Part 56

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Y/n woke did her morning routine. She woke up the twins getting them dressed. Fixed them breakfast. While they ate she went wake up Kobe.

You: Get up
Kobe: I'm up
You: get dressed
Kobe: for what?
You: were going get the twins some more shoes and clothes
Kobe: Ight

He got ready and y/n went clean up the twins. After she put their shoes on and went upstairs grabbed her keys, phone, the twins bag and her shoes. She went to the car and started putting the air on put the twins in their car seats buckling them up. Y/n stood by the front door and yelled to Kobe they would be in the car. Soon he came down locked the door and got in the car.

You: Everyone ready
Everyone: yes

Y/n put her seatbelt on then pulled out of the driveway. Soon enough they were at the mall. Both of them grabbed a child then got a little cart for the twins to sit in. They went to the shoe store first.

You: Violet what color?
Violet: that one ( she pointed)
You: ok wbu Lucas
Lucas: I want those ( he pointed)

Y/n put the two pairs in the cart. Her and Kobe picked out another pair then He payed. The next store was a clothing store. They picked out some cute outfits for the twins paid left going get something to eat.

Kobe: Lucas do you want fry's
Lucas: yea
You: what do you want Violet
Violet: Chicken nuggets
You: ok

Y'all continue to order and sit down to eat y'all's food. After everyone was done eating they grabbed their bags then go to the car. On the way back Ballo called y/n.

You: can you answer that

Kobe answers it and putting it on speaker.

You: Yea
Ballo: Where are y'all
You: leaving from the mall
Ballo: oh
Lucas & Violet: hey uncle Ballo
Ballo: hey y'all
Violet: can we go meet uncle Ballo
You: maybe later
Lucas: please
Violet: please
You:ok ok. We're coming over there Ballo
Ballo: ok

Kobe hung up the phone and They drove to the groups house. The girls came outside two of them grabbing each a child. All of them went in the house.

You: hey y'all
Everyone: hey
Aya: so what were y'all doing
You: At the mall
Laura: What y'all get
Violet: Clothes and shoes

The hours went on and everyone was just chilling untill someone walked down the stairs.

The hours went on and everyone was just chilling untill someone walked down the stairs

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(Without the chain)

(Without the chain)

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