Part 11

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I noticed Kylie walking and waving to me. Maybe Katie. I don't know.
"Alaska, is your feet all right?"
"Yes, it is"
"Are you Kylie or Katie?" I awkwardly asked
She giggled and said
"I am Katie"
"What's our menu today?"
"Pecan pies before the break and Churros after the break"
After saying whereabouts of my legs thousand times, I walked to my desk. It seems like I gave a blockbuster film and everybody got to know it.

I found Kylie and Latent gossiping.
After asking about there whereabouts, I started concentrating im my desserts.

Eliot came after a long time. He said
"Is your feet fine now?"
Gosh! Not again.
"Yes fine"

It was a busy day again. But, I had fun making pecan pies gossiping with Kylie and Eliot. All of them are extremely kind, decent and so welcoming.

It was the time for break, we all went again to eat something. I sat with Eliot and Latent. Latent asked while chewing a sandwich
"Alaska, who's there in your family?"
"My brother Ted, my sister Lauriya and my father"
Kylie asked
"what about your mother?"
"She is no more"
"I am sorry" her face turned dark
"Its ok"

Suddenly that black suited men came to my table, bodyguard of Riley. He said
"Ma'am, come with me please"
I don't want anyone to misunderstood anything by the name of Riley so I stood up and started walking with him without asking.

I heard from behind Eliot discussing what Riley told him that night.

Its too highlighted now. I have to talk with Riley today. Going to the lift, I asked
"What's your name?"
"Oliver Foy"
"Mr. Foy, where are-"
"Ma'am call me Oliver please"
"Oliver, where are we going?"
"Riley Sir's cabin"

The door of the elevator opened and I entered into the glass compound again from where the whole Texas can be seen.

But my happiness didn't last long as my eyes met with Stacy and her calm soft eyes became to a firing red asteroid. She is such a bitch!

Oliver said me to go inside. I was about to catch the knob but Stacy came near me and asked
"What do you want?"
"Riley wants to meet me" I made an obvious tone.
"You have had enough now get out"
"But he called me. Ask Oliver"
"I am his personal assistant and I am saying you to get out. Isn't that enough?"

I started walking towards the elevator grudging. What was the point if they wanted to insult me? My legs started paining due to constantly standing and walking.

Just as I pushed the button of the elevator, I heard Riley saying from the other end of the compound
I turned and saw Riley wearing the blue dress and Stacy eying him with red eyes. But something was missing in Riley.
He ordered across the compound
"Come here"
I started approaching near him.

Now I understood very easily what was missing. The glaze and rudeness of his face. He always talks as I am his enemy. Today, his eyes are bloodshot and his hair is also messy. And his facial expression is also soft. He hasn't slept whole night. I can guess.
He asked in a soft tone
"Why were you leaving?"
"Your assistance Stacy told to leave"
He gave a shoot glare to Stacy and said in a high tone
"When I will tell you to come, don't hear any bullshits. Just enter. Now come with me"

I started walking behind him and saw that pissed look on Stacy's face. An unfamiliar satisfaction ran across my heart.

He entered into his desk and I closed the door from behind. I was heading to sit at the chair but he pointed to sit at the white couch which was at the extreme corner. I noticed creamy cushions on top of it. Maybe Riley added newly.

I sat nervously and Riley walked and sat to the left side of me. He said in a broken tone
"Stacy is crazy. Don't mind"
"I didn't"
"Its good to see you standing on your feet"
He tried to smile a little and said
"Yesterday, you were looking miserable due to pain"
"But today you are looking miserable"
"Is it?"
"Yesterday I couldn't slept"

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