Part 6

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I looked at the mirror wearing that black academic dress or typically known as graduation dress. I looked great I think.

Finally my student life is over and I am going to be an officially certified chef. And of course that's a great deal for me.
Ana hugged me from back.
"You look great Ms Reed"
"I think so"
"Did you called Ted?
"Yeah, he will fly directly to the spot. I told him to stand in front of the gate"
We locked our apartment, went downstairs and sat at the car. I sat in front with Ana. Ana started driving to the campus. I am excited. A graduation day is indeed a great day for a students life.

Near the campus, it was too crowdy. After lurking for 10 mins, Ana finally found a place to park. We got out from the car and went to the gate. Ted was standing in front of the gate wearing suit and coat. He was looking cute. Seeing him, I went near
"Hey Ted"
"Hey Alis sis"
We both hugged. Gosh! I missed him so much. I complimented
"You look exactly like a teddy bear. But lil thin"
Ted narrowed his eyes on me.

When Ted was born, me and Lauriya named him Teddy. We all used to call him that. But when he was in elementary school, a guy from senior year mocked him saying
"Strawberry coloured teddy bear"

From that day, he changed his name from Teddy to Ted and made us all call him so. He said
"You really look like you are graduating today"
"I'm actually graduating today"
"We met about 9 months ago I guess"
We both giggled. Ted waved at Ana and I shoved Ted's bag at Ana's face to keep that in the car. When Ana came, we 3 walked together to the function.

After a while, I saw Freddy waving from the corner. I waved in return. He came near and I noticed Dakota is also there, his gf. His girlfriend is pretty. They both hugged us. Freddy and I walked forward leaving Dakota with Ted and Ana. Freddy took me near Layken and Mark. We found seats at the 2nd row and we sat there, and exchanged our whereabouts.

Graduation ceremony started within 5 mins. Some professors gave long speeches which almost closed my eyes and I don't know how many times did I yawned.

And at last Mr Shine, an old professor, declared
"Now we are inviting the chief guest and owner of your institute. A great applause for Riley Spencer"
Wait wtf! Riley? That dumb imprudent? I am about to get my certificate from him. I would rather die.

Everyone applauded and Riley wearing a navy blue shirt with black pants entered into the stage.

Though I hate him, but I can't deny he is hot. He is very hot. That navy blue shirt suited him. It feels like it was only made for him. I hate him but I also feel attraction for him. And that smile, that killing smile....Alis, what happened to you? What are you thinking about a mafia? He is not your type. Focus. I handled myself.

Professors requested him to give a speech and he started to give a speech-

"My young chefs, you guys are graduating today" (We are at a graduation ceremony so of course we are graduating why are you mentioning it? Dumbass)
"Indeed a very big day for you. When I was young I loved cooking" (I am sure your skills were disgusting)
"So I am here to tell you carry on with upgrading your skills and flourish every taste ever discovered on this Earth" (Even if u don't mention, still we will carry on) "I am not good at giving speeches and personally I hate hearing speeches"
(Yeah, you are good at arguing and I wish I could have shown that today)
"So I will not extend it long. Good luck"

Everybody clapped at his speech except me. He took his position and that rude directly looked at me. I bowed my head down. I heard Layken, Freddy, Mark clearing their throat and their laughs. Why that dumbass is looking at me like this?

When I again looked at his eye, he removed his eyes. Then the students were called to give a speech. When it was Freddy's turn, he walked to the stage and continued
"I am very thankful for selecting me for this graduation speech. Sharing my honest opinion, when I came here, I felt like swimming in a deep ocean. I was mad thinking how would I pass this 3 years. But now, I am regretting why this 3 years ended so early. In this 3 years, with my mates, we all suffered, broke, almost died, laughed, created and lived. Now onwards, some of us will be opening their restaurants, some will be a chef and some of them will be researching but indeed we shall not forget from where this all started. And one last thing, major in culinary, because that's where the taste of Earth lies"

Freddy ended his speech and we all clapped loudly. Mark, Layken and me, we all bursts into tears. When Freddy came near us, we all hugged him. Other speeches were also heart warming and emotional one.

Finally, we were called one by one for our certificates. As I stood first, I went first to get my degree. A professor gave me a medal and now I have to walk near that Mafia to gather degree.

I walked near slowly. A little smirk was visible in his face. He handed me my certificate and said in a rude tone
"World is so small"
I replied

Ted, Ana and my 3 friends were clapping constantly and screaming. I saw Ted wiping his eyes with tissues.
I am sure, if my mother had been alive today, she would wipe her tears, proudly seeing her daughter to graduate.

I went out of stage hurriedly. My all friends got their certificate one by one. And we all lastly hugged and cried. Seriously, in no way, I can measure my student life with anything. It was best. I bade my friends bye and promised to meet them before they move to another city.

When we went near car, Ana informed the car has been punctured.
"Dammit, I am ordering a cab"
I took out my phone and was about to order but in front of us a black Lamborghini stopped. A man wearing a black suit came out from it and opened the door of backseat. And I watched Riley came out of it.

He said
"Well, if your car is not working, I won't mind giving you some lift"
I was about to deny his offer but Ana screamed
"Yes sir, sure"
He said in a cold tone

Saying this he sat at the driver's seat. That black suited man opened the door at the back seat. Ted and Ana entered and when I was about to enter that black suited man said
"Ma'am sit front"
"According to the rule, we can't share the same position with sir, so ma'am pls"

Fuck! This day can't be more worse. I have to sit with him. I finally entered to his parallel seat and I noticed a devilish smile at his face. The car smoothly started crossing the crowds and out from the campus.
He asked
"Sorry, I forgot to ask your name that day but I asked it from Layken"
Ana asked from behind
"You guys met before?"
Riley replied
"Yes we did. And if I am not wrong you are Ana and he is Ted"
I asked in an astonished way
"How do you know?"
He replied
"Layken told me"
Ted and Ana both greeted him.
He asked
"So Alaska, do you live on the 9th street of Libonea?"
Layken even told him the address. I expected Ms Reed at least.
I replied
He asked
"Can you cook cupcakes?"
"Yes, I can"
"I love cupcakes"
From now onwards, I will never make cupcakes
"That's tasty"
"Indeed. So when you're gonna come that day? After the interview, do meet me"

Ana and Ted both asked from behind
Riley said
"Didn't she told you? I am offering a job at my office only if she pass the interview"
Ted said
"Alis, you didn't even informed us"
That Mafia is revealing all things. I decided to keep it a secret till I get the job.

I managed
"Well yeah" I chose to remain silent.
He smirked sitting beside. The Lamborghini is 3 times faster than my car so we came home very fast.
We all came out from the car, Riley too. He said
"Nice to meet you guys" and shaked hands with everyone. For the first time, our touch met. His hand was strong and manly. Before entering, he turned and said
"Meet you at 27th july Alaska"

I smiled in return and he went in his Lamborghini. Ana remarked
"What a humble person. You are very lucky for having a boss like him"
Humble. Lol. Ana you should have seen him that day. I started walking towards the apartment without any further talk with Ted and Ana.

(Guys, I am updating this part because I wrote this too soon. Read, comments and don't forget to vote. Bye bye #RileyAlaska )

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