Part 46

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"Nice to meet you Al again" Darius waved his hand and looked at me with proud in his eyes.

Why me? Why always me? All the members are awake in his fortress in this early morning but he had the opportunity to meet me first. And nobody ever called me Al. Wow!

"Good morning" I said while looking at other direction. I hate to see the glamour he has in his eyes. Riley just pushed him outside home yesterday and still Stacy invited him again. He thinks he has won. But the moment Emmy accepts them, I will be the one to throw him first.

"You are looking beautiful as always. That necklace is beautiful" he said while pointing at the chain that Riley bought me as my Christmas gift.

"Riley bought for me. I loved it" I said cheerfully, his face turned little dark but he managed himself
"Yeah, his choice is beautiful. The necklace that he bought for Eve was magnificent too"
I know he is trying to make me feel as low as possible but I am daring enough to ignore him.
"Make yourself at home"

I turned my shoes saying this. I really need to stay away from him. I don't know but I always feel a bad vibe around him.

I returned to the breakfast table passing the hall. The Christmas tree is still there. The only talking member in the table is Stem. I sat beside Riley and extreme opposite to Stem, who is sitting in midst of his parents.

Bertha served us burger and I forced myself a bite. Meanwhile, Darius turned up from nowhere and asked
"Everyone's having breakfast?"
I hoped Riley to remain quiet cause last night, I gave a tough lesson to him about Stacy's plan. So, only Emmy's eyes grew ferocious.

"What is he doing here?" Emmy asked hardly while looking at Darius and Darius smirked. He pulled himself a chair and sat beside Stacy.

"Baby, haven't you told your husband that I will be coming today?"
"I don't have husband" Stem replied

I would really laugh my ass off if there's no Emmy or Riley here. It's very obvious of Stem to think the word baby is just only for him!

"Stem, go to your room and play with your toys. We will have an elder discussion here" Stacy said and Stem followed it without any further question.

"Did you called him?" Emmy asked while with a look that he will really murder Darius today.

I looked nervously at Stacy who seems perplexed. Riley said while wiping his lips with a handkerchief
"I called him here"

Riley looks so clam as if there Darius is our guests. I know very well Riley is protecting Stacy. Cause Emmy, the iron man would have assaulted her.
"Why?" Emmy howled
"Calm down, my to be wife's to be ex husband"

It's really indecent to laugh in this serious situation but dear Alaska, for God's sake, don't ruin it!

"What?" Emmy's face turned pure white. He reached the final destination of astonishment.
"I am right. Ain't I, Al?" he winked and I sensed Riley changing his position nervously. And Emmy looked at me with confused eyes for a moment.
"Yes" I said while chewing the burger.

Darius took Stacy's hand and kissed on it.
"We will be getting married as soon as she receives her divorce letter. I believe we won't have any problem, darling"
Darius's eye was super flirty and I can tell by his look, he is enjoying the role. Maybe, what Riley did to his sister, his anger is justified towards the Spencers.

"What?" Emmy asked again. His face is worth looking. His eyes are so miserable and pathetic. Literally, his eyes are begging Stacy to stop. Just his mouth needs to do that!

"Yes baby. I hopes we get together soon" Stacy flirted back. The look that she is giving to Darius are worth looking. Fire is running through every veins of Emmy. I never saw flirty Stacy before.

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