Part 25

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(Readers Note:Ballo was going to stay but went home)

You wake up with Dereks arms wrapped around you.

Derek: Stop moving
You: I'm trying to get up
Derek: I never get to sleep
You: How, I'm not stopping you from sleeping
Derek: But I like sleeping with you
You: Ok, I'll stay in bed for 10 more minutes and that's all
Derek: Yay

You lay back down and get on your phone. Then Aya texted you.


Aya: You up??
You: yea
Aya: We should go see Mum today.
You: ok, I'm getting up

(Ayas mom is like a mom to you so you call her Mum.)

You: Baby, I have to get up me and Aya going see Mum.
Derek: ok

He let you go and you get dressed putting you hair in a messy bun. You walk back into the room and give Derek a kiss.

You: Bye

Y'all leave in your car. We knocked on the door and Mum  opened it

Mum: Aww, my babies
You and Aya: Hey
Mum: Come in

We walk in and sit down. Y'all talk a few and relax.

Mum: Y'all want some cookies
Aya and You: Yes

We help Mum make cookies and sit down and eat them with some milk.

Mum: Y'all can take the rest with y'all
You: Thanks
Mum: I'm glad y'all visited, I'ma miss y'all
You and Aya: Us too
Aya: bye, love you
You: Bye, love you
Mum: love y'all too

Y'all head back the house. Aya puts some music on and we sing the rest of the way home.  After 10 minutes y'all get back. You grab the cookies and walk into the house.

Derek: Your Back😁
You: I wasn't even gone that long
Derek: y'all got cookies
You: We got them from Mum
V.k: those are the best
Derek: Fr
Aya: Don't eat them all
The boys: ok

While they eat cookies You and Aya sit on the sofa. Then everyone gets a notification from IG. Manolo was having a party.

You: Y'all want to go to Manolo's party.

The party starts around 9:00pm it's 8:00pm so you go upstairs to get dressed.

Ayas outfit ⬇️

Your Outfit ⬇️

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Your Outfit ⬇️

You and Aya walk downstairs

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You and Aya walk downstairs.

Derek: Dayyyyumm, Mamas looking HELLA FINE😩
You: Aww, that you Babe

Yall leave and head to the party. When y'all get there it smelled like Alcohol. The music was loud and the lights were flashing.

Aya: We stay together, ok
You: Yes, ok
V.k:Me and the boys will stay with each other
The boys: Ok

We walk around talking to people and then someone walked up to you and Aya.

Boy: Hey, y'all enjoying the party
You: Yea, it's lit
Aya: Yea
Boy: I'm Manolo
You:ok, see ya later

You and Aya walk away and sit down.

Aya: I need to pee
You: ok let's go

We were a little lost but found out way. Aya walked in the bathroom and you wait outside the door. You hear moaning from the room across the hall but you ignore it. Aya walked out the bathroom and a boy and girl walked out the room from across the hall. You over hear the boy say " don't tell anyone about this"... Y'all walk to the Kitchen and hear someone calling your name.

??: Y/N, Y/N
You: What?

They walked closer to you and see it's Vallyk

You: What's wrong
V.k: I can't find Derek and Kobe
You: What, you said y'all was going to stay together
V.k: We were but then they disappeared.
Aya: well we have to find them.
V.k: Me and Aya will look in the house.
You: I'll look outside

You walk outside and look for them. Then you see a boy with curly hair. It was Derek. You run to him.

Derek: What's wrong
You: Vallyk said he couldn't find you and Kobe so I started freaking out.
Derek: It's ok, idk where Kobe is tho
You: Let's go look in the house with Aya and Vallyk

Y'all walk in the house and looked around. You meet up with Vallyk and Aya.

Aya:. Did you find them
You: I found Derek but not Kobe
V.k: Damnit, Where's Mike
Everyone: Idk
You: So, we lost two people 🤦🏽‍♀️
Derek: Call their phone
V.k: Right

Derek calls Kobe and Vallyk calls Mike.

Derek: no answer
V.k:me ethier
You: idk where they would be
Aya:What do y'all want to do
Derek:let's check outside and the house again

You and Derek look outside, while Aya and V.k look in the house. You were walking and see someone passed out on a chair.

You: look it's Kobe
Derek: that boy is Drunk

You tap Kobe on his shoulder but he didn't wake up, So you shake him.

Kobe: huh
You: come on were leaving
Derek: What
You:He can't even talk

So, you and Derek put Kobe in y'all shoulder's and put him in the car. We walk back in the house and see Vallyk and Aya with Mike

Aya: Y'all found Kobe
Derek: he's in the car
You: Alright, let's go

They put Mike in the car and we drive home. Once y'all get there, y'all bring Mike and Kobe to their room. You and Derek go to y'all's room. Derek got in the shower and you decide to hop in.

Derek: hey, babe
You: hey
Derek: had fun
You: yea except when we had to go look for the boys.
Derek: Right.

He steps out and you do the same. Y'all get dressed and lay down.

You: My head is hurting
Derek: Aww, my baby don't feel good
You: no
Derek: Come here ( he said in a baby voice)

He pulls you closer to him and you put your head on his chest. Then he kissed your forehead.

You: your so caring
Derek: For, you mamas
You: I love you
Derek: love you too

You soon fall asleep and Derek does the same.

Sorry for not updating. I've been reading other stories and Forgot.

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