Part 9

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~The Next day~

I wake up sleeping on dereks chest.

Derek: Good morning, baby
Y/N: Good morning, how did you sleep
Derek: Good, hbu
Y/N: Great with you here

You see derek blushing

Derek: One more day till your birthday 😁
Y/N: yea, but why are you so excited
Derek: I'm your boyfriend why wouldn't I be excited 😂
Y/N: true
Derek: Want to go downstairs?
Y/N: Sure

Derek puts his shirt on and y'all walk down stairs. Vallyk was on the sofa chilling.

V.k: hey y'all
You & Derek:Sup
Vk: Y'all want to get something to eat?
Y/N: Yeaa, I'm hungry
Derek: Y'all some Fat asses
You& v.k: Shut up
Y/N: I'ma wake up kobe and Mike
The boys: ok

You walk up stairs to Mikes room. You Shake him because you didn't feel like yelling.

Mike: What
Y/N: Get up, we going get something to eat.
Mike: alright

Then you walk to Vallyk's to wake kobe up.

Y/N: kobe
Kobe: Whatttt
Y/N: Get up, we going get something to eat
Kobe: ok, mamas
Y/N: don't Fucking call ME that
Kobe: Alright, mamas
Y/N: Watch when I SLAP TF OUT OF YOU.

Then you walk down stairs.

The boys: you good, we heard you yelling
Y/N: I'm good🙄
Derek: Are you sure ( he said whispering)
Y/N: I'ma tell you

You and Derek walk to the kitchen to talk.

Y/N: So when I was waking up kobe, I told him to get up and he kept calling me mamas.
Derek: What
Y/N: Yea and I don't feel comfortable when he says that.
Derek: ok I'ma talk to him

~Dereks Pov~

Thoughts: I can't believe kobe did that. I hope he doesn't do anything else, dumb. I knock on Kobe's door.

Derek: Can I come in?
Kobe: Yea
Derek: did you call y/N mamas?
Kobe: yea, I did but I'm sorry bro idk what I was doing.
Derek: it's ok
Kobe: Well I'ma go tell y/N sorry
Derek: ok

~end of pov~

Derek and Kobe walk down stairs.

Kobe: Hey, I'm sorry
Y/N: it's ok just don't do it again
Kobe: I won't
V.k: Y'all ready
Everyone: Yea

~Sitting arrange in the car~
Vallyk and Kobe in the front seat
You, Derek and Mike in the back.
You are by the window and Dereks in the middle and Mike is by the other window.

V.k: Where do y'all want to eat at
Derek: idk
Y/N: what ever is fine with me
Mike: how about in and out
Everyone: Ok

Y'all get to in and out order then sit down.

Mike: so Bestie....
Derek: Yes?
Mike: I was talking to y/N
Derek: 😶 oh ok
Mike: You know I call you daddy
Derek: Yea, you do😏
Everyone: What did he sayyyyy
Mike: Ok, dang y/N what do you want for your birthday?
Y/N: I mean, it really doesn't matter. I'll be happy with whatever you give me and that goes for everyone.
Everyone: ok

Y'all eat and head back to the house. Everyone goes to their room and chill. You go take your bath and put on Netflix. Then you hear a knock on the door.

Y/N: Who is it?
Derek: It's me baby
Y/N: come in

Derek walks in and sits on your bed.

Derek: Wyd
Y/N: Just watching Netflix
Derek: oh, do you mind if I stay in hear a little while?
Y/N: Ofc baby

He lays down by you and y'all watch movies. Soon you see he fell asleep.

Kind short ... Tell me if your liking the story so far

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