Part 52

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Days passed and It was the day of the baby shower. Y/n got up and got ready for the day. Derek was laying in bed still sleep but you go wake him up.

You: Get up ( you said excited and shaking him)
Derek: ok ok

Y/n went downstairs and surprising everyone was up and in the kitchen.

Everyone: Hey y/n
You: hi y'all
Laura: The plan for today is You and the boys are going to do whatever you want while me and Aya set up. By the time y'all get back everyone should be here.
You: ok fine with me. Boys you have to listen to me all day
Them: Yes ma'am

Derek walked downstairs then
y/n and all the boys left. Kobe drove, y/n in the passenger seat and the boys in the back.

Kobe: Where to
You: let's go to Chipotle

He drives to chipotle and everyone gets down. We order and sit down.

You: How are you liking it out here ( she said to Jai)
Jai:It's cool
You: that's good you like it
Ballo: Who's the most chill
You: All of you
Ballo: That is a lie
You: Ok it's You and Kobe
Angel: What about me
You: Sometimes
Angel: I'll take that

The food soon came and they all ate. After everyone was done they left. It was 12pm and y/n didn't know what else to do so she wanted to go back home.

You: can we go back home now
Kobe: Ok

He drove back to the house. Everyone got down and walked into the house.

Everyone: Surprise
You: Omg are y'all trying to give me a heart attack
Aya: No

There was a good bit of people here.

Lucci: Heyy
You: I don't think you would come
Lucci: Ofc I would bestie
You: Well Thanks for coming
Lucci: no problem. This is my friend Sharan
You: Hi Sharan I'm y/n nice to meet you
Sharan: Hey and congratulations
You: Thank you. Well I need to go talk to Laura
Them: ok

Y/n walked to Laura

You: Hey are my parents coming?
Laura: no they couldn't get a plane but their going to facetime you before we do the gender reveal
You: ok, that's cool

She walked away and y/n was going sit down before Vallyk and Mike walked up to her.

Them: Congrats
You: Thanks didn't know y'all were coming
Vallyk: We wouldn't miss it
Mike: I asked Laura earlier who the twins were for because I couldn't find you and she said Kobe
Vallyk: But Aya said your with Derek
Mike & Vallyk: We're confused
You: I see I have some explaining to do but I need to sit down.

They sit down and y/n starts to explain.

You: After y'all left, me and Derek were still together ok. I broke up with him when I caught him cheating on me with Lucci (she pointed to her). I told him we were done but I didn't know the whole story. Lucci came explain to me that Derek said Me and him weren't together anymore. Once she explained I forgave her and now we're friends. Then I got with Kobe and was dating him for a few months and in those months I got pregnant.
Mike: Ok, why aren't you with Kobe
You: When I told him I was pregnant he said that he wasn't ready to be a dad and stuff like that. I was really confused because we literally stay in the same house so I asked him and he said he might have to move. I got mad and he left the house for a day or so. I thought he just walked out on me so I got back with Derek. Kobe came back and we talked it out. We are cool now. Derek proposed.
Vallyk: Really? ( He looked shocked)
You: yes but don't get your hopes up
Mike: Why
You: I think he's cheating. The other day he wasn't in bed but I thought he was downstairs. When I went downstairs he wasn't there but I didn't trip. Later on me and Kobe went food and he walked downstairs. I asked him where he was he said gettin' donuts. I just say ok and everyone else came down. Someone had asked me why we went get food with out them and I said y'all had donuts. I figured out they didn't have donuts. So I asked Derek where he was and said his friend.
Vallyk: You should wait to see
You: Yea I am
Mike: Why is Jai and Angel here
You: Angel and Jai leave here
Vallyk: What?
You: Yea they took your old rooms
Mike: I'm just noticing that's Kobe and Derek were basically switching room
You: basically
Vallyk: Y'all got some stuff going on
You: We really do

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