Part 37

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After an exhausting journey of 20 hours, my plane finally landed on the ground of my birthplace.

It's 10 am in the morning. And I am finally walking out of the airport of Sydney with my bag and baggage. It took an hour to sort out all things.

I am currently outside of airport, standing in the top staircase and finding Ted. It is so hot here. And it's so cold in Texas. I am regretting for bringing my jacket.

Finally, I saw Ted waving at me. He is looking lovely in his yellow shirt with black shades. I waved back and headed towards him.

"Sis" and he opened his shades.
We both hugged. I missed him.
"You look so great today" I complimented
"I am so happy Alis. You are finally here"
I let a deep breathe out. I left Australia within a notice of one day and I can't even believe it’s been 4 years. It's a faint pleasure to be back here.
"Let's go home"
I looked back and smiled at him. He opened the door of a car. The car is new.

I said while tying my seatbelt
"You haven’t said that you bought a new car"
"Me and Lauriya saved for it. It is mine but half"
"You guys seems to forget everything to inform me" I grudge. First of all, Riley forgets to inform about his nephew to me and now Ted.

"I was about to tell you but I thought I should surprise you"
I recalled the incident the day before
"I hate surprises"
"Not this one. It is good. Isn't it?"
"Yeah not bad. Lauriya's got a taste" I teased
"It was me who chose that" he smirked
"You too buy a new car"

Now it's time for you to get bashed. Because Alis baby, you forget to inform Ted that you bought a car already. I muttered
"I bought a new car already"
"Whoa! Now who's gonna inform us?"
"I forgot about that. Sorry" he rolled his eyes on me. Karma kinda bitch.

I am enjoying the view of my familiar streets as we entered into the city but my heart is pounding every milli second. Because, I am getting closer to my house and thousands of memory are flooding my eyes. It's my own birth place. I grew up here playing in the streets. This is where I completed my high school and I lost my mother. My father betrayed me here. It's been a heavy rush for me.

Ted finally passed through the gate and I can see my house now. It hasn’t changed in years. It's been same. The same red stoned duplex house with white fences.

Ted told me to get down. He will join me after parking in the garage. I got down and stood in front of the house. The same tree which used to be our tree house in my childhood. The white fences and my red house. I walked slowly with shivering legs. I don't know why am I feeling so lost but I think I may broke down any moment.

I rang the bell of the door. After some seconds, the knob twisted with my heart. It's not dad or Lauriya. But a lady with white apron. Must be our care taker. She smiled at me as she knew me for years
"You must be Ms Reed"
"Oh Alaska pls"
"It's nice to meet you Alaska"
She moved aside and I entered inside. A familiar smell splashed in my nose and I felt this is the best smell in the world.
"I am Rose, caretaker of this house. If you need anything, call me" saying this she went into the kitchen.

I gazed into the drawing room. I wish Mom was here. My house is not as big as Riley's house but it's a decent one. The decoration hasn’t changed much. Some pieces or flower vase and curtains of different colour have been changed. I can't believe I am in my own house. I started walking through the drawing room and touched almost everything. I am finally here!

I turned back hearing the slamming of the door. It's Ted.
"Hey, where's everyone?" I asked
"Lauriya is on her research centre. She keeps talking about nerves shits all the time. It's so exhausting"

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