Part 36

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You wake up around 12pm. Derek was still sleeping so you decided to get up and get dressed. Your outfit ⬇️

After getting dressed you walk down stairs and see Kobe and the others

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After getting dressed you walk down stairs and see Kobe and the others.

Aya: Love the outfit
You: thank you
Laura: So what we doing today
Ballo: nun much
You: I'm tired of staying in the house
Aya: same
You: we should go on a group trip
Laura: that sounds fun

While Laura was saying that Derek was walking down stairs.

Derek: what sounds fun?
You: A group trip
Derek: it does sound fun
Kobe: ok, so who all wants to go
Ballo: me
You: me
Laura: me

Everyone say me except Mike and Vallyk.

You: Y'all don't want to come?
Vallyk: me and Mike were going back to NJ to visit family.
You: ok
Mike: Laura your coming with us
Laura: What no. I want to go with the others
Mike: I said your coming with us
Laura: no I'm not, I don't have to listen to everything you say. I'm going with Y/n and the others.
Mike: What Did I Say! ( He said loud)
Laura: Go suck a dick
You: oop
Ballo: be quite y/n
Mike: me and Vallyk leaving today

Mike was mad at Laura. Vallyk and Mike walked upstairs and grabbed their bags.

Laura: how long are y'all staying in NJ ( she asked Mike)
Mike: you don't need to know because you don't want to come.
Vallyk: Chill bro, were going stay for a few days
Laura: oh. See that's all you had to say MIKE
You: So I was thinking we go to Florida
Everyone: yea
Ballo: so when we leaving
Derek: We can leave tomorrow
You: that sounds good

Everyone walked to their room to pack.

~In You and Dereks room~

You: what should I pack?
Derek: Clothes
You: ok ass

He started laughing

You: when are you going to start packing
Derek: A little later

There was a knock at our door.

You: Come in

Vallyk and Mike walked in.

Mike: were leaving just wanted to say bye
You: Bye y'all
Derek: Bye

They walked out and closed the door.

~end of pov~

Both of them walked down stairs to tell the others bye.

Vallyk: Bye, everyone see y'all in a few days
Everyone: bye
Laura: bye, baby

Mike didn't respond he continued to walk out the door. You and Derek walk down to meet the others.

You: I'm going get something to eat, who coming
Laura&Aya: me
You: coming on, hoes

You and the girls walked to the car. You in the driver's seat. Aya in the passenger seat. Laura in the back. We drive to Burger king ( or where ever you want). We order and drive back home.

~At home~

Me and the girls get down and walk in the house. The boys were in the game room yelling

Kobe: Your fucking ass
Ballo: ik you not talking
Derek: Everyone knows I'm winning
Kobe & Ballo: stfu

Then you and the girls walk in the room

You: What are y'all scream for?
Kobe: Them two are ass
Ballo: your ass
You: Anyways y'all food in the kitchen

You walk out and you and the girls go in your room.

You: What part of Florida y'all want to go to
Aya: Miami
Laura: Everyone goes there
You: right, I was thinking about Orlando
Aya: We could go to Disney World
Laura: yess
You: ok I'm going to book a hotel for a week.

You book everything and y'all continue to talk.

Aya: What's something y'all wanted to do but never did
Laura: Kiss a girl or date one
You: um idk
Aya: What's stopping you?
Laura: Well mike is but I almost dated a girl
You: Story time
Laura: Ok so I was on IG and I got a dm from a girl and she was asked if we could like meet up. So we meet up and we start getting really close. One day I was at her house and she asked me out and I said no because I didn't want my family to judge me.
Aya: What's her name?
Laura: Lea
You: It doesn't matter what they thought as long as you were happy.
Aya: So was she mad
Laura: No she understood
You: Well that's Good. I don't judge people on who they like. So if you like girls and boys go for it. I will always be your friend Laura
Aya: Right same here
Laura: Thank you both. Y'all are so supportive and the best friends I could ask for.

Y'all hug and continue to talk. Soon the boys came in the room and we were all talking. Slowly everyone went to sleep.

 Slowly everyone went to sleep

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