Part 30

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The phone started to ring. And Ana received it.
"Alaska, How are you?"
I ignored the formalities
"You knew about Jorice and Fairy. Right?"
"What?" I can imagine her jaw dropping on the floor
"You knew right?"
"Yes. But Fairy is dead"
"Why didn’t you informed me?"
"Alaska, I don't wanna dig his past. And it's not even mine to tell"
She has got a point
"Jorice is suffering"
"He tried a lot to find Fairy in other girl. But his heart couldn’t let him to choose anyone"
I took a deep breathe. I hate when people uses his future to forget past. I have been doing this since my father betrayed me.

"Alaska" Riley's calm voice called out
"Ana, I will call you later. Take care" I hanged up and turned to him. He looks tired
"You look tired"
"Yeah. I need a nap right now. Are you hungry?"

He walked near me and gave me a small kiss on my cheek. His fragrance traveled to my blood from my nose and enchanted me.

Today was a very mean day for Riley. He saw his sister getting a funeral after 5 years of dying. He went to sleep soon and I began to feel boring.

I quickly went downstairs and checked Stacy. But she is not in the room. Must be with Emmy in the hospital.

I went to the kitchen and found the weird woman, whom I don’t even know. I told her to get a day off. Riley said that he likes cupcakes. I am going to make his favorite strawberry and chocolate cupcake. I hope I can finish it early.

After a hour of baking, I guess it is looking delicious. Riley will surely love it. Won’t he? While making, I had decided what I would do after this work.

So according to my pre planned schedule, I went to the room and found my sleeping beauty in the bed. And I noticed him. His soft hairs are lying over the pillow and his body is moving with his breathe. And he is sleeping comfortably. Stop it Alaska! You are staring too hard. I laughed at my subconscious and took my phone. I dialed my familiar person and he took after two dials
"Hoho sis"
"How are you doing?"
"Great. Enjoying at Riley's home?"
"Yes. Its too big for me"
He chuckled
"Why don't you visit Australia?"
"You know Ted why I left"
"For God's sake Alaska, give it a rest. Dad has been waiting for you. Please come"
My heart is melting at his every words.
"Okay I will think about it"
"Alaska, Dad wanna talk to you?"
"What? Dad?"

Two minutes of silence and a old, familiar voice came out
I felt all the air has ran out of the room.
"Dad" I whispered
He is sobbing at the other end. I can hear his cries
"Come home dear. You belong here"
"Forgive me my little Charlie Chaplin. I regret for my doings. But please come back"
"Dad I will come. Surely. I will"
"Yes Dad. I love you" I blurted out
"I love you too"
"Pass it to Ted"
Dad passed the phone to Ted
"Ted, take care of Dad. I am coming"
"Thanks siso"

I hanged the phone. I said I will go. I had so much anger and complains for him but all melted the moment I heard this familiar voice. I couldn’t stand strong anymore.

I got ready in thoughts and excitement. After 4 years, I will be visiting Australia. I have surely missed it so much. But I need to talk with Riley and say him.

I booked a cab and headed towards Berry hospital. Riley and Stacy are going to kill me when they will see me travelling alone. It's quite dangerous.

I opened the door of Emmy. I wasn’t ready for the scene. And I was embarrassed mostly. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Emmy and Stacy, naked lying on the bed. Stacy in top of Emmy. They are having sex and I just made them more embarrassed.

I quickly closed the door. It's pretty awful that Emmy is fucking her and denies to give her the respect of his wife.

After some moments, Stacy came out. Her clothes are perfect but the hair is messy. She looked at me in embarrassment
"It's okay, I won't tell anyone"
"Thanks" she is blushing. For the first time, I am seeing Stacy being a baby doll. It's cute.

I walked with Stacy and went near Emmy. He is smiling and partially embarrassed.
"We have to hang a "Don't disturb" board outside my door"
I chuckled and Stacy turned red.
"You don't need to. I will knock onwards. It was my mistake"
"Actually we never meant to do it. It just happened with the flow"
"Emmy, don't give me an explanation. You are married"
"How sweet she is!" Emmy wondered
"I was feeling bored. That's why I came here"
"You did the right thing Alis. Stacy, let's order dinner"
Stacy converged into her bossy state
"No Emmy. You are not allowed to eat other food except your diet. And you just had a surgery recently"
"Aren’t we going to celebrate?" Emmy asked

I blinked in confusion
"Celebration? Why?"
Stacy looked at me for a while and confessed
"Last month, I handed Emmy's report to a doctor of London. And he said he has hopes for his back bones and Emmy can walk again. The doctor is coming tomorrow to see him.
"What?" I jumped too
"Yes" Stacy's face enlightened with a huge grin.

That's why Emmy allowed Stacy near him. Maybe, he is again seeing the hope of light in their marriage
"Then we should celebrate"
"That's what I am saying" Emmy cheered
"No" Bossy Stacy interrupted
"Fine. We will do it when Emmy will come back to his feet. Does it sound all right?"
"Yes it does" Emmy wasn’t happy but he supported
"Great then"

Suddenly, the door opened and Riley walked in. He looked at me and said
"So you are here"
"You were sleeping"
"I won't worry untill Stacy takes care of you"

I looked at Stacy. Riley thought Stacy drove me here but I took a cab to come here since it's a trouble to drive own car. Emmy was laughing at Stacy and whereas Stacy remained silent. Stacy knew if she tells Riley truth then Riley will cut her into pieces. I silently supported and reassured her.

He walked near Emmy and handed him a bag
"What's here?"
"Cupcakes. Made by Alaska"
"Wow" Stacy and Emmy both yelled.
"Let's celebrate"
Riley looked at me with the same expression that I gave them couple of minutes ago. And when Emmy told him, he yelled so much that I covered my ears with hands.

A huge grin appeared on his lips. I have never seen him so excited. He hugged Emmy innumerable times. And Stacy started to cry in happiness. Long after, it has started to look like a real happy family.

(Hey guys, how was today’s chapter? Now I am gonna say something. This story will now take turn to the main incidents. Not soon but not too late. Stay updated. #RileyAlaska)

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