Part 28

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The weather has started to get cold. Indicates that winter is coming. So Christmas is!

I am sitting in front of Emmy, who is in a very miserable condition. Riley drove me today from the office to the hospital. Stacy is coming here too. Emmy smiled at me laying
"Hi Alaska"
"Hello Emmy, How are you feeling now?"
"Brilliant" he tried to ease the environment
"But you look pathetic. You should take the help of nurses. That's why they are for"
"I thought I could do myself"
He is just like Riley. He doesn't wanna take help from anyone. Or Riley is just like him? I don't know.
"How's your bone? Do you feel pain?"
"No. It's all right. Real, why are you staring me?"
Riley is staring him hard.
"No I just wanted to make sure about something"
"About what?"

I was about to ask him what is it but Stacy arrived. She was in a mean and horrible look. Her eyes were red and pathetic. Her fist was covered in bandage. Her dress was that one I saw today morning. How did her hand got hurt?

"Emmy" she sobbed
"What?" Emmy asked her in an expressionless way
"Are you all right?"
I think Stacy really likes Emmy and whereas Emmy seems to ignore her.
"I was worried about you"
"Who told you to be?"
Stacy looks hurt.
"Why shouldn't be I?" she cried.

I stood up and made her sit into my chair. She is crying like a baby. And Emmy is looking in another direction. For the first time, I feel sorry for Stacy.

"What happened to your hand?" I asked
"Stop lying" Riley shouted "she punched at the wall. I myself got her bandaged"
I felt a splash of anxiety.

We stayed in the hospital for a couple of hours. And the whole time it was me who was really talking with Emmy. Riley answered some but remained in silence most of the time. Whereas Stacy was crying, sobbing. And Emmy as always ignored her.

Riley drove me and Stacy home. I tried to console Stacy in the dinner table. But she was acting stone hearted like me. I can feel the storm growing every moment inside her. But she is so calm. She is making her look normal. She is just so normal.

I entered into the room, got a nice shower in the massive bathroom. The snow products are really good, and changed into my pajamas. I noticed Riley sitting in the sofa with laptop in his lap. I came near and sat beside. He lowered his laptop and kissed on my cheek. Well, that's a sweet gesture.

"Let's go to sleep"
"We will, but can I ask you a question?"
"What happened between Emmy and Stacy?" Riley's eye again turned hard.

He took a deep breathe
"It happened years ago Alaska. Its unworthy"
"I wanna know. I never saw Stacy so broken before. What is it?"
"Emmy and Stacy knew each other since childhood. The friendship turned to love in their high school. They loved each other so much. But then Emmy's accident happened. He was declared completely paralyzed. Hereafter, Emmy started to ignore Stacy. Because he felt his presence would never help Stacy to move on. He would be a burden in her shoulder. And Stacy deserved better"

Subconsciously, my heart melted for Stacy. Is this why Stacy is so strong? Is this why Stacy became so bossy? We all know problems and sufferings makes a person strong. I never knew Stacy is living with this. Would I be just like Stacy if something happens to Riley?
I said in a broken tone
"Stacy never moved on. I know she never will. Emmy realized it too but he just don't want to accept reality. And Stacy is hard in her decision"

Riley stopped and looked at the bare ceiling.
"Riley, Emmy shouldn't behave like this. Stacy is sacrificing her everything for him"
"I know. But we can't blame Emmy even. It's natural to want this for his wife"

I saw Riley in surprise. I never knew Stacy was married. Shit, I should have noticed a ring in her fingers. I gasped
"Are they married?"
"Yes. Emmy got paralyzed after the wedding"

So they are legally bounded.
"Emmy didn't gave her divorce papers?"
I feel bad for interfering in his family life but its really unlikely for Emmy not to give her divorce papers. Now I understood why Emmy doesn't like the presence of Stacy.

"He gave a loads of time. But everytime Stacy denied"
"I didn't knew about this dark phase of her"
"How could you? She wouldn't admit anything. It's unlike her nature"
"I will talk to Emmy"
"Nothing will change. We tried a loads of time"

I feel bad for Stacy but we can't do anything for her. Emmy is right in his place but Stacy isn't wrong too.

I woke up due to Stacy's screaming.
"Alaska wake up" I twisted my eyes
"What happened?"
"We have to go for practice. Did you just forget?"

I tried to look attentively with my sleepy eyes. Her husband just got an surgery last night. And her hand is still bandaged. And the next day she is here, dragging me for practice? God! She is so strong. I could never appear so normal.

"Okay fine. I am coming"
I looked at Riley, who was sleeping peacefully. He looks so cute while sleeping. I gave him a forehead kiss and put my lazy self up from bed.

"Excellent" Stacy yelled.
"Thanks" I just shot the head of the zone.
"You are ready for your license, Alaska"
"We will give the test in the next week"
"Fine. This weekend can wait. The funeral is in order"
"Funeral? Whose?" who died?
"Fairy's. They took her body out of bed. And kept in their analysis till her DNA matched with Riley's one. Now they are giving the body back. Riley is planning for a proper funeral. Didn't he informed you?"
"Must have slipped from his mind"
I didn't knew Riley is arranging Fairy's funeral.

"How's England?"
"England's great"
"Enjoying there huh?"
"My class will start within a week. I just made some news friends. So I am hanging out with them. Trying to know the city at once"
"Okay take care. I will call you later. Late for office. Bye"
"Bye Alaska. I miss you"
I sighed heavily. I do miss Ana. She was so close to me. But I am happy for her. She must be having great time there.

I changed into a black skirt. I didn't saw Riley after this morning. He must have been to office. So work loving boy. I ate my breakfast but noticed Stacy is eating less. I can guess the reason but decided against to push her.

She drove me office today. Riley must have told her not to leave me alone. Protective one!

And it was a rush day. I hardly made any free time while frying fritters. I was too tired. It makes my body get a peaceful sleep. I thought Riley will meet me after the office but it was only me and Stacy in the car. He didn't even called me.

Riley was not even there in dinner table. Stacy could guess my fidget. She told me in a assurance tone
"Riley is busy in his works. Apparently, he got a big project. Don't worry, he will come soon"
I nodded and silently finished my food. This house doesn't feel home without him.

I tried to remain awake for him but I didn't even realised when I fell asleep. In midnight, I got awake and found Riley sleeping beside me. He is hugging me with his hands. My heart got peace. He is here at least. I hugged him too and fell asleep. Boy, you don't know but I can hold you like this for ages.

(Hey guys, vote, comment and share. Have a nice day. #RileyAlaska)

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