Part 65

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"Alis" Riley whispered in his breathe and I hold him tightly. Last time, I couldn’t do anything for you. This time, I will!

"Just lemme hold you" I pleaded and he caressed my hands over his belly. Our rings collided and the friction just gave me a new courage. I hope this moment to be continue forever forsake of all the odds. I wish I hadn’t picked up the call. Things would have been better.

Dinner went in silence. Riley must have noticed something. He repeatedly asked me if I'm okay as I was abnormally quiet but I used the excuse of less sleep.

My initial work is to go to the room before Riley, switch off the phone and hide it for better. Even if Riley gets to know, we will have enough moments to cherish on.

Just as I walked through the door, the phone rang again. It's Oliver!

Ugh! What a timing!

I quickly took it before Riley could hear the ringtone and doubt.
"Oliver" I whispered carefully.
"Ma'am, we got a very bad news"

I panicked and a hot lump grew large in my throat. What happened now?
"Tell it" I said in a shaky tone.
"Marshall killed Ray. She died in an attempt to protect Stem Sir"

I felt all the winds and lights stopped. What? Ray? She wasn’t even on the line. She is innocent. If she really died protecting Stem, her last thought was to protect the Spencers.
"No. Ray can't be dead. Marshall can't kill her" I screamed loudly and a tear dropped from my eyes.
"I'm sorry Ma'am" he apologized in a low and husky voice.
"Is Stem safe? Did Marshall harmed him too?" I panicked in terror.

"No Ma'am. Stem Sir is perfectly fine. He is now under authority of Stacy Ma'am and Emmy Sir"

I felt a relief but I'm pissed up on me. I behaved badly with Ray. Now, she is no more. Why do you feel terrible about people when they die?

"Ma'am, I'm on a run now. Emmy Sir has lost it. I'm hanging. Please stay safe Ma'am"
Before, I could say anything, he cut the phone and I turned around.

My heart shaked at the sight of him. Riley! He is seeing me with red eyes in rising temper. His whole face has turned red. His fist is closed and I can see blood boiling in his body. He heard me!

"Riley" I whispered and tried to calm him down, knowing nothing's gonna happen.
"You need to hear me" I pleaded.

He is just staring dead at me. His silence is the thing I fear most.

"I wanted to say you but I wanted some moments for us. I knew you would take me back to Texas if you get to know he's back. But I wanted us to have some moments worth remembering. Is it a crime?"

I broke into the floor with tears flooding in my eyes.
"I'm sorry" it's the only thing I could say.

He isn’t approaching near me. Seeing me silently to break down, he finally broke the silence and said in a cold tone
"You think moments are very much important than life?" I shaked at his reprimand.
"It was all I could think" I sobbed in broken tone
"What's the point of moments if you don't breathe out?" he said in his usual cold tone.
"What's the point of life if you don't have any moments to lean on?" I asked back.
"Ray wouldn’t be dead if you had informed me once, Alis" he said coldly. He must have heard me!

I know my actions aren't correct. I shouldn’t have taken the risk despite such tragic incidents but I couldn’t help being emotional about our honeymoon.

"Come here" he said adorably yet cold. I looked into his face. The cold has turned to soft but his eyes are still red and cold.

I got from the floor and walked towards him. He reached out his hands and hugged me. I need this comfort!

"Don't ever hide anything to me" he whispered in low tone while caressing my hairs.
"I'm sorry. I won't do it ever" I promised.

He quickly pushed me towards the bed and kissed me passionately. I'm kinda confused and turned on by his behaviour. I thought he would gonna take me to Texas straight but all he wants to do is sex!

He sensed the reason of my confused eyes. He calmed me
"We aren't having sex. Possibly not. I'm just calming your nerves"

He started kissing my beauty bone. And I whispered in his ears.
"I love you, Riley"

We are finally heading back towards Texas. I told him everything I heard from Oliver and everything that happened. He was furious at Oliver and again promised to sack his job but I somehow pacified him. I'm tired and sleepless so I quickly fell asleep into the lap of Riley.

I woke up as Riley jerked my whole body. It's already morning. Maybe noon. We are in the land of Texas. I squeezed my eyes by getting down from his chopper. Mr Hyde is standing in front of Riley's favourite Lamborghini. I smiled weakly but he is too firm to even smile.

In a hour, our car crossed the gate of the mansion and several bodyguards covered me before I could even get down from the car. I looked confusedly at Riley who whispered
"For your extra safety"

The whole mansion is covered with cops and bodyguards with guns in their hand.

Covered amidst 6 bodyguards, we finally made to the door. Mr Hyde got the liberty to open that for us. I looked into the my house. It feels like ages to be here. Nostalgia hit me hard!

The house is abruptly quiet but I smiled unconsciously as it remains quiet always. We walked through the dinner table in hope of finding Stacy or Emmy but none is here. Not even the weird lady cook!

Riley suggested we might find them in Stem's room. He was right. Just as we knocked, Emmy opened the door for us and he smiled weakly at me. He looks pale and I can say he hasn’t slept a bit.

I looked at Stacy and Stem. Stacy is looking just like Emmy and Stem is in his mom's lap, hugging her. He noticed us and said
"Buddy, Liley, Lay has became star"

I walked towards him and kneeled in front of him. He looked at me adorably in his runny nose and red puffy eyes.
"Don't cry. Ray is watching you. She will get sad" I pacified him and the smart kid hurriedly wiped his tears by his sleeves
"I won't cry" he said in his runny nose.

I ruffled his hair and he buried his face into the chest of Stacy.
"You gotta tell me everything, Stacy" I muttered carefully to Stacy and she rightfully nodded.

"Sir, I'm sorry. We couldn’t save her" Oliver apologized to Riley who is staring coldly at Ray's body.

It's already evening now and after the autopsy, we finally got Ray's body. Stem is sleeping. That's good. Otherwise, he couldn’t have handled it.

We are staring emotionally at Ray's body sitting in a couch. It looks like she is sleeping peacefully. Now, she is gonna wake up and give that yaeba smile. None is speaking only the cries of Stacy can be heard. She is crying the most. Of course, Ray protected Stem so it's obvious for Stacy to feel all thing at a time. Emmy is constantly consoling her.

I recalled the time when Stacy depicted the full story
"Marshall disguised himself and asked for Stem at the office in an excuse to take him home back. Ray took Stem to meet Marshall but she recognized quickly. She pacified Marshall to pack their bags and to deck up Stem in his attire. Oddly, Marshall agreed. In chance, Ray called Stacy. Stacy sent Oliver and bodyguards to protect them. Ray safely put Stem in the car and sent them off to the mansion. She got shot when she was fleeing as Marshall got to know her plan. Marshall shot tires of her car and it turned upside down and she died due to severe injury"

She really protected Stem! I shouldn’t have done it to her. I'm so guilty!

"We have to give her body to her family" Riley said breaking all the silence.

His voice seems cold and robotic. Oliver nodded his head and two bodyguards took his coffin from our sight. I prayed for her and her soul. I asked for forgiveness that I pissed her off at our wedding. Little did I know, she had a very little time!

(Hey guys, how are you? I hope you liked it. Vote, comment and share with your pals. #RileyAlaska)

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