Part 47

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I passed my last 5 days in a repeated cycle. Just get up from sleep, go and eat, entertain yourself by the dramas of Darius and Emmy, go to kitchen and work, sleep by cuddling Riley. As I passed my license exam, Stacy no more calls me to go and do some practice. I didn’t enjoyed it really but it feels empty when something misses out from your daily routine.

New year is tomorrow. I wanna start my new year with Riley and positive vibes. Good luck to me!

No matter how much I hate Darius, even I can't deny that he is playing his role so effectively and good. Riley says he had always wanted to make Stacy his girlfriend. This chance came as a golden opportunity to him. But Stacy never lets him come near her if there's no Emmy there. But it's just fun. Emmy grew more impatient than anyone. But still, he isn't uttering a single word. But his face turns red whenever Darius comes to meet Stacy and Stem. The most best part of this drama is Emmy and Stem are growing more closer. Emmy really have seemed to take care of Stem. They both sleeps together, Emmy feeds him and give him a bath. It really makes Stacy happy. But Emmy isn’t taking any steps towards Stacy. I am waiting for this.

I did an exceptional thing in this holiday. I asked for my shop's permission and Riley denied it. Ted protested it solemnly. He said I don't need permission for Riley to fulfil my dreams. I agree with him but it isn’t all about fulfilling my dreams but how risky will it be too. Riley thinks he can protect me in his territory but he can't count on evens to vanquish the odds.

I am currently heading towards Stacy's room with toffees in my hands. Dad sent those with a black card for Christmas. Surely, Stem will like this.

I knocked on the closed door and Stacy said in a firm voice
"Come in"

I pushed the door and went inside. Stacy gazed me from reading files and again drowned in it. Whereas, Stem is looking greedily at the toffees in my hands, sitting in midsts of many toys on the floor and waiting for the very moment when I will be handing him the toffees.

I walked near him, stretched out my hands and he conquered it fastly. He smiled with his cheeks and whispered
"Thank you. Don't tell Mom. She never lets me have more than one toffee. She says these are bad for teeth"
"She is right. If you promise me to have only one per day then I won't tell her. Never ever"
"I promise" he said swiftly.
I ruffled his well combed hair and turned it messy.

"Do you know where Riley is?" I said
I haven’t seen Riley since I woke up. It's already noon and I got up late today. He usually leaves a note but he is absent today.

"I don't know" Stacy said
"Fine. I gotta go"
"Stay" Stacy said while eying files
"I need to have lunch and then I have to take shower"
"I see you have taken shower already"
"She showels always" Stem said while giggling
"That's so good notice of you, Stem. You are right. She showers always" Stacy grinned too.
"It's not true, you little toddler" I said after looking at Stem.
"Did I heard you referring my baby as little toddler?" Stem asked with twisted eyebrows and naughty smile
"Absolutely not" I surrendered
"Better" Stacy again gave attention in the files.
"Look I bought this for Liley's birthday" Stem handed me a scrap book. Scrap books are for teenagers and adults. Stem shouldn’t know this.

But the fact is, I didn’t even knew Riley's birthday's coming. He never mentioned it.
"Is Riley's birthday near?" I asked Stacy.
"Yes. Didn't he told you?" Stacy asked
"Must have missed from his mind" I replied, hardly trying to cover the awkwardness. But Stacy seems to be a professional mind reader.
"It's okay. I knew this boy wouldn’t have told you. His birthday is tomorrow. On new year's eve"

Great! He takes birth on the first day of every year. Universe must be kidding me. As his girlfriend, I should have known his birth date. Fuck! I need to buy him a birthday gift and I need to bake a cake for him. It's only tomorrow. I got very less time.

"Are you okay?" Stacy asked in a concerned look.
"Yes. I was just thinking about what should I gift him"
"I'm sure you will find something special soon. I am hosting a party tomorrow on this occasion. Make sure you looks like his girl" Stacy smiled and looked in the files again.
"I don't have any dress. And I didn’t even invited anyone" I said
"Don't worry about them. I invited your colleagues and friends. But you can invite someone in case I missed it"
"Fine" I muttered

I walked in silence from the room. I sat in the table and Bertha served me bacons. I digged my fork when Darius walked through the door. I was so drowned in Riley's birthday gift that I didn’t noticed him initially before he said smirking
"Alone today, Al?"
"Yup" I startled by his voice but managed myself

He pulled himself a chair. I wished heartily him to walk upstairs instead of sitting with me but it didn’t worked.
"How's your day going?" Darius asked
"Pleasant. What about yours?" I said while bitting a bacon.
"Never better. Can I ask you something?"

I shifted my position nervously, unaware that what he might ask me. Still, it's indecent to say no.
"Yes, you may"
"Is dating Riley really makes you happy?" he asked with all curiosity in his eyes.
"Yes. It does" I said honestly
"You should be careful then" Darius said
"I am"
"Spencers have a very bad reputation at marrying the girls they buy on a contract. And even after marriage, they never remains at peace"
"That's not true!" I said boldly

I felt a hot rage fire ball growing inside me. He is wrong. Riley never brought me. But still he loves me.
"You can't be sure. Look at Riley's parents. Marshall brought Berry to be his mistress. But later, ended up marrying her. And then he killed her. Look at Stacy and Emmy. Stacy was sold to the Spencers too. And now, she is paying a third person like me to get back her husband. You can't be sure about yourself"

I am not sure about his logic. As there are several reasons behind this. But, I can't deny the truth. Every words of him are true. But, he doesn’t know everything. He awaited my answer. As seeing my silence, he gave me a victorious smile and said
"See, my words are true"
"No it isn’t. You know nothing. Berry being shot by Marvel was an accident. And as far as Emmy and Stacy, Emmy wouldn’t leave her if he hadn’t thought of his disability to be a burden on her"

Glow reduced from Darius's face.
"I was just telling you to be careful. Mafias can be of great danger" he said slowly
"I am sure Eve was aware of that. Wasn’t she?" I tried to interrogate a lil bit.
"No she wasn’t. That's where, she committed the mistake" Darius said angrily.
"Riley wouldn’t serve her worst. I know him"
"Abandoning a helpless girl for being unfertilized seems not to serve her worst?" Darius asked angrily
"I am sure he had his reasons" I said while taking a sip of juice.

"That's an excuse. He played with my sister. Firstly, Spencers tries to steal your girl and then abandons the girl giving excuses of various disabilities of both sides. Riley did this to Eve and Now Emmy is trying to do the same to Stacy! No matter how careful, you are gonna stay Ms Reed, he is going to abandon you too. Because that's how he is! That's how Spencers are!"
He walked away saying this.

I gulped water with hundred of thoughts. Darius isn’t wrong either. But I believe my Riley. He wouldn’t leave me. I happen to be his girl. But Eve too expected this from Riley and Riley played unfair to her. I shouldn’t think about this! Eve is long gone and Riley was immature when he was in a commitment. Riley will choose me. Again and Again. I can live my life on this firm belief.

But for now, I must go shopping. I need to buy him a decent birthday gift. And I don't even have a dress now. I need to buy a decent dress for the party. Hurry up Alaska!

(Hey guys, how are you? #RileyAlaska)

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