Part 44

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The morning hit and Y/n was still sleeping. Soon she got up and walked to the bathroom.

You: Today is going to be a great day ( she looked in the mirror and said to herself)

She did her morning routine got dressed and walked downstairs. When she got down there her mood changed.

You: I forgot you live here, im never going to get over you ( she whispered to herself)

Before derek seen her she walked back upstairs and to Kobes room. Y/n opened the door and seen he was up.

Kobe: good morning
You: morning, wyd ( you say as you sit in the bed)
Kobe: I want to give you something
You: What

He got up and walked to his dresser pulling out a box. It was matching rings.

Kobe: Promise me you'll keep this to always have a memory of me. Your the first girl I really loved and don't ever want to forget you. On your ring my birthday is engraved and on mine is your birthday.
You: I won't forget your birthday
Kobe: ik but, it's a way to remember me
You: Thank you, I'll never take it off ( you open your arms for a hug)
Kobe: your welcome ( he hugged back)
You: When did you get these?
Kobe: When we went to the mall
You: Well, why didn't you give it to me sooner?
Kobe: I was but then there was the thing with you and Derek
You: I really love it and this shows me how much you care for me. I really do Love You kobe
Kobe: I love you too

He leaned in for a kiss but you refused so he just kissed you on the forehead.

Kobe: I'm sorry, it just felt right at the moment
You: It's ok, I'm just not ready for that yet
Kobe: Ready for what
You: A relationship. I'm not ready for a relationship right now.
Kobe: Ok, I'm not rushing you but just know your mine
You: Yea, sure ( she chuckled)
Kobe: what do you want to do?
You: We should go to the park
Kobe: ok, to the park we go ( he said getting up)

We both walked downstairs and kobe grabbed his keys then got in his car. Kobe drove to the park with Y/n in the passenger seat. Soon they get to the park and get down. Y/n ran to the swings.

You: kobe come push me
Kobe: ok

He walked to y/n and then pushed her

You: higher

He followed y/n's directions and pushed her higher. After he finished pushing her, he sat on the bench. Y/n continued to swing her legs back and forth going higher.

You: I bet, I can jump off and land it
Kobe: your really high, I wouldn't do that
You: It's ok watch

With her finishing her sentence she let go of the swing and flew in the air. Y/n hit the ground hard but was laughing.

Kobe: I told you not to do that you could have hurt yourself
You: My wrist

Her laughing turned into crying

Kobe: what's wrong
You: my wrist ( you say crying)

Kobe looked down and seen she landed on her wrist. He helped her up and he drove her to the hospital. Once they got there she went into a room. The nurse came in.

Nurse: Ok, how did you hurt yourself

Y/n didn't answer because she was in too much pain.

Kobe: She was swinging and she jumped off them landed on her wrist
Nurse: Looks like it's broken. We'll have to put it in a cast.
Kobe: ok

They went into a operating room and put the cast on them gave
y/n some pain meds.

You: Thank you
Doctor: Be careful next time
You: I will

They walked out and Kobe drove back home. They walked into the house and everyone was chilling in the living room on their phones. Laura looked up and her mouth dropped.

Laura: What happened
You: We were at the park and  I was on the swings then jumped off and landed on my wrist. It's broken
Kobe: I told her not to
Aya: That's Y/n for you
Laura: Can I write on your cast
You: ok

She wrote her name on y/n's cast and noticed the ring on her finger.

Laura: Who gave you this ring
You: ok, he got the same one
Laura: It's cute

During the whole conversation, Derek just looked and finally he said something.

Derek: You ok, y/n
You: Yea ( you say sitting by Aya)

Y/n opened her phone and seen she got a text message. It was from Derek


Derek: I'm sorry. I wish I never did this to us
You: I'm tired of you saying sorry, I understand. You apologizing wont make me get back with you.
Derek: Well what am I supposed to do
You: Move on
Derek: But I want you,I'm sorry
You: If you keep apologizing and  telling me stuff I done heard a thousand times, I'm going to block you.
Derek: You won't do that
You: Ok, watch me

End of messages~

You stop texting him and you block him on everything. He looked at you and was shocked.

You:I told you, I was going to do it. You didn't believe me so oh well. Now if you don't stop bothering me your never going to get unblocked ( you say aloud)

Everyone was looking confused.
Derek just looked at everyone and walked upstairs.

Ballo: I told him stop bothering you
You: Well he didn't so he's blocked on everything
Vallyk: I think y'all should talk it out
You: You must be crazy if I'm going to talk to him. All he says is I'm sorry and it's aggravating
Ballo: True but, all he do is cry all night. Can you just go talk to him?
You: Sure ( she said aggrvated)

Y/n got up and walked to Ballo's room were derek was. She knocked on the door and walked in. Derek wasn't on the bed so she went check in the bathroom but it was locked. She knocked on the door.

Derek: Go away
You: it's me ( she said softly)

He opened the door and y/n walked in and seen a knife on the floor.

You: don't tell me you were about to do what I'm thinking
Derek: I was
You: Why?
Derek: Because you hate me and I hate not getting to see you. I don't deserve to-

Y/n cut Derek's sentence off

You: I don't hate you. I'm just aggravated that you keep saying the same thing over and over. You do deserve to live, don't ever say that you don't. And ik you don't see me because I avoid you cause I know what the conversation will be about. Hate is a strong word that I don't use often and I don't plan saying it to you.
Derek: Are you just telling me this so I don't do it
You: NO , I'm being completely honest. I don't hate you
Derek: ok will you unblock me
You: yes I will  if you stop texting me every day apologizing
Derek: ok

He leaned for a hug and Y/n leaned forward. They hug and soon let go

Derek: Thank you
You: Your welcome

Y/n walked out the room and went into hers because her wrist was hurt. She took another pain pill, went take a bath and Layed down for the rest of the night.

 She took another pain pill, went take a bath and Layed down for the rest of the night

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The matching rings^^

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