Part 41

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Going back Home!!

We all get up at 7am to catch our fight at 9am.

You: Does everyone have everything?
Everyone: Yes

We drive to the airport and board our plane. After hours on the plane we get back at 5pm.

~At home~

We walk through the door just like we left it.

You: Finally were back home
Laura: Right

Everyone went to their room and took a nap.

~In You & Dereks room~

You: did you have fun on the trip
Derek: Yea, it was alright
You: Wym
Derek: It was ok but kind of boring.
You: So your telling me you did not enjoy going to the water park and Magic kingdom
Derek: It was kinda babyish
You: Your so un-greatful. I spent thousands of dollars on that trip and you said it way boring
Derek: You did ask me
You: ok and. Did you hear anyone else complaining?
Derek: No but
You: Shut up cause you could have said It was fun. ( you say as you slam the door)

You walked out the room and go in the living room. Kobe, Laura and Aya were on their phones.

Laura: What's wrong
You: Derek
Aya: What did he do now
You: I asked him if he had fun on the trip and he said it was boring
Kobe: after you spent like 4 thousand dollars on the trip
You: That's what I said

While y'all continue to talk the front door opened. It was Vallyk and Mike. Laura jumped up and ran to Mike giving him a big hug.

Laura: I miss you
Mike: Me to baby

They hug until Laura let go.

Laura: Why do you smell like perfume?
Mike: oh it must of been from my mom when I hugged her good bye
Laura: oh ok

Laura didn't think nothing about it because she was so happy for him to be back.

Vallyk: how was yall trip
You: It was fun but according to derek it was boring
Vallyk: that's nice
Aya: So what did y'all do
Vallyk: nun much, we went ice skating, to the mall, visited family.
You: Sounds fun.
Vallyk: it was

We all catch up on what we did. Ballo and Derek soon came downstairs.

Ballo: Sup yall
Derek: Did yall just get back?
Mike: no, we been here for a while
Derek: Oh

Y/n and Vallyk were talking on the sofa and Derek came walk over.

Derek: Sup bro
Vallyk: Sup

Derek tried to sit on the side of you but you scoot back, So he sat by Vallyk.

Derek: What y'all do in NJ
Vallyk: Ice skating, went to the mall and some other stuff
Derek: Sounds fun
You: Wow, that sounds fun but our trip was boring( you say aggrvated)
Derek: I'm not about to argue with you again
You: yea, whatever

Y/n got up going to take a shower but before walking into the room someone grabbed her hand.

You: Leave me alone Derek ( you say pulling your hand out of the person's grip)
Kobe: it's me
You: oh, What
Kobe: I just wanted to know if you were ok
You: Ig
Kobe: I'll leave you alone
You: When I get out the shower we can go chill in your room
Kobe: ight

You walk into your room and get in the shower. Soon you get out and put on some sweats and a big t shirt.

Put your hair in a messy bun and walk to Kobes room. He was playing the game but got off went you waked in.

Moving Back To New Jersey/ Hoodie boysWhere stories live. Discover now