Part 45

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Y/n woke up with her wrist in pain. She walked to the bathroom and took a pain pill. While she was in the bathroom Kobe was in the kitchen with Laura.

Laura: Do you want to cook the pancakes?
Kobe: yea

He walked to the stove and pored the badder in the pot. Laura was getting the fruits out the fridge.

Laura: Do you like strawberries?
Kobe: I guess
Laura: Well there my favorite fruit
Kobe: ok
Laura: My favorite color is purple
Kobe: Why are you being so weird
Laura: I'm not

She walked closer to him.

Kobe: Back up
Laura: Am I to close
Kobe: Yea now move

Laura moved her hand up his chest but kobe moved it

Kobe: Laura I don't know what your doing but stop ( he pushed her away)

He walked upstairs to y/n's room. Knocked and walked in sitting on the bed. Y/n walked out the bathroom with a towel around her.

You: I didn't know you were in here
Kobe: Cause I just got in here and we need to talk
You: ok

She grabbed some clothes and walked back into the bathroom to get dressed then sat on the bed next to kobe.

You: ok, what do you want to talk about
Kobe: Laura us acting really weird
You: Weird how
Kobe: We were cooking breakfast and she kept asking me all kinds of questions and just telling me her favorite things. Then she touched all on my chest. I don't know if she likes me all of a sudden but I don't.
You: That's not like Laura at all
Kobe: it isn't so you should go talk to her
You: Yea, sorry she made you uncomfortable
Kobe: it's good

Y/n walked to the kitchen where Laura was eating some strawberries.

You: morning
Laura: hi ( she said in excitement)
You: you seem excited today
Laura: I am
You: why
Laura: cause someone likes me
You: Who
Laura: I'm not telling you
You: but Im your best friend
Laura: still
You: Come on, Please
Laura: Ok don't tell anyone
You: I won't
Laura: I think Kobe likes me
You: really, are you sure you don't like him
Laura: ok I like him. He's so fine
You: Yea
Laura: Do you like him
You: I love him with all my heart but I'm not ready for another relationship right now
Laura: I understand that
You: I'm going upstairs
Laura: ok

Y/n walked back to her room and Kobe was sitting on the bed.

Kobe: What did she say
You: She likes you
Kobe: What? I don't
You: I Know but I didn't tell her that. Your going to have to tell her

Kobe got up and walked out of y/n's room and in the kitchen where Laura was.

Laura: hey kobe
Kobe: I'm sorry Laura but I don't like you
Laura: Huh?
Kobe: I don't like you
Laura: Just give me a chance
Kobe: No, I'm in love with someone else

Y/n walked down the stairs quietly and listened.

Laura: Who
Kobe: I'm in love with Y/n. I been in love with her since day one, the day I met her. When I figured out her and Derek was together I knew I would never have a chance with her. Y/n is a beautiful girl and I want her to be mine. When y/n and Derek had got back together I was depressed. She's the sun to my sky. With out her I'm nothing or that's how I feel. I can move on because my heart won't let me. I love y/n and I wish she would know that.

Y/n ran to kobe and gave him a big hug. She was crying.

You: All of what you just said is true
Kobe: Yes why wouldn't it
You: I love you too. And right now I'm trusting you not to break my heart
Kobe: Your saying yes
You: I am

Y/n and Kobe kissed and hugged for a long time.

Laura: Y'all so cute
You: I know
Laura: Don't break my bestie heart
Kobe: I won't, I worked to hard to get it

Y/n just laughed then the others walked down.

Aya: morning
You: more like afternoon
Ballo: for real
Aya: so what y'all doing
Kobe: nun, just chilling
Mike: I have something to tell everyone

Everyone looked very confused.

Mike: Me and Vallyk are moving out and going back to New Jersey
You: Why
Vallyk: Because we got modeling offer
You: That's great I'm happy for y'all. When are y'all leaving?
Mike: Probably tomorrow
You: ok. Y'all want to go watch a movie
Everyone: yea

We all walk to the movie room.

You: What do y'all want to watch
Aya: let's watch True or Dare
You: ok

Y/n put the movie on and everyone watched. After almost a  2 hours the movie was over.

Aya: That was a good movie
You: yea besides the part where You were screaming.
Aya: it was scary
You: yea, whatever.

Y/n and Kobe walked to her room and sat on the bed. She went into the bathroom and changed into something more comfortable. Kobe took a shower and layed down.

Kobe: I'm so glad your mine again
You: me to
Kobe: I love you
You: I love you too, bub

They both drifted off to sleep


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