Part 29

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It's 12pm and Derek is already up.

Derek: Morning
Derek: Want to go chill downstairs
You: Sure

We were walking downstairs and everyone was in the living room even Aya and Laura.

You: What are y'all doing here?
Aya: I've came to apologize
You: Who let her in?
Aya: Vallyk. Can I apologize now
You: Go head
Aya: I'm sorry for not hanging out with you. I'm sorry for talking about Bella. I'm the one that's jealous ok. I love you, All of you. I love Bella and can't wait until she's born. Please forgive me
You: I forgive you.
Aya: yay, thank you
Mike: Can I say something
You: Yea
Mike: Laura do you want to go out?
Laura: Yes

Laura ran to Mike and they kissed. You went to sit down but something was running down your leg.

Aya: Did your water break
You: Yes (you were freaking out)
Derek: what are we going to do

He was pacing the floor.

Ballo: Let's get her in the car

They carried you to the car and we drove to the hospital.

Derek: My girlfriend is going into labor.
Nurse: come over here

We went into a room and the Doctor came in. Everyone walked out but Derek

Doctor: When is she supposed to have the baby
Derek: not for another 4 months
Doctor: ok, your going to have to push
You: Ok ok ( you say in pain)

You push and scream in pain.

Doctor: ok, one more time

You grab Dereks hand as you push. The doctor had Bella in her hands.

You: Is she Ok, why isn't she crying
Doctor: I'm Sorry. She was born to early. She didn't make it
You: No, she has to be alive
Doctor: I'm sorry
You: Can I hold her

The doctor handed Bella to you. She wasn't breathing, her eyes were closed and she was cold.

You: I love you, Bella. I wish you can be here to meet your family.
(You were crying and held her closer to you.)

Derek went get the others. They walked in the room

Derek: Can I hold her

You hand Derek Bella.

Derek: I wish you were here. I wanted you to be here. We all wanted you to be here. I love you Bella. ( He was crying)

Soon the Doctors came back in and took Bella.

You: No, Please. Why

Everyone was crying. You sit in the bed and cry. Derek came and hugged you. He was doing the same.

Derek: I miss Bella
Kobe: Even tho she wasn't born, she was apart of the family
You: Why, Why. Why did you have to go Bella.

After a hour you fall asleep and the doctors came in.

Doctor: Ms. L/N
You: Yes
Doctor: You will be able to go home tomorrow
You: Ok ( you started crying again.)

The doctor walked out. Derek was sitting on the side of you. He was holding your hand.

Derek: I'm sorry, mamas
You: I just wish she could be in my hands right now
Derek: me too

Everyone left but Derek. He laid on the side of you.

You: I love you
Derek: love you too

You didn't go to sleep right away. After 20 minutes of crying you fall asleep.

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