Part 35

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(Your thoughts: therapy? I don't need that nothing wrong with me.)

You: Therapy?
Derek: yes your anger is starting to get bad
You: No, I was just aggravated
Derek: you just got mad and screamed at me for nothing
You:I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ( you started to feel bad)
Derek: it's ok but I think you still need therapy
You: But, what if it changes me
Derek: It won't, it's going to help you
You: I guess I'll go
Derek: I'll make you a appointment for tommorow
You: ok

It was around 9:30pm so you lay down in the bed. Derek came on and layed on the side of you and wrapped his arms around you.

Derek: good night
You:good night

~The next day~

Derek woke you up and y'all got ready. Therapy was at 10am. You finished getting dressed and walk downstairs. Aya and vallyk was down there.

Aya: where you going, Bestie
You: therapy
Vallyk: why
You:Derek thinks I need it because of my anger
Them: oh

Derek walked down and we left. We arrived after 20mins. Y'all walk in the waiting area and sit down. Your leg was shaking

Derek: it's ok ( he whispered and put his hand on your leg)

You shook your head ok. Then we were called to the back. We walked into the room and the therapist came in.

Therapist: hi, I'm Marry. How are y'all
Derek: good
Therapist: ok, so miss y/n your having some anger issues I see

You didn't say anything just looked at Derek.

Derek: yea, she's a little nervous
Therapist: What's been going on
Derek: she gets mad at little things and after a little while she apologizes.
Therapist: ok, I will prescribe her some medicine for that.
Derek: And what will it do?
Therapist: it'll keep her calm
Therapist:  She can start taking them today. If theirs anything else just call

You both get up and walk to the car and get in.

Derek: why didn't you talk
You: because I was nervous

He didn't respond he continued to drive and we got to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine and went back home.

~At home~

You grab the medicine take one and walk upstairs and put in on the dresser then walk back down. Everyone was in the kitchen.

Aya:hey, how did it go
You: I have to take some medicine daily
Ballo: y'all hungry
Everyone: yea
Ballo:well im going cook some pasta
Aya: that's about to be nasty
Ballo: shut up

Everyone went chill in the living room but you.

You: Ballo can I help you make the pasta
Ballo:yea sure

He gets the things out of the pantry and refrigerator. Then puts it in the pot. You stir the pot and he start boiling water for the pasta.

You:I'm coming back

You start walking to the living room and get a little dizzy. You sit on the side of Aya.

You:the pasta isn't going to be nasty because I'm helping him make it
Aya:ok good
You: coming

You got up to walk to the kitchen but you fall and pass out.


Derek went by you and felt that she was hot. He picked you up and put you on the sofa.

Derek: should we bring her to the hospital

Ballo turned the stove off and Derek picked you up and brought you to the car.

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