Part 50

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"Leave me" I demanded but he has no will to it.
"Go away Riley" fired again but he has absolutely zero concentration. He is too busy to see my eyes with his red face.

Why do I feel like I sold my soul to a devil?

"What do you want?" I yelled at him.
No answer.
I punched hardly on his chest. He didn’t moved an inch neither his expression had a change. Instead, I got hurt. God damn this iron man!

"Alaska" he slowly whispered like an enchantment.
"What?" I asked maintaining the eye contact with the betrayer. He left my hands and walked back.

He is boiling in anger. I can feel the stream and pressure. He is fucking anrgy. Still he maintained
"Why did you kissed Darius?" he asked and my mind scrambled for answer. What should I say him now?
"Why?" he growled so loudly that for a moment my heart beat nearly stopped.
"That shouldn’t be concerning you" I said gathering all the left courage I have knowing that the consequences will be disasterous.
"Really?" he leaned closer and I can feel that black eyes are trying hard to shut it up but he is gradually losing the control.

"Yes" I said boldly
"You fucking cheated me" Riley yelled desperately
"No, It's you, who's cheating me" I can feel tears rolling from my eyes. I wanna cry hard and complain. I can no longer handle my emotions.
"What?" he looked at me with confusion in his eyes. What an acting, Riley!

"You were with Ray last night and you kissed her" I shrieked
"You are getting it wrong. It's not true" he lied.
"I heard you. Ray told you are a good kisser" I sobbed hardly.
"Are you out of your mind, Alis? I was with Joe, Paul and Steve. I promised to visit them. Ray was there too"
"Oh God! I don't wanna hear anymore" I said losing all the hopes that I gathered.

He was with Ray infront of his friends. He couldn’t take me there but he took her. Like his another fucking girlfriend! Did he kissed her in front of them? Sounds like it.
"We were playing a game. The loser is being titled with bad kisser" he barked
"How the fuck Ray knows about you being a good kisser?" I sobbed even harder.
"Honestly Alaska, she was kidding. I haven’t kissed her. I wouldn’t betray you" he confessed.

He is speaking honestly and I wanna believe him but I wouldn’t. I don't know if that's a lie or not.
"What if you lie?" I snuffled
"You can ask her if you want or you can make Stacy ask her" he said in a calm voice.
"Great then" I was about to turn my heels but before that he clenched my elbows again and pushed me hardly against the wall. This time, it was so harsh that I felt my back bones nearly cracked.
"You were not permitted to leave" he howled
"Am I supposed to take your permission?" I asked
"In my territory, yes" he said with the same boiling expression.
"And why should I stay?"
"Because you fucking cheated me whereas I trusted you" he barked.

I took a deep breathe because if his words are true, I am ashamed. I shouldn’t have done it.
"I wanted to make you feel jealous. I wanted you to want me"
"I want you" he said
"You haven’t tried to approach me since you came. Not a single call or message. You didn’t even told me that you would be flying to Ohio with a girl"
"I wanted to surprise my girlfriend. I went there to register a shop licence for you and buy a good gun for you that you would probably like. Ray helped me to complete all the formalities. I didn’t even spoke to her there except the needed ones. But when I returned here, yearning for my girlfriend to see, instead I found her cheating on me. You little ungrateful piece of whore!" he screamed at the top of his voice.

I didn’t knew he would be doing this for me! He would be buying a shop for me. I am wrong. Yes, I am!
"Don't call me that" I stammered but he turned me back and walked near the window.
"Leave me alone" he said in an abnormal voice.
"Leave me alone" he cut my voice. He is not in a mood to hear mine.

I know I should say sorry and pacify him but I'm afraid. I don't know what he would do to me. I turned my heels and closed the door. I was blinded by the words of Ray before justifying them.

I walked through the party as if nothing happened and acted normal. But, I know deep down, I'm bursting into the continues inflammation of guilt. Thank God, my make up hasn’t been done too damage. I expected my eye liner and mascara to be smearing due to my tears but it hasn't.

Riley joined after sometime but he was not the same. His eyes were red and hair was messy. Everyone was too brave to approach him. He looked at other direction when our eyes met, clearly leaving me in regret. I let out a deep sigh and walked out of his sight.

I walked between the crowd aimlessly before Layken catched me and dragged me in a corner with Jorice.
"Is there everything okay between you and Riley?" Layken sounded concerned
"Yeah. We just had a fight" I tried to appear normal.
"You sure? You kissed Darius and-" Jorice stopped looking at my back direction and I turned my eyes too.

A teenager boy is staring at Jorice. I don't know who is it. Jorice stared too and he isn't even looking at other direction. All his concentration is on Jorice.
"Excuse me, are you gay?" Jorice asked and I almost chuckled seeing the expression of that boy.
"What?" he sounded surprised and wondered as if he has been asked the hardest question of his life.
"Are you?" Jorice leaned closer moving me aside.
"No. I'm not gay" the boy stammered and clearly embarrassed.
"If you keep staring, I may get the wrong idea" Jorice mocked and the boy instanly walked in other direction. Finally, I laughed opening my heart today. I knew Jorice to be good with girls but I didn’t knew him to be good with boys too.

"Do you know him?" Layken asked while laughing her ass off.
"Nope. So, Alaska, I saw you kissed Darius and Riley dragged you from here" Jorice said
"You know that angry bird. Don't you? It's just we had a misunderstanding" I confessed and Layken and Jorice seemed to ease up.

I clearly regret kissing Darius. But the thought of making Riley jealous engulfed me so badly, that I nearly forgot everything.

The party was over soon. Everybody seemed satisfied and happy except me and Riley. Layken said she would stay with us, which is probably the only good thing of today. It took me hours to wash all the make ups. It was super heavy. I changed into pajamas and found Riley into his sweatpants and his dear laptop.

I walked near him and confessed
"I'm sorry"
No answer.
"I thought you were betraying me. I couldn’t see back and forth"
"You are not allowed here" he said concentrating on the laptop screen.
"What?" I snapped
"You heard that" he turned extremely cold.
"I admit that I am wrong but-"
"Go and sleep somewhere else"

I felt my heart has been ripped into pieces. Riley is not allowing me to his bedroom anymore. Did I just lost all my respects and love for a misunderstanding?

"Don't do that, Riley" I requested
"Just leave me alone for some time, Alaska" he looked at me with desperateness in his eyes. Even his voice was desperate.

He isn’t angry or sad he is just tired. He doesn’t want me now. It hurts to think that. He is pleading in front of me just to leave him alone! I can't measure how much hurt he has been by my actions. I didn’t thought about his side because, I thought him to be doing the same. But clearly, he had enough of me.

I walked through corridoors and corridors. Lastly, I found myself sharing the bed with Layken. I didn’t had any wish to be here but it's her who dragged me. It's kinda good because, I can forget my frustrations for some moments and sleep. Whether, I'm unsure, if I could get any.

(Hey guys, how was it? We all knew our Riley couldn’t do anything such and hence it's proven. There's many things ahead. To know that, keep reading. I can't believe we came across through 50 chapters. Thanks. #RileyAlaska)

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