Part 50

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Today was the day Y/n had to go back to find the gender of the twins. She got ready but while she was Derek started talking.

Derek: why are you up so early
You: I have to go back to the doctor
Derek: can I come
You: no me and the girls going
Derek: alright

She finished getting dressed and the girls were waiting for her in the car. The girls made it to the doctor's office. They did the same like last time waited for her name to be called.

Nurse: Y/n L/n

They got up then walked to the back the doctor came in right away.

Doctor: this shouldn't take long
You: ok but can you tell my friends the gender not me. I want to wait until the baby shower
Doctor: ok

She did what she had to do and whispered the gender to Aya and Laura. They gasped in surprised.

Doctor: The twins are fine and coming along good.
You: ok anything else
Doctor: no you may go

The girls went back to the car and no said anything utill y/n broke the silence.

You: Don't tell anyone the genders
Aya: ok
Laura: ok and we're planning the baby shower
You: yea

When they got back all the boys were sitting on the sofa.

Ballo: hey y/n
Angel: yea hey y/n ( he laughed nervous)
You: Y'all acting so weird
Aya: fr
Laura: they hiding something
Derek: NO ( he yelled)
You: yea their definitely hiding something
Jai: We not
You: whatever, let's go upstairs ( she said to the girls)

The girls went upstairs and the boys stayed down stairs.

You: I wonder what they hiding
Aya: must be something big cause they all acting weird except Kobe
You: hold on

Y/n walked downstairs then looked for Kobe

Derek: what you looking for ( he said rubbing his neck)
You: Kobe
Jai: he's in the game room

She walked to the game room.

You: Kobe
Kobe: huh
You:why the boys acting so weird
Kobe: idk
You: please tell me
Kobe: I really don't know, I would tell you if I knew
You: ok

She walked out and back to her room.

You: Kobe doesn't know
Laura: So it has to deal with Derek, Ballo, angel and Jai
You: yep but I give up trying to figure it out. I'm tired

Y/n layed down and the girls went to their room. After a hour nap y/n woke up. Before she got out the bed someone knocked. They walked in.

Kobe: Come downstairs
You: ok?

She got up and walked downstairs. She seen Derek, Ballo, angel, and Jai in a line. The girls had walked down too. All 4 boy pulled out a box from behind their back then Derek got on one nee.

Derek: Y/n L/n the first girl I have fell in love with. The day I layed eyes on you, I knew you were the one. We have been though hell and back. All the break ups and getting back together. I've learn that you are the only one for me. I've fucked up way to many times and Im not going to do it again so I'm asking you Will you marry me?
You: Yes ( you said screaming in joy)
Derek: I didn't know what style you wanted so I got 4. Pick which one you want

Y/n looked at the rings and picked the one Ballo had.

You: I like this one
Derek: Well you can have the other three of you want
You: I only need one.
Derek: I love you
You: I love you too

They kissed and they had A big group hug.

Laura: it's so pretty
Aya: yes I love it
Kobe: Congratulations
You: Thank you Kobe. Who picked out all the rings
Ballo: Derek did
You: I'll just say that you have good taste ( she said to Derek)
Derek: I know I do

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