Part 37

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The Trip Day 1

Everyone gets up at 6am to catch our flight for 7am. We make sure we grab everything and call a cab. We make it to the airport around 6:40 am, enough time to sit and get some coffee. Everyone gets coffee and sits down.

Intercom: Flight for Orlando, FL boarding now.
You: That's us

We all get up and sit in our seats. Everyone was separate. You were sitting by a old lady and man. Derek was sitting by a couple. Laura was in the middle of two men. Aya was by a little boy and his mom. Kobe was by two kids. Ballo was by two girls

Old lady: Your a pretty young lady
You: thank you, you don't look to bad yourself
Old lady: Someone thinks I'm young
You: you don't look to old
Old lady: I'm 79
You: wow you look good for 79. I would of said 50
Old lady: thanks for the compliment
You: of course

The plane took off and you fall asleep. After hours on the plane y'all land. It was around 5pm. We call a cab and go to our hotel.

~At the hotel~

We were on the 4th floor. Our room numbers were 432 and 433. The girls were in one room and the boys in another.

~The girls room~

Laura: our room is nice
You: ik
Aya: I'm sleeping with y/n
Laura: yay I get a bed to myself
You: They have a sofa bed too
Aya: no, I'm not sleeping on that. I'm sleeping with you.
You: ok

~The boys room~

Kobe: I got this bed ( he sat on the first bed)
Ballo: this one mine ( he sat on the second bed)
Derek: what about me
Kobe: I think they have a sofa bed

Derek just rolled his eyes and put his bags down. He walked to the bathroom.

Derek: This bathroom hella big

Kobe and Ballo walk by derek

Ballo: Damn look at that shower
Kobe: y'all acting like y'all never seen a big bathroom before
Derek: ik but I didn't expect this
Ballo: right

~end of pov~

The boys walked to the girls room.

Kobe: y'all room nice too
Laura: right
Ballo: So who's sleeping where
You: Me and Aya in one and Laura gets the other one
Derek: Must be nice
Aya: How about yall
Derek: Kobe and Ballo get the beds and I sleep on the sofa bed
You: Aw it's ok
Derek: Says the person that's sleeping in a bed
Laura: Those sofa beds be comfortable tho
Derek: Really?
Laura: yea

By the time everyone finished unpacking and  talking it was 7pm. The boys left to get something to eat while the girls stay in their room.

Aya: I'm going take a shower
You: ok, I'll go in the boys room
Laura: I'll just chill and wait

You walk to the boys bathroom and get in the shower. After a hour you were done. You step out the shower and see the bathroom door open. It was Kobe

You: omg get out
Kobe: sorry didn't know you were in here ( he said nervously and walked out)
Ballo: who were you talking to
Kobe: y/N, she's taking a shower in there. I didn't know

Derek just looked but didn't trip about it. You walked out with your dirty clothes in your hand.

Kobe: I'm sorry y/n, I didn't know you were in there
You: it's fine you couldn't see anything any way it was to steamy
Derek: We brought y'all some food.
You: thanks

You grab the food and walk to your room .

You: I got our food
Laura: yay

We sit on the sofa and talk.

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