Part 92

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"What does it mean?" I pointed the girl for her name as she might start again
"It’s means mountain" she replied excitedly
"I thought it might mean the place where you can see night and morning together" I said thoughtfully.
I visited Alaska last year and at one side of the ship, it's night. On the other hand, in another side, it's morning. Nature is mysteriously beautiful.
"I never knew" the brightness of her face dimmed a but didn’t went away.
"Here's the menu, dear" the woman passed me.

I barely looked at this. I ordered some chips, hot dogs and coffees in a flask. The woman again went inside to arrange those. I said to the little girl
"Listen Kiddo, you should help your mom" as she is disturbingly staring at me.
"My presence is one kind of help too" she replied in a fast way
"How's that?" I asked
"I have to take care of it in case of any thieving"

She has a point! Smart Kid. I remained quiet for a moment and she said
"Don't call me Kiddo"
Her cheeks flushed in red. She might be angry.
"You are a Kid" I giggled
"I'm 15 years old and not a Kid"
"Yes, you are, A Kiddo" I started giggling more to make her angry. She flushed in red.
"You don't look like you are 17" she shouted
"Well, I'm not 17" I said to her.
"Are you 15?" she asked
"Nope. 19" I said trying to pretend big
"You seem young" she said in an innocent voice.
"Like you, Kiddo" I said in a tune. Before, she could scream, her mom turned out with all the stuffs. I payed more. The little girl passed me the returns but I said
"Keep the change"
"But it's huge" her eyebrows raised in wonder.

The best thing is that I brought my credit card with me. What counts is, how much rich you are! Money matters.

I looked at their dresses. Not seemed like poverty but they do lack much. Both the mother and daughters dresses are less than decent. Maybe, they are needy. I said
"I know but I don't want it" I said and turned with all the stuffs. I heard the little girl saying to her mother
"Mom, we can buy a new dress for Lauriya with this and study material for Ted"

I shoved all the food into the ground as we prepare ourselves for the meeting. We don't have anywhere to go or we don't know how long this yo-yo-fun will carry on. Mack said while chewing
"What do you think? This might go for a week!"
"No carnival continues more than 3 days" Jorice said in an obvious tone.
"We can't even ask anyone as everybody ought to know everything here" Mack huffed
"Maybe, I can figure out" I said and all the eyes turned to me.

Marshall said in a deep voice
"You? How?"
"I will manage it. I can bring valuable information" I said while being confident.

The little girl can help me. She is so innocent. I might use her for informations. They all looked relieved
"Fine, now get sleep everybody. Good night" we all tried to accommodate into the small tent.

It's 2 AM in the morning. Only three can sleep. Another one will be the one to guard us. We will change shifts in every two hour. My duty will be in the morning. I closed my eyes. I felt Eve telling me
"I love you, Riley"
A sweet smile appeared on my face.

"Riley, wake up" I squeezed my eyes hard due to the constant push of Jorice.
"What?" I asked in a sleepy voice. Why it feels so good to sleep?
"Bring me breakfast" he demanded.
"I gotta sleep" I said in a disturbed voice
"Also, it's your duty time"

My duty should start at 8 AM. I opened my eyes a lil bit. It’s morning. I hate to get up but managed to. Jorice gave me a smile and laid down in my position. Wasn’t he was telling me to bring him breakfast?

I cleaned myself and walked towards the stall with mask and hoodie on. Most of the stalls are closed and some of them have opened. I felt relief when I saw my desired shop open. I walked inside again. This time, there's only the lil girl. She might be sleepy cause I can see her closed eyes. I cleared my throat to wake her and she felt down from the chair. My stomach burst into laughter. She became embarrassed when she understood what actually happened.

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