Part 83

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Alaska's POV

I felt a dumb pain in my abdomen. Of course, the stitches will be gone now. I kind of just closed my eyes but everytime my ears are being echoed by the voice of Riley.

I watched the video more than 20 times. And everytime I see, I feel a mixture of rage and satisfaction.

He really spoke out to the world about it. He really did! I didn’t knew he would take my words so seriously. The worst part is yet to come. He would come again and ask for forgiveness. And after all these times, and what he did, I won't be able to forgive him. No matter how grateful he would want to see me!

What if I do? What if I again give him the chance to control him? That's what he has done to me. I can't think of anyone who met to me without his planning.

"It’s done" the doctor removed the white silk curtain and gave me a smile gracefully.
"Your stitches are completely removed but you need to be very careful. Keep them in proper contact with water. Walk every day. Here are some antidotes prescribed for you" she handed me a paper and walked down.

I don't know but it feels a lot empty without stitches. Maybe its just my feelings.

"Alis, are you fine?" Layken ran to me with Finnie in her hands. I take a look at my sleeping beauty and replied
"Feel like a free bird. Bet I can fly" I said trying to smile to appear normal.

After yesterday's incident, Layken kept a close eye on me. She checked on me every one hour at night though I pretended to fall asleep.

We both walked out and sat at the car carefully. I took my baby and Layken drove the car. It feels like to be outside. The fresh air was all I needed. I love the transparent fragrance. All I need now is to be somewhere where I will be what I am. I don't want to be someone who I'm not!

The speed slowed down and I looked at Layken. She explained
"They serve really good food. You sure you don't wanna taste it?"
I'm not in a mood to really taste foods but I also don't wanna go home either and cry out.

I got down and entered into the Baybae's cafe. It isn’t really big or majestic. With Riley, I nearly forgot how my real life really is! It was only luxurious and lavish life. But I forgot that I never belonged there.

The owner is really creative and it's less crowded. We took a small table and I gently sat down with Finnie in my hands. They have a stage maybe they can afford singers at night as it's empty. Maybe it’s not the time.

I looked at the menu and ordered an expresso for me. Though Layken pacified me to take some real food but I don't feel like it. Moreover, I don't have money too.

I looked at the couple sitting parallel to us. They are looking cute but right now I'm annoyed by their love. It is disturbing me. A small sigh left my heart.

Layken looked around just like me and she hesitantly said
"It’s good. Isn’t it?"
"Definitely" I said
"They might be content" she pointed to the waiters.
"Seems like" I looked at them
"And it's less crowded" Layken tried to sound obvious.
"Better" I looked around
"And they have shortage of chefs" Layken ignored my eye contact.
"How come you know that?" I tried interrogating her.
"I just had a look at the magazine this morning. They happened to publish it" Layken said and I just understood what she meant.

I was about to interrogate her but the waiter just served us. I tried to look at her but she just ignored my gaze. I took a sip at my coffee. In no way, I'm gonna get a job of chef. I tore my certificate into pieces. I took another sip of my coffee and Layken took a bite of her hotdog.

Suddenly, through the corner of my eyes, I saw the boy standing at my parallel seat and he kneeled down. I took a clear look. Layken just like me turned her direction too. The people who were present all turned their eyes too. The boy said something unclear but I can see the happiness at the girl's face. She covered her mouth and the boy said loudly.

"Will you be my partner till the day I die?"

I can feel every whispers or loud voices that says
"Say yes" even Layken screamed it.

I feel so annoying and rug. I feel like tearing the girls and boys apart.

"Yes" the girl said and the boy said loudly
"She said yes" and lifted his arms in victory. They kissed and everyone clapped.

Filthy romance.

I can't wait to see how they rip their hairs off when they really began to live together. Maybe, I won't even be there to see.

The crowd slowly calmed themselves and the boys and girls too settled down. I tried to avoid them as much as I can but somehow I feel a sharp pain in my heart. Layken is trying to pretend numb in front of me but I know this things freaks her out and she can't wait to explain how cute the couple is. Probably, an essay of 15 pages is the minimum!

Layken payed the bill as I don't have any money. Honestly, she owes me a lot. I passed the table and I turned my eyes back just as I saw the cheerful Layken. She is literally streaming in excitement and telling them just what I said!

I walked near back again and I could hear her
"You guys are amazing. Feels like you are made for each other. It’s cute what you did"

The boy shook his head and kissed his girlfriend's hand and a flame of jealousy hit me.
"It's because this lady loves me a lot" the girl blushed
"When you just kneeled down, the expression was just awesome" Layken cheerfully said.

I cleared my throat and they turned their eyes on me. I told Layken
"Let's go. We are getting late" I tried to remain as sweet as possible.
"Coming. Lastly one thing, you guys are so cool. I would love to see you guys together"
"We wish too. Lilian is the love of my life and I know she wouldn’t leave me" the boy forwarded again to kiss her. This time, on forehead! That's a definite cute gesture but subconsciously a small giggle left my mouth and I earned their awkward eyes.

Holy crap!

It wasn't intentional. I just laughed thinking how fake this promises are!

"Excuse me miss, what's funny here?" the girl asked me with clear dissatisfaction in her face.
"Sorry, I was just wondering how people fall for something that doesn’t exist" I smiled trying to be normal.
"What doesn’t exist?" the boy asked
"Love" I said in a clear voice.

I clearly don't want this conversation. Not every promises are fake, I believe it but right now I don't wanna let them down. And this is something, I can't explain to them.

"I think you had a bad experience but it isn’t true" the girl Lilian spoke out
"No such thing as love exist. You guys are breaking up in a few years" I confidently said though I don't know why am I behaving like this.

The boy stood up in rage and shouted
"What the hell are you talking about? We are never breaking up"
"You will thank me later" I said with a cold voice. The boy slowly showed me his middle finger and sat with this. The girl started giggling hard and I felt a rush of blood over my face. I slowly started to heat up and within no notice, I took the bottle of red wine in a blink and splashed it into the boy's face.

I know I would get into trouble soon. Just after doing this, I walked out without turning behind. I heard Layken's footsteps and the boy cursing me. I also heard the approach of waiters and perhaps manager.

I pulled the exit and walked left.

(Hey guys, how are you? Hope you will like this. #RileyAlaska)

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