Part 61

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"Alis, wake up. Alaska" I heard Lauriya.
"I'm swear I'm gonna throw water at her face" Ana grudged.
"Don't be so stupid" Layken said.
"No, Ana no-" I can hear Lauriya and Layken's protest and I finally opened my eyes due to a splash of water. Badass Ana literally threw water at me.

I jerked my body and Pearl started giggling. With me, half of the couch has became wet. I wanted to sit but I feel dizzy. My head has become heavy and a nerve breaking headache is enough to torture me.
"What the hell" I screamed. I felt a hot rush in my blood.
"You were drunk and fast asleep" Ana said boldly
"This is not the way to wake someone" I buried my face into the couch. I feel sleepy. I wanna sleep more.
"It's your wedding" Layken replied
"I know" I said in my usual voice.
"And we are late" Ana said.

I opened my eyes. All the sleep suddenly faded away. I hurried up from the couch. I felt adrenaline rushing through my blood. All the dizziness disappeared.
"Oh my God! I'm late. Riley must be ready. I need to be ready. I overslept" I panicked.

Who the hell oversleeps in their wedding? I'm embarrassed for being late at my wedding. Still, I got time. I looked at the room. There's no one except the 5 of us.
"Where are others?" I asked
"Kylie and Katie are in their house to get dressed. Now listen, take this and go get a nice shower. Don't be late" Layken gave me a pill with a juice and sandwich.

I was hungry and tried to swallow as much as possible. I got a nice hot and healthy shower. I'm overwhelmed in joy somehow and nervous too. The mini breakdowns had my back!

I got out and saw the glowing face of everybody just as Layken showed them my wedding dress.
"It's so pretty" Ana clutched her face with her hands.
"Oh my God! The best!" Pearl exclaimed.
"The bride is here. For now, me and Ana will deck her. Layken and Pearl, go and get dressed. We will take turns" Lauriya said
"Wait, where is my bridemaid?" I asked as I couldn't find Stacy.
"The first one has lost it since she found we are late. She has gone to bring the rings" Ana assured.

"What do you mean by first one?" I asked midst of giggling
"You have 4 bridesmaids. Me, Lauriya, Layken and Stacy. Now take this and change quickly" Ana remarked by giving me the wedding gown.

I'm may be the first bride in the world whose bridesmaids chose to do the honour themselves!

I unzipped it and slowly slided into my body and tried to zip it. I looked into the mirror. Yeah, I'm getting married. Alaska Reed is getting married. She is marrying the love of her life, one of the most successful eligible bachelor of this state. I don't know why am I blushing!

I stepped out of the changing room and I can spect the glamour in the face of Lauriya and Ana but they quickly hid it. As less time left.

They made me sat and applied foundations, highlighters, not to forget concealers, with a smoky eyeshadow and a linear eye liner. I chose a lipstick of baby pink and I think I look good in this. With this, I look not less than fairy. Now, it was turn for Layken and Pearl. Their dress is the same one Stacy brought yesterday only Pearl is wearing light blue from her head to toe. Thank God, she was actually wearing different colours since she came here but today is an exception.

Pearl tied a bun, this bun is wavy with elegant sparkle and my front hairs have been kept in so way that it might look pretty. It's actually a unique hairstyle. When I am fully ready, Stacy barged in. She panicked
"Is everybody ready? Is Alaska-" she stopped in the mid-way seeing me. She looked at me with wonders in her eyes.

Actually, she is the one to look after. In the bridesmaid dress, she looks not less than any diva.
"You look so pretty" Stacy said excitedly
"So do you" I say

She came near me and ordered
"Sit down"
I followed it. She opened a golden box and kept something in my head. It's a small tiara with leafy structure and small stones printing on it. It highlighted my hairstyle even more. She clutched my back from behind and whispered
"That's our family heirloom. Emmy, Riley's grandmother wore it, their mom did, I did and now it's your time to do the same. After you, we will think of my lil pumpkin's wife" we both giggled.

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