Part 32

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Derek believed you and Kobe. Derek walked out the room and it was just you and Kobe. Your thoughts were still wondering every witch way. (Aya had walked up the stairs to see where y/N was, when she heard kobe and y/n's conversation)

Kobe: do you think he really knows
You: idk but I hope not.
Kobe:I'm sorry, mamas
You:it's not your fault.

Kobe was leaning in for a kiss.

~Aya pov~

I walked upstairs to see where y/N was and hear her and Kobe talking. They were finish talking and I peep through the door. I seen Y/N and KOBE KISSING!! When I seen that I ran to my room.
~end of pov~

You and Kobe kissed,which was something we liked to do alot. After the kiss we walk out the room and we walk down stairs. We act like nothing happened. You sit by ballo and Mike

Ballo: So what were y'all doing upstairs
You:Derek thought it was funny to play a prank on me and Kobe
Kobe: it wasn't funny ethither
Derek: come on it was a little funny
You:if you say so

After you said that you get a text from Aya.

~Aya text~
Aya:can you come upstairs please
You:I'm coming
~end of text~

You walk upstairs to Ayas room and sit on her bed.

You:so what did you want to talk about
Aya: I was coming see where you were and I heard you and Kobe talking. I seen y'all kiss, what's going on between you two
You:hold on

You call Kobe to come to Ayas room. He walked in and sat by me.

Kobe: what y'all want
You:Aya knows
Kobe: What, how did you tell her
You:No she seen and heard
Kobe:Aya, this can't get out
Aya:ok, but what's going on between you two
You: kobe wants me to be with him but I'm with Derek.
You: Promise me this doesn't get out. We'll know who it was if it does get out.
Aya: I promise.

Kobe walked out so it was just you and Aya.

You: idk what I'ma do
Aya: you love both of them
You: yea, I do
Aya: well date kobe secretly
You: he said that too. That's a little risky.
Aya:idk, I promise i won't tell anyone

Aya called kobe back upstairs. He looked kinda annoyed.

Aya:Ask him
You: if you really love me i guess we can date secretly.
Kobe:you for real
You: yea but you have to drop all your hoes
Kobe: who said I had hoes
You and Aya: we know you have hoes

He walked to you and picked you up then gave you a kiss.

Aya:y'all so cute
You: really
Aya:yea both of your relationships are cute
You:I love a supportive bestfriend. That's why your my ride or die
Kobe: so how is this going to work
You: we just have to keep everything we do a secret

We all walked downstairs but everyone was in the game room. You walk in the room.

You: Babe

Kobe and Derek looked🤦🏽‍♀️. Kobe hurry and looked away.

Derek: yea
You: Are you going to coming upstairs with me

He got up and we walked to our room. Derek threw his self on the bed.

Derek:I'm going take a shower

He grabbed his clothes and got in the shower. You walk in the bathroom.

Derek: what are you doing
You: Getting in the shower

You get in the shower with Derek. After a hour y'all were done taking a shower. You both hopped in the bed.

Derek:I'm tired
You: same

He wraps his arms around you and y'all cuddle.

Derek: Goodnight, mamas

~The next day~

I woke up around 12:00pm and did my morning routine. Then walked downstairs.
Kobe and Derek were in the kitchen.

You: Good morning (you say with excitement)
Derek: Some one is happier than usual
You: I just woke up with a lot of energy.
Kobe: When do you not
Derek: Fr
You: y'all want to go swimming
Kobe and Derek:sure

You walk upstairs to change into a swimsuit.  Then walk to the backyard. Derek and Kobe was staring at you. You jump in the pool and splash the both of them.

Derek:I love you
You:Iove you too
Kobe: What about me
Derek:I love you to Daddy

We all start laughing. Y'all swim for a bit longer then get out. You go upstairs and derek follows. You get in the shower. After your shower you go in the room with the towel wrapped around your body because you Forgot your towel.

Derek: Damn, mamas
You: thanks for the compliment

He got up and walk over to you. He tried to take your towel off.

You:I'm not in the mood
Derek: come on ( he said pouting)
You:no, maybe later

You finish getting dressed and he hopped in the shower. He dressed and left out of the room. You walk downstairs and seen Kobe but not Derek.

You: where's Derek
Kobe: He just left why
You: I justed asked because he didn't tell me where he was going

You sit on the side of Kobe he had his arm around your neck. Then everyone walked downstairs.

V.k: Hey y'all

Kobe moved his arm from around your neck.

Mike: Where's Derek
You:idk he just left he didn't tell anyone where he was going

~Dereks pov~

After I finished my shower I left. I was driving around when one of my ex's call me.

Derek: hello
Nia: hey, I heard you moved out here
Nia: wanna come by my house
Derek: Ok, send me the address
Nia: alright bye

(Dereks thoughts: I Shouldn't be doing this to y/N but she won't know.)

Nia sent me the address and I drive to her house. When I get there I knock on the door

Nia: heyy (she said as hugging Derek)
Derek: Sup

I walked in and she started kissing all over me and giving me Hickes. I picked her up and we went to her room.

~End of pov~

It's been a hour since Derek been gone.

You: Dereks still not back
Aya: that's weird
You:I'm check his location

You check his location.

You: he's at this address (Nia's address)
Aya: where is that
You: idk but we should go check

You and Aya get up to walk to the door.

Kobe: I'm coming just in case
You & Aya: ok

We all get in my car and drive to the address. After 30 minutes we get to a house and see Derek's car in the driveway. Y'all get down and knock on the door but no one answered. Then you open the door cause it was unlocked. You hear moaning from upstairs. So you walk up there and open the door. You see Derek on top of some girl.

You: Really (you start crying)
Derek: wait-

You run back to the car and start cry. Aya and Kobe was still in the house.

Aya: how could you do this to her again ( she screamed)

Then she walked out and went to the car. Kobe just looked and shook his head.

Nia: who was that
Derek: my girlfriend
Nia: Not any more
Derek: Shut up ( he yelled and walked out her room)

Derek was walking out the house and to your car. Before he could get to the car we drive off.

To be continued........

Read my other book

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