Part 64

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"Let it remain there" Riley hold me back as I bowed down to take my clothes. It's the 12th time he did this. My waist hurts during bowing. He exerts so much pressure sometimes.

It's afternoon and I have been remained naked since yesterday night. I fell into the bed by his heavy force. And he went into my top.
"Do you wanna hang out tonight or not?" I asked caressing his lips and he said intensely
"As you wish, wifey"
"Let's go, hubby" I gave him a small peck on his lips and gave a small push to remove him.

I became successful at my 13th attempt and let out a small giggle while running to the washroom. Riley frowned in irritation.

It's evening when we both cycled in a nearby market. Riley bought two cycles for us and I loved riding with him. The air is so refreshing and it felt like I'm flying. We rode though cars and peoples and came across a market. It's crowded and the whole street has various shops. Riley got down and kept our bikes safely near a corner. I joined the hands of Riley and started walking into the crowd.

I came across various markets. Most of them are of dry fruits and nuts. But a sudden shop of bracelet attracted me and I walked towards it. Riley is busy with some kind of unusual fruit and the keeper is showing much interest in describing about the fruit. He is paying attention to it!

There's a small chain like bracelet and it has small ring like Eiffel tower and words like 'Paris', 'Bonjour' and 'French' is written.

An old men, actually the keeper asked me
"tu veux celui-ci?"
"What?" I couldn't catch him
"Tu ne parles pas français?" he asked and I couldn't understand him once more.
"Can you speak English?" I hesitantly asked

He tried to say something but before that, someone nearly yelled from behind
"Holy grail, Earth is so small!"
I looked behind. It was Elliot.
"Oh my God!" I screamed too.

He glows differently. And his hairs grew in length but still it feels like only somedays before we met. I can't expect him here!

I came near and unexpectedly he hugged me. I too wrapped my arms to remove the awkwardness. He said after we broke the hug
"I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you walking to this shop. I'm so happy to see you again"
"Yeah, it was a surprise. But you were in Italy. What makes you come here?" I asked attentively.

"My cousin is getting married so my full family has to flew here. He is my uncle" Elliot pointed to the frenchman, the owner of the shop.
"He speaks another language" I said and he directed me to walk there.
"Tell me, Alaska. Which one you wanna buy?"
I pointed to the bracelet and said
"This one"

Elliot said something to the man and he packed my bracelet. I opened my purse to pay but Elliot paid before me.
"Hey, you can't do that" I protested
"Take it as a small gift from me" he winked and I said
"I can't"
"I won't hear another word. I'm your friend. Don't be so formal" he gave me a dazzling smile and I promised to repay him. The frenchman said something gratitudely and Elliot translated it
"He said May God bless you"
"Thanks" I beamed
We walked towards the edge of the footpath.

"How's your family doing?" I asked while searching for Riley but he is nowhere to be seen. Gosh! I can't even call him now. My phone is out of network coverage for him.
"Great. This doesn’t suit in packet. Lemme put it"

He tore the packet that his uncle had just wrapped, took out the bracelet and put it into my right hand. It looks cute on me.
"This looks good now" he smilingly said
"Perfect" I beamed too

A couple of minutes went in silence, as we both couldn’t find any topic to speak more. I tried to sneak and peek Riley. God knows where is he!
"How's Riley?" Elliot broke the silence and spoke out.
"Well, good. Better actually" I murmured and he specificed
"Isn't he with you anymore?"
"Not here" I said while searching for him.

"I thought Riley would always love you and keep you happy. And again, I have been proved wrong. I'm sorry" Elliot apologised and I looked at him with round eyes.

He wanted to know if we are still together but he ended up misunderstanding. Before, I could speak out, Riley, out of nowhere came beside me and kept a hand in my shoulder.
"Hey Elliot" Riley smirked in his rude attitude
"Hi" Elliot dried up and choked.

All the grace suddenly disappeared and an unknown fear prevailed in his face. He didn’t expect this.
"Earth is so small" Riley said
"Yes. It is" Elliot became uncomfortable
"You wanna join us?" Riley offered
"No" Elliot denied hurriedly
"We may forget to inform you. We are married. Alaska is my wife" Riley said and kissed at my cheek.

I can see Elliot's face going turned black. He mustn't have imagined it. But he said bitterly
"Congratulations. That's a news to me. Alaska, how could you forget to inform me?"
"We met now" I replied. I don't have anything to say.
"That's okay. Let's go, honey. We are late" Riley caressed my shoulder and said to Elliot
"Nice to meet you"
"Good bye" Elliot said sadly.

Riley dragged me near the cycle. I can't think to show my face anytime to Elliot again. He looked so sad and frustrated when Riley joined in. I can't even risk to be nice with him in front of Riley. No one knows if Riley ends up shooting Elliot again! I don't want all that shits again!

"Fucking dog" Riley muttered seeing my bracelet. He must have seen Elliot to put this bracelet on my hand.
"Don't say that" I corrected him
"You are my wife now. Did you just saw his face? He was so happy to meet you. I'm gonna kill him" Riley groaned
"You nearly killed him previously" I reminded him and he nodded his head and managed himself.

We both cycled to our home and Riley promised me to make dinner today. Let's see how good cook he is!

I came to the room to change into my night pajamas after taking a hot shower. Riley is cooking in the kitchen downstairs. A small chuckle escaped my mouth when I recalled the face of the caretaker after informing her about Riley's cooking today. She must have guessed we hated her food.

I looked into the small table due to a vibration. Riley's phone is vibrating on the table and moving towards the edge. It could fall anytime.

I quickly stepped towards and took the phone in my hand. It's Oliver.
"Oli, Alaska speaking"
He said in the mechanical voice
"Ma'am, I hope you are enjoying your honeymoon" he said curtiously
"Everything is well" I said
"Ma'am, I need to convey an important message to you. Marshall has fled from the assylum centre. Cops are finding him everywhere. He had been seen last near your previous house. Please inform this to Riley sir. We are trying hard to find him. Don't worry about that"

He stopped and I felt a shiver going through my spine. Marshall is out. We are in trouble. I recalled the psychotic actions that he described me. This man is sick! And now, he is more furious due to being jailed up. He won't spare us. He had been to my previous house. I felt my heart beat racing and an unknown discomfort.

"Hello Ma'am, are you there?" Oli asked by my silence.
"Yes I'm there. I will inform Riley" I said and he hanged up the phone.

I need to go down and tell Riley. I know what he will gonna do! Take me straight to Texas. I too agree with him. It's unsafe to roam unprotected here. It's not easy to trust Marshall. But I wanna live my moments. I wanna spend time with Riley. We hardly gets any except the night time. We can't end up all our things just because we are under huge threat.

I walked into downstairs with constant tension and fear. A part of me is pushing to spill out the truth and another part of me is telling to enjoy the best moments with my husband. We mightn't get any in future.

Riley gave me a smile while serving lasagna on our plates
"Dinner's ready, honey"
I walked near and wrapped my hands in his waist and kept my head in his back. It might comfort me!

(Hey guys, how was it? Marshall has came again. Fearful situation. #RileyAlaska)

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