Part 79

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Alaska POV's

I raised my hands in comfort after hanging the phone. The lawyer has just informed that I don't need to go to the court tomorrow as Riley would be there and the verdict will be given in my favour to hope as best.

I guess I would be behind bars if I hadn’t been connected with a mafia. It's clearly a crime, maybe not technically but it's really is! There was a time when I hated the fact that Riley has committed murders more than once but right now I'm feeling a weird piece of satisfaction.

I literally took someone's life but I'm not guilty. Not a bit. Maybe it's for murdering the man who is partially involved in destroying my life or it's about I have started to be a cold hearted like the mafias.

I looked at my angel who is sucking with her all energy for some milk. It's a great feeling to be a mom. In this scary days and nights, she is my hope. I think I'm alive for her. I know she needs me. And I won't abondon her just like the whole world did to me.

Well, that's actually a lie. I have been getting texts and calls from my friends and family but everytime, I chose to ignore. Ted and Lauriya sends voice text. I don't care. What if I find out they are involved with Riley? I can't take it anymore.

Everybody I knew, fucking everybody, was a phase of Riley's game. He chose for me to meet and to ignore. Why do I feel like I was programmed for Riley's server?

I tried to know from Layken about what happened at the Spencer mansion that night when I kept my Finnie to Ana. Layken said Ana took Finnie while Layken was fast asleep and got awake when she heard gunshots. It was the bodyguards who tried to stop her but she was already in the car with Finnie. And Jorice was driving that car. It broke my heart into pieces when I heard the name of Jorice. Wasn’t he meant to be someone whom I could rely? If everybody I trusted turns into a villain, whom would I trust?

I looked into the washroom door. That's the fucking place where I met Riley for the first time. He planned it here actually. He might have thought it was the best time to impress according to the contract tenure. I directed my eyes to the night sky. Layken's apartment is at the 14th floor and I can see half of Texas from here. I must say Layken's got a choice!

I wrapped my boobs in towel just as Layken barged into my room. She never knocks!
"Alaska" she looks so excited and damn surprised
"Yes?" I asked in confused eyes.
"Look here" she handed me my phone and it's actually an advertisement. A vacant place for chef in a renowned hotel.

I gave her back
"I won't apply. If you wanna try for me, I have a higher school degree" I said in a careless tone. She looks so astonished and speechless. I said in an obvious tone
"Of course I'm not using someone's planned rank on my eligibility"
"But-" she tried to say something but I stopped in the mid way
"Find something worthy. I need a job soon"
I relaxed on the pillow at my back and kept Finnie in the bed. Layken is still seeing me in surprised eyes and standing in a pin drop silence.

I chose to ignore. I won't use that certificate in my life. Never ever.
"Well, I have a job for you" Layken said in a low tone
"What's that?" I asked
"You can work in a local restaurant which is just opposite to my hotel" They are searching for some waitress and high school certificate is going to do for that"
"Fine, I will just go tomorrow" I said while clutching my hairs but suddenly realization struck me.

I looked into Layken
"Did you brought my certificates and my id's?"
She thought for a moment and replied confidently
"I haven’t touched any files"
Shit! I felt like to kick myself. How am I gonna go tomorrow? They will ask for it.
"Do me a favour" I looked with small eyes into Layken as I can't ever step into the Spencer mansion.
"Alis, I bet there are loads of documents. I will be getting you the wrong stuff"
I don't believe but I have a keen hope that Layken wants me to go there. But it can be falso too, as she is right. We have loads of documents on our lower cabinet. Most of them belong to Riley.

"I can't go there" I said
Layken kissed Finnie's hand and said
"Riley will be in the court tomorrow. You can just have the opportunity"
I looked into Layken and Finnie. But what about Emmy and Stacy! I don't wish to see their faces too. But I need a job badly. Layken hasn’t told me to get it but I can't always be a burden. Riley gave a huge amount of money the day before but fuck that! I can't hurt my self-respect.

Layken's phone ranged up and she spoke
"You know what to do. Goodbye" she tossed it into the bed and I said
"I wish he would stop coming here"
I'm sure it was the security guard asking if to let Riley kick or not.
"I think you should once meet and listen to him. I guess he just wants you to listen" Layken said giving me an unsure look
"He lost that right" I took a deep breathe.

I am in the car in front of the gate of Spencer mansion. Abnormally, there are no bodyguards. I have grown to see the usual sight of bodyguards so much that the place seems so empty. The security guard approached and I lowered my glass. I saw a sudden surprise in his eyes. He didn’t expected me.

The gate opened and I parked my car in the usual stop and got down. I thought for a second to press the bell but the door remains open most of the time. Marshall is dead now. So it must be open. Riley must be in the court and I don't know what the verdict will be! If something goes wrong, I must be behind bars from today night. I took a deep breath and twisted the knob.

I'm correct. It's open. As soon as I entered, nostalgia hit me hard. The house seems so familiar. Even the scent seems so fucking perfect. My eyes grew blur for some seconds. I thought all the tears had dried up.

There’s no single piece of soul in current sight. Not even the weird lady cook, that's good actually. I earned an awkward look from the security guard already. I walked into my room and I gasped as I opened it. I fucking can't call it a room. Everything is messed up. Layken removed most of the things of mine so the room looked more empty. Despite, that the tv is on the floor in a broken state, the mirror has already broke and it's pieces are on the floor. Pillows are trashed up. In full, Riley turned it into a dustbin.

I don't wanna care but I couldn’t help but care. Is turning the room into a filthy process is a way of redemption? I guess not. I managed to walk in the glasses. Thanks to my sneakers. I bought my documents of schools. I took out my culinary degree and tore it into pieces. I don't want anyone’s sympathy to last with me. Perfect revenge!

I closed the door and walked towards the staircase. Someone called out
"Jesus Christ"
I looked back and found a pair of eyes that I hoped I would skip. Emmy Spencer's eye must get to the floor any moment.

"Alis" he moved towards me. I wanna walk away but I couldn’t. Despite knowing, what they did to me, I'm giving them a damn that they don't deserve.
"How are you?" he asked desperately.
"Better" I made an obvious tone
"Thanks for coming. We were really-"
"I haven’t came here for your point of views. I just needed the certificates" I said pointing to my documents
"Certificates?" he asked in a surprised tone.
"Yes. I need a job for my daughter" I said
"You just had a normal delivery one week ago. You can't work now. Things will get worse" he said while trying to make me realize.
"I shouldn’t worry about things being worst. My whole life has been a lie" I said decently with a mocking tone.

I turned to my heels before letting Emmy say another word. I walked fast untill I reached the car and I didn’t stopped it untill I came far away from Spencer Mansion. I buried my heads into the steering as I stopped. My face twisted and hot tears started rolling from my face. I don't know why am I crying or why am I so broken. But it feels like empty in the chest.

(Hey guys, how was it? Alaska is going through a very tough time and that's very terrible. Vote, comment and share with your homies. #RileyAlaska)

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