Part 11

406 11 5

You wake up to loud music. You grab willow and walk down the hall. The music was coming from Dereks room. You walk in and sit on the bed. Then the music stops and he walks out the bathroom with just a towel around him. You stare and look him up and down.

Derek: Baby
Derek: BABY
Y/N: Yea
Derek: Wyd, I didn't know you were in there
Y/N: Oh, I came to see were that loud music was coming from.
Derek: it was me, sorry
Y/N: it's ok

Derek walks back in the bathroom to get dress. Then comes sit on the bed next to you and grabs willow.

Y/N: So, me and Aya were talking last night after you left and I ask if she wanted to move in with us.
Derek: that's cool
Y/N: but we don't have enough room so... I'm going to ask my parents to by us a bigger house.
Derek: Are your parents really going to do that?
Y/N: Watch

You get on the phone with your mom.
~on the phone~
Y/N: hey mom
Mom: hi sweetie
Y/N: is dad by you
Mom: yes he is why?
Y/N: can you buy a house so me and my friends can move into?
Mom and dad: ofc honey
Y/N: Thank you, Thank you!
Mom: Just sent me the information and we'll have it furnished and everything
Y/N: ok, I send it soon I love y'all
Mom and dad: we love you too

~end of call~

Y/N: see, I told you
Derek: well looks like we're moving

Y'all walk downstairs to tell the others

Y/N: guess what y'all!
Mike: Your pregnant
Y/N: Nooo, were MOVING!!
Everyone: Yayyy
V.k: That's cool, but who's buying the house and other stuff
Y/N: oh, my parents 😁
V.k: wow, that's cool
Y/N: ikr

This is the house y'all moving too⬇️

Everyone: wow that's niceY/N: ikr, when my parents call back they will tell us when we can move

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Everyone: wow that's nice
Y/N: ikr, when my parents call back they will tell us when we can move.
Everyone: ok
Aya:hey, y/N can you come upstairs real quick.
Y/N: Yea, I'm coming

You and Aya go upstairs to your room.

Aya: I need to call my parents to ask them if I can move
Y/N:ok, do you need me to talk to them
Aya: maybe

~Ayas phone call with parents~

Aya: Hey mom
Aya mom: Hi
Aya: can I move in with my friends were not moving far
Aya mom: Umm, can I talk to your friend
Y/N: hii
Aya mom: So we're are y'all moving to
Y/N: We're moving a few minutes away from the schools.
Aya mom: ok how old are you?
Y/N: I'm 18 and I'll take good care of Aya for you
Aya mom: Wait... Is this y/N?
Y/N: yes ma'am
Aya mom: Oh, ok we'll she can move, just take good care of her
Y/N: ok, I will love you
Aya mom: live you too bye.

~end if phone call~

Aya:What did she say
Y/N: once she  remembered who I was she said yes with no hesitation.
Aya: yes

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