Part 42

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Once the morning hit Y/n got up and did her morning routine. There was a knock at the room door. She opened it and it was Kobe.

You: Morning
Kobe: Morning, wyd
You: I was getting dressed, why
Kobe: oh well I'm board can I come in
You: Derek's in here
Kobe: ok I'll talk to you when you come downstairs
You: ok

Y/n continued to get dressed. She put on some black sweats and a hoodie. You walk downstairs and see Kobe sitting on the sofa.

You: Kobe
Kobe: oh your done
You: yea

Y/n sat on the side of Kobe and they talked.

Kobe: what are we doing today?
You: I wanna go to the movies
Kobe: everyone
You: yea, I'ma go ask everyone if they want to go

Y/n got up and walked to laura's room.

You: Laura you up
Laura: yes
You: Get ready we going to the movies
Laura: ok

Y/n went wake everyone up then walked to her room.

You: Babe
Derek: huh
You: get up were going to the movies
Derek: I don't feel good
You: what's wrong
Derek: my head and stomach hurts
You: aww

You lay on the side of him.

You: it's alright, I'll tell everyone were not going anymore
Derek: no, y'all can go
You: but your sick
Derek: it's ok I'll be fine
You: ok

Y/n gave Derek a kiss on the cheek and left out the room. She walked downstairs and everyone was ready.

You: Derek's not coming so I guess we can go
Ballo: why he ain't coming
You: he doesn't feel good
Ballo: ok

We walk out and head to the movies.

~Dereks pov~

Once I heard the front door close I get up and put on some sweats on. Do my morning routine and call Luci.

~the call~

Luci: hello
Derek: hey, wyd
Luci: nun much
Derek: you wanna come over and chill
Luci: yea send me the address
Derek: ok, love you
Luci: love you too

~End if call~

After I finish the call I send her the address. I go down stairs and wait for her to get here. Then I hear a knock at the door, I open it and it was Luci.

Derek: hey ( he said then gave her a kiss)
Luci: hey, nice house
Derek: Me and my friends live here
Luci: ok

They walk to the sofa and sit down.

Derek: wanna watch a movie
Luci: yea
Derek: Want me to pick
Luci: Yea it doesn't matter

Derek picked a movie and they shared a blanket and cuddled.
While the others were leaving out the movie theater.

You: I can't believe they didn't have any seats
Aya: That's bullshit
Laura: I was so ready to watch that movie
You: Since it's still early You and Aya can go get the tattoos. ( She said to Aya and Laura)
Them: ok

Everyone gets in the car and they go to the same place y/n went to. Hours later they were done

You: There so pretty
Laura: Yesss I love it
Aya: Hope my mom won't get made
You: Your grown, you can do whatever
Aya: You right

Everyone got back in the car and Drive home. They put the music blasting untill they reach the driveway. Once they pull up Y/n noticed a car in the driveway.

You: Who's car
Ballo: Idk

Once the car was parked everyone got down and walked into the house. When they enter the house y/n seen Derek cuddling with another girl.

Derek: huh, oh shit
Derek: Baby

At this point Luci was up. You stomp upstairs and go to your room.

Luci: Who was that?
Aya: His Girlfriend ( she said putting her hair up)
Luci: GIRLFRIEND? DEREK YOU TOLD ME Y'ALL WASN'T TOGETHER ANYMORE!! ( She slapped him across the face)

Derek didn't say anything he just looked around.

Laura: Hold on, let me get this straight. So Derek told you he wasn't dating Y/n anymore
Luci: Yea, I asked him about some pictures they had and he said they weren't together
Aya: That's messed up Derek
Luci: I'm really Sorry I came here. I didn't know they were still together
Laura: It's ok but you might want to go talk to y/n
Luci: You think she'll listen
Aya: you can try

Luci got up, walked to Y/n's door and knocked.

You: Leave me alone
Luci: Can I talk to you
You: Why would I want to talk to the girl my boyfriend cheated on me with.
Luci: That's what I have to explain, please open the door

Y/n opened the door and let Luci in.

You: Talk
Luci: So, when Derek hit me up on ig he was asking if I wanted to date. I say yes but I seen recent pictures of y'all so I asked him if y'all were together and he said no. I'm sorry this happened
You: Wow ( you say putting your head in your lap crying)

Luci felt bad so she hugged y/n and gave her a little motivation.

Luci: It's ok you don't have to cry over him. He just lost a very beautiful girl. You are to pretty to cry. I hope you feel better
You: Thank you
Luci: Your welcome
You: You seem like a nice person
Luci: I really am when you get to know me
You: Maybe we can be friends
Luci: I'll love that

Luci gave Y/n her number and walked downstairs.

Kobe: Did she listen
Luci: Yea and she wants us to be friends
Aya: That's good because I was about to fight you
Luci: Ik, Well I should be leaving. Bye
Everyone but Derek: bye

She walked out the door and drove off. Everyone downstairs just looked at Derek shook their head and went their separate ways. Aya, Kobe, and Laura went to Y/n's room. Kobe knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

You: Who is it ( her voice cracked)
Kobe: It's me

She got up and immediately hugged Kobe. They all sat on the bed

You: I Hate him ( she said crying into Kobe's shoulder)
Kobe: I know you do, giggles ( he said rubbing her back)
Laura: Who's giggles
Kobe: It's a nickname I gave her
Laura: I
You: Bub?
Kobe: Yes
You: I love you ( she said hugging him tighter)
Kobe: I love you too and always will. ( He said hugging her back)
Laura & Aya: awww

 ( He said hugging her back)Laura & Aya: awww

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This is Luci^^


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