Part 57

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Why is everyone staring at me? What are they whispering? Why they are giving me an odd look?

I wondered while walking to the elevator with Mr Hyde. Riley couldn’t accompany me today as he has an important meeting.

I think our wedding news has gone all over the office that's why they are casting me a curios look. All of them are intended to see the fourth owner of this company. Some people even bowed and wished me good morning. I'm truly enjoying this but it feels weird too.

I walked towards the kitchen leaving Mr Hyde with the bartender. I noticed they grew to be good friends. I jumped abruptly when Latent came running to me. He is smiling like he wants to say something
"Brezo hasn’t come today" Latent cheered
"What's there to be so happy?" I asked in confusion
"Holy hell, Ellie is pregnant. He is in a holiday to take care of her" Latent's eyes are dazzling
"Oh my God! That's amazing" I clutched my face with my hands.
"He informed this morning"
"I am so happy for them"

I walked with Latent towards my desk. Weirdly, everyone is flinching twice by my presence and there are whispers everywhere.
"What are they whispering about?" I asked Latent.
"About you being the half owner of this company after 4 days" Latent smiled with his dimples.
"How do they know about the date of the marriage?" I wondered

Kylie and Katie waved to me from distance whereas Raven seemed to not care.

"Jeez, It's on the news and television. Our company is extremely famous and all over the world. Everybody knows Riley and the Spencers. As, from now, you are going to be famous too, your highness. Should I bow everyday?" he teased
"I will kill you if you do that" I threw my bag into the desk.

There is pair of eyes everywhere. I asked
"What?" and all of them removed their eyes.
"Relishing fame, Mrs to be Spencer?" Raven pinched.

Not again! I will really kill her!
"You can say so" I said while tying my apron and I can hear the smirking of Kylie.
"I can't believe the owner of this company is here baking shits!" she pinched again.

Her face is full of revenge and she is glaring at me! I don't know why is she up against me?
"Don’t insult the work that brings the food!" I said boldly.
"You are so unlike of this company. Whereas, Stacy is perfect. She got the attitude but you are too busy washing your hands on some random little fellow" Raven mocked giving me a dark look by indicating about my friendship on Latent, Kylie and Katie.
"If you utter one more word, I will be happy to hand your resignation letter. Don't forget, who's the owner"

I hate applying powers so arrogantly but she hasn’t left any option. Fucking bastard!

She moved without any further talk by casting me a dark look. Kylie smiled at me and I returned it too. Oddly, neither Kylie nor Katie are talking to me anymore!

We made lots of pecan pies today. I was making the syrup when Kylie said
"Ma'am, can you get the essence for me as my hands are full?" she said while showing her hands.

My temper got high hearing the word Ma'am! What does she think me to be? Live like their ma'am? God, I'm her friend.
"Kylie, I will surely bring the essence if you stop forgetting our friendship?" I said chattering my teeth
"I thought-" she looked at me with scary eyes.
"You thought me to act like boss? Hell, why? I'm your friend. And I'm the same Alaska" I convinced.
"I agree with you. I was just in dilemma about it. Katie is in too" she confessed.
"Tell her the truth" I ordered

I walked towards the food packaging room. I can hear whispers while walking into the room.
"She isn’t like Stacy. She is more humble"
"Oh my God! I can vomit over his taste. She looks horrible"
"Honestly, she must have tricked Riley into marrying her"
"She is a gold digger. I would bet over that"
"Shh! She might heard you"
"Are you sure about their marriage? I thought Riley Sir would marry someone who is more capable of him!"
"She is so beautiful!"
"She isn’t capable for Riley. Riley should marry someone rich"
"She is rich. Her father has brothels all over the world"
"Oh wow! Is she a prostitute? I think Riley must have met her when he went into the brothels. And cunning Alaska must have...."
"She is so good looking. Perfect match!"
"Yuck!‌‌ Is she the only girl left on the Earth? Honestly, I am more pretty than her"

I walked hearing more negative comments than positive. Inner me filled with pressures and disappointments. I never cared for this shits but it hurts. I belong from a clan who has brothels and I'm rich, not like Riley but average. But our Dad raised us in another world, we never had to dealt with the odds. And the brothels are gone for good. I looked at the ring. I shouldn’t be worrying about it but I can't help caring.

I spent the whole day in silence. It's been weird to see Stacy behind Riley as it's been months but she smiled at me just as she saw me and did so Riley.

He hugged me and forced the person roaming in the compound to look at us. I missed him.
"Today was a great day" Stacy said with a glowing smile
"Why is that?" I asked
"She sacked half of my employees" Riley said with a shock yet teasing tone.
"What happened?" I asked
"Just wanted them to remember who the 3rd owner of this company is! I fired them who used to laugh at my face when I was your assistant!" she said with a victorious smile.
"I too threatened Raven to fire her today" I exclaimed too
"That's my girls!" Emmy exclaimed.
"Emmy, you should give them an earful. If this goes, this girls will sack every employees and we will live with nothing" Riley said in disappointment tone.

"Oh my God! You here?" I wondered. I hadn’t thought him to be in office. He smiled at me and said
"I need to earn for my beautiful wife and son. Don't I?" he said and it hit me like an embarrassment
"Emmy decided to join the office" Riley said
"Yeah but I will leave as soon as I get something worth doing for" he looked at Riley who smiled at him
"Aren't you happy with this?" I asked
"Yeah but I think, I can do better. I feel my fate lies in better" he said
"His fate lies in writing some shitty romantic and heart broken love story" Riley mocked
"Better than your mafia shits" Emmy hit Riley's legs with his wheelchair and Riley yelled
"I don't wanna read out my vows with no legs"

But still, Emmy is following him with his wheelchair whereas Riley is running across the compound. Me, Stacy are giggling together and others are looking curiously at their bosses doing a childish thing.

"You okay? You seem so quiet!" Riley said while hugging tightly to bed.
"Riley, I was wondering what if you are making a wrong decision by marrying me? What if I'm not perfect enough for you?" I asked

Riley looked at me in confused eyes and the room has become silent than ever.
"What happened?" he asked
"Just tell what if I'm not" If I really confess, he may kick them. I don't want his company to suffer for my personal enmity.

"That's life, Alis. You are absolutely perfect for me and the prettiest girl, my eyes ever laid on. I don't regret my decision of marrying you. We are enough to be together" Riley assured me.
"Thanks for that" his words calmed my inner storm. He is right. I would know if we weren’t meant to be together. Wouldn’t I?

"What makes you say that?" Riley asked in a worried tone.
"It was just a confirmation. By the way, I'm gonna give you a good news now" I said excitedly and his eyes grew more bigger.

He looked at me in horror struck. I'm shocked by his reaction. He gasped
"You're not. Are you?"
"Oh my God! Never Riley. No, I'm not pregnant" I gave him a awkward look and he became normal again.

Why the hell everybody thinks that I'm pregnant?

"You hella scared the shit out of me" He said taking a deep breathe.
"Are you afraid of babies?" I asked worriedly. If it so, what about my maternal instincts?

"Nope. But It's just, you are too young to be a mother" he said and I said
"I'm in my early 20s" I protested
"You gotta see life and explore the world. You gotta taste various foods" he said
"I can do it with my baby" I said
"Holy hell! Don't talk about it now! We are marrying. And we will have babies soon. But not now. I wanna keep the world at your feet first!" he said giving me the smile worth dying for. And I hugged him more tightly.

"What's the news you were gonna give me?" he asked. I nearly forgot about it.
"Right. Ellie is pregnant" I said cheerfully. I expected him to see excited but he said in a boring tone.
"I know. I told Brezo to take some days off to take proper care of Ellie. She will need him now"

I pressed Riley tightly towards the bed. When did he became so mature? His words made my day. I love how he cares for everyone. Maybe he is a arrogant but he is kind too. He pressed me instead and leaned to bite on my neck and I continued giggling.

(Hey guy, how was it? The motive of my today's part is never let any kind of negativity hung around you. You are precious and unknown of your potential. Better keep calm. #RileyAlaska)

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