Part 3

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I taped the bell of my apartment. Jorice opened the door and said
"Babes, wanna hook up?"
Jorice is Ana's best friend. He is a pure womanizer. Ana always catches him having sex with her classmates. He is a little bit flirty and good looking. Most handsome and eligible bachelor of their group so I think that's the reason of being famous in girl gang.
I ignored him and gave a little pinch on his stomach. He stepped aside and I entered into the house.

Ana screamed from the couch
"Alis, you looked so exhausted. Go take a shower. I ordered pizza. In 20 minutes"
Ana is always so cheerful and little bit weird. She said
"You really look tired."

I was really tired. After cooking for 5 hours then waiting in line for 30 minutes just for a coffee and pasta, I don't think I can do something today except sleeping.

After a hot shower, I'm feeling comparatively nice. I walked into the kitchen and found them eating pizza. Ana handed me a plate with a slice Jorice poked
"Eat for now. We might have mischievous night"
"Shut up Jorice" replied Ana
I smiled and ate my pizzas. The pizzas were so tasty.

Jorice left when one of his two days girlfriend called him and we sat on a couch. I turned on the tv. It was probably an action move. Fuck it! I love Harry potter!

Ana asked
"How was your day today?"
I replied hesitantly
"Yeah it was good"
She looked at me in concern
"Are you okay? You don't sound so excited as you sounded earlier"
"Fine, kinda messed up"
And I told her the whole story of messing. She grew the radius of her eyes and said
"Don't worry. They will love your efforts"
"Maybe" I said in an unsure tone
And we again focused on television.

After some time, I went to my room and found 3 missed calls from Ted.
I dialed his number and it was ringing. After some times, he received
"Hey Alis"
"Hey Ted"
"How's ur test today?"
"It was good but I messed up with a dish"
And then I told the long history of today again. He said
"Hey your dessert was good so get your finger crossed"
I sighed hopefully.
After talking to him I finally slept like I never slept in my whole life.

1 week later,
"Come on Freddy, don't be so silly"
"Alis, I know I will get a F grade. My dish was silly"
"Be confident"
"I can't"
Today our test's marks will be given. And maybe today some of us will struggle in the crowd again or some of us will enter into a new phase. Freddy was not sure about the success of his dish. Neither was I about mine!

Me and Fred is waiting for Mark and Layken. My heartbeat is running like horse and I am so nervous. This 1 week have been so nerve breaking for me.

Finally Layken and Mark arrived. We all went to see our scores. By every steps I was feeling my legs are going to become stone any moment. I was feeling dizzy and breathlessness. Near the score board, it was so crowdy. Finally after pushing 3 boys and 2 girls far I reached near the board.

I searched the name from below as I was sure that my dish won't be at top. And the last name I found is Freddy. He ranked 134. Maybe last but at least passed. And I was happy about that.

The board seemed to never end and I was looking up and up and my name is nowhere to be seen till now. Mark was at 2nd rank and Layken at 19th rank. I started getting scared.

And at the top of the board. I found my name. Alaska Reed-1st position.

Wait, what?

First position


Wasn’t I nervous about failing?

My Turkish dish wasn't perfect. Then how could this be possible? I again watched the position properly. It can't be me! I came out from the crowd in confusion. Layken, Freddy, Mark all screamed in a voice

Layken beamed
"Hey first girl"
Saying this she hugged me. I returned the same but I am little bit confused. Seeing my confusion Freddy said "Alaska, your dish must be delicious. Otherwise, why would they mark you so high?"
I nodded in partial happiness and confusion.

Mark seemed absolutely quite. Maybe my success was haunting him or maybe he hoped best for his position.
We all walked down through elevator. Some decent guys congratulated me and some of them looked at me in slee eyes. The liftman Tom asked about our results and he congratulated me. Maybe after 3 years, he said something exceptional to me.

Exiting from the hotel, Layken said
"I am throwing a party tonight. Mark and Freddy are always in. You wanna come?"
Seeing no response she jerked my body. Regaining consciousness, I said
"Sorry, repeat pls"
"I am throwing a party. You have to come"
She stopped me in the middle of my sentence
"I know you don't like partying. Alaska, we all are having graduation ceremony the next week. After that I will shift to Canada with Mebble. Freddy will return to his homeland Paris, marry his beautiful gf Dakota. And Mark will move to Queens for a higher degree. We don't know when we are gonna meet next. So please stop your tantrums. You are coming"
Understanding the gravity of her sentence I finally agreed
"Okay 7 PM,at my home" she replied and I nodded my head in agreement.

I entered into my apartment unlocking the door. Ana is at her University. I am still shocked. I stood first. The judge must be kidding me. After taking a warm shower, I excitedly called Ana. She picked
"Hello Alis"
"Ana, I secured first position"
After some moments of silence, she burst into excitement
"What! I told you. They are going to love your dish."
"Yeah but still I am confused"
"Ugh girl, come on. Celebrate your success. A party tonight?"
"No. Layken already asked me so not yours tonight"
"Okay fine, Want some company at the party? Its been many days since I got to see Layken, Freddy and Mark. And after graduation I won't get to see them. There's chances maybe we won't meet again in this lifetime."
I knew she would show her interest here. She liked partying and she always shows her all interest in my everything for which I like her so much.
I replied "Why not?"
After agreeing and almost deciding our make up and dresses she hanged up.

I dialed Ted's number and called. He said in his usual tone
"Ted, I secured first position."
"What? Are you serious?.Its a great news" he beamed
"Yeah it is!"
Ted didn't sounded as excited as I expected.
"When you are flying for my graduation ceremony?"
"Next Monday"
"Okay I will wait for you brother. And my lucky dress seemed to work. Love you"
"Love you too sis"
I hanged up the phone.With much excitement I made pasta and turned 'Friends' series on tv. I am so happy. My all efforts finally worked. And it is indeed a magical day for me.

(Hey guys, vote, comment and share #RileyAlaska)

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