Part 34

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Today's content contains sexual description and stories. I strictly prohibit the boys and girls, who are under 18. Read at your own risk.

"I promise, you won't ever face anything now onwards"
"I know it Riley. It was hard for me to cope up with everything. But Ana helped me with almost everything. Now my life is great and better"
"Did you ever asked your father who wanted to buy you?"
"No! He denies to tell"
"Bullshit! He should have told you where you are going"
"I don't blame him. The situation was really tough that time"

Riley hugged me from back side and cuddled me by rubbing his face in my neck. A warmth of love and care spread in my heart. I caressed his hair with my hand. He whispered
"You are so strong" I smiled a little.

He started to give me neck bites. It was lovely but harsh.
"Riley stop"
"Not today"

I can clearly understand his intentions. I am trying hardly to stop but my heart is protesting against it. I closed my eyes. His lips travelled through my neck and my collar bone. I heard collar bone is the weakest point of any boy. Now, I am getting it too. He is travelling outside me and I am enjoying it.

He suddenly stopped. I am waiting for him to re-start. But he is not approaching. What happened?

I opened my eyes. He is looking at me in naughty eyes in front of me.
"So my baby girl is desperate"
I blushed hearing this
"No. I am not" I tried to lie
"I am not buying that. Your eyes are telling the truth"

He is true. Now I am wanting him more closer. He said
"You have to pay the price first"
"What price?"
"You have to satisfy me" he smirked. I missed this Riley.
"You have to make me want you"
"But you want me"
"Not untill you make me"
"What should I do now?"
"Satisfy me of course"

He sat in the couch while opening his shirt. He sat in a sexy way. I can't take my eyes from his perfect lined body. It makes me more to want him. He is so sexy.
"Make me happy Ms Reed" he looked at me in dark eyes.

I went near against him. I know just what to do with him. I started untucking my shirt that I wore. I can see his eyes getting desperate but controlling deeply. You are already satisfied Riley!

My shirt fell into the ground. And I started to open my pants and I successfully threw it. I am now in only bra and panty in front of him. He is eyeing me from head to toe. His horny eyes have already made me wet.

I approached near me. And I started to touch his whole body with my fingers. And a little moan escaped from his mouth. I started to unbutton his pants. I opened his pants while looking at his eyes. And I threw it in the floor.

I started to lick him. From his toe to his lips. Almost everything. And he is moaning in pleasure.

I poured my every love and desire within him. I made him to want me. I chose him and I want him to choose me too.

He finally stood and said
"I am satisfied Ms Reed. Come here"
"To show you the explanation of wrong" He chuckled and I smiled.

It's morning and the sun rays have started to attack the curtains already. I am sitting in the bed naked. Half of the bed sheet is covered in blood. Really, it's painful for virgins but if you do it with someone you love, it can be turned to pleasure. Riley was careful while fucking me. Though, I got hurt and now my vagina is flaring up. I smiled seeing the condom lying in the floor.

Riley is sleeping peacefully. He is looking so innocent. I blushed remembering last night events. It was one of the best night of my life. I finally gave my virginity to someone whom I can rely. Is Riley virgin? I never asked him about his any girlfriends?

I got up with thinking this. And took the clothes that I threw last night. I went to the washroom. My vagina is constantly giving me pain. My eyes got round when I saw a note in the washroom near the bathtub. Who kept the note here? Did anyone came in the room and saw me naked?

I came near the bathtub. Some pills and a antiseptic cream are kept there. I took the note. It states-

After shower, use the antiseptic cream in the places where you got hurt. And took the pill, after breakfast.

I came here to call you for today exam. But seeing you in this condition, I thought its better to respect your privacy. I am at hospital with Emmy. Call before coming. Take care.

P.S-Lock you door properly

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. She saw me naked and bloodied with Riley. I am so embarrassed. A few days ago, I saw her with Emmy. And now she saw me with Riley. Universe must be kidding me.

Stacy told me I would have to pass firearm certificate test to get my license. They would take a test asking silly questions and I have to pass it. Though, I haven't prepared for it. But Stacy said she have already taught me well.

I took a cold shower for a long time. A warmth feeling spread through my soul and body. I applied the cream all over the wounded place. Riley sometimes acted harsh. But these are the signs of love. My love bites given my love boy.

I hoped to see Riley sleeping after taking a shower. But he is not in the bed. Must be having breakfast. I headed downstairs but he is not here too. I sat down and the weird women handed me some sandwiches.

I was shoving the sandwiches with great pleasure. Riley came in the table in his polo t-shirt, with a man with a brief suitcase.
"Sorry for interrupting your breakfast Alaska" Riley apologised
"It's okay" I looked from him to the men who was smilingly at me
"Meet John Young. And Mr Young, she is my beautiful girlfriend Alaska" I blushed hearing the words beautiful girlfriend. I got up and shaked my hands. John cleared his throat and said
"Nice to meet you Ms Reed"
"Nice to meet you Mr Young"
"Here is your passport" he handed me my passport.

My eyes grew possibly larger. How he has my passport? He began
"We have completed all your procedure and visa is attached too. You can visit any country soon within 6 months. I gotta go. Happy journey. Again, nice to meet you Ms Reed"
"Nice to meet you too Mr Young" I said only this line to him. He went outside of my sight. And I looked at Riley who was smiling in suspense.
"You did that. Didn't you?" I asked
"Yes. Because, it would take months to make a new passport again. Your old one expired long ago"

I looked at him with all the love and care. He did this for me. Only for me. For him, I can visit Australia soon. I love him.
"Will you say something?"
"Thanks a lot"
"My pleasure. Now get back to breakfast"

I sat with a big smile. And I felt the taste of sandwiches have increased.
"Bertha, give me the juice"
And the weird lady came with the juice jug. Oh! Her name is Bertha. She is so weird. She never talks.

"Wha I bill b-"
"Alaska, don't speak before eating"

I chewed and gulped half.
"When I will be going to Australia?"
"When do you want?"
"How about the day after tomorrow?"
I asked him in excitement.
"Eagerly waiting to meet your family?"
"Won't you come?"
He remained silent for a moment and answered
"Next time Alis. Okay, I will book the tickets for you"
"Fine. I will transfer the money in your account"
"I warn you"
"You spent enough for me"
"I don't usually get to spent much. I am happy I finally got a reason"
"You won't pay for the tickets. You already paid other"
"You don't know my account" he said proudly while biting
"Fine. Only for this time" I accepted my defeat.
"Isn't Stacy home?"
"No. She is with Emmy"
"Is it empty?" He looked at me in a naughty way. I know this looks
"Yes empty. But I won't let you take advantage of it"
"Why? Wasn't the night great yesterday?"
"Shut up Riley"

He chuckled and my morning became blessed by seeing his smile.

(Hey guys, so we are all going to meet Alaska's family member. Are you excited like me? Vote, comment, share #RileyAlaska)

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