my phone and saw
2 calls from Riley. My phone was silent. I will call him later.

I changed me into a sweet top and a loose black pants within 10 minutes. Despite being so tired, I have to cook Manhattan as per as my promise. I was keeping my dirty clothes in the washing machine and suddenly I heard screaming. It sounds more like a fight. I don't know who is screaming so much. Both female and male frequencies are there. My heartbeat got too fast. An unknown fear is prevailing in my mind. I am sweating much. I quickly opened the door and ran to the drawing room.

All the colours of my face drained away. I don't know for how much milliseconds I stood. I couldn't feel if there is any gravity left. Because the scene that is in front of me is something I never expected.

I watched Elliot holding his stomach in pain, his face twisted due to intensity of pain. Blood is flowing from his stomach to my floor, Ana is clueless and screaming constantly, Stacy is pissed off and angry, Oliver is standing in expressionless way as if nothing happened and Riley is standing pointing a gun to the direction of Elliot, with his as usual rude face, mysteriously.

(Hey guys, How was the part today? What do you think about this part? Do you have anything to say about Riley's behavior? Read, comment and share.

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